
Version 20 (modified by leohaim, 11 years ago) (diff)


List of FLEXPART Developers

Name Affiliation Contribution Trac ID
Andreas Stohl Norwegian Institute for Air Research Main developer of FLEXPART ansto
Petra Seibert home page Univ. of Vienna, Dept. of Meteorology & Geophsics, Austria (previous affiliation: BOKU, Institute of Meteorology) Contribution to turbulence and wet deposition, basic concept and part of implementation of convection, backward mode (with Andreas Frank), MM5 version (with P. Skomorowski) pesei
Gerhard Wotawa Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Austria Operational implementation for nuclear and volcanic ash transport applications, versions for MM5 and WRF gewot
Jerome Brioude CIRES/CU, Boulder, USA; WRF version, code parallelization jebri
Delia Arnold Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Austria (previous affiliations: BOKU, Institute of Meteorology INTE , Institute of Energy Technologies) Operational implementation for nuclear and volcanic ash transport applications, versions MM5 and WRF, application to tracer studies dearn
Paul SkomorowskiCentral Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Austria Maintainance and development of the Austrian Emergency Response System TAMOS and ZAMG implementation of the CTBTO-WMO atmospheric backtracking response system; MM5-Version (with P. Seibert) pasko
Harald SodemannInstitute for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, ETH Zürich, Switzerland GRIB_API implementation, namelist input, parallelisation issues hasod
Sabine Eckhardt Norwegian Institute for Air Research Deposition/output optimization/ECMWF-GFS branching/dynamic allocation saeck
John F Burkhart University of Oslo Plotting / pflexible / NetCDF output and handling jobur
Ignacio Pisso Norwegian Institute for Air Research igpis
Massimo Cassiani Norwegian Institute for Air Research macas
Anne Philipp home page Univ. of Vienna, Dept. of Meteorology & Geophsics, Austria testing environment / deposition / adaption of FLEXPART co-ordinate system for ECWMF anphi
Stephan Henne Empa, Laboratory for Air Pollution / Environmental Technology, Switzerland code parallelisation/NetCDF output sthen
Leo Haimberger Univ. of Vienna, Dept. of Meteorology & Geophysics, Austria ECMWF retrieval scripts leohaim
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