== FLEXPART Developer Workshop February 2012 == Place: ZAMG, Vienna, Austria Time: 8-10 February 2012 Attendance: - G. Wotawa (GW; ZAMG, Chair) - P. Seibert (PS; BOKU) - A. Stohl (AS; NILU) - Harald Sodemann (HS; ETH Zurich) - Stephan Henne (SH; EMPA) - S. Eckhardt (SE; NILU) - Massimo Cassiani (MC; NILU) - Ignacio Pisso (IP; JAMSTEC) - Jiye Zeng (JZ; NIES) - P. Skomorowski (PS; ZAMG), - Helfried Scheifinger (HS; ZAMG) Topics discussed: 1. Coding and performance issues 2. Discussion block 2: Model physics and simulated processes 3. Usability and operability Outcome: The most important outcome is the flexpart.eu site with trac and SVN. Other outcomes (tasks) appear as tickets on flexpart.eu if not already implemented.