Custom Query (16 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#11 readpartpositions.f90 seems to have a flawed value check ignacio Defect minor FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 9.0.2
#24 Namelist option for input files ignacio Enhancement major FP coding/compilation none
#40 netCDF output hasod New feature major FP post-processing
#41 header file in ASCII ignacio Enhancement major FP coding/compilation
#45 Consolidation of various code changes ignacio Task major FP coding/compilation
#55 Particles over highest model level hasod Defect major FP physics/numerics none
#57 Wrong version strings in header and header_nest files anphi Defect minor FP other FLEXPART 9.0
#61 Wrong physical half-life of Xe-133 - SPECIES_021 saeck Defect minor FP input data FLEXPART 9.0.2
#117 Output unit of backward simulation for stratospheric ozone tracking jbrioude Support major FP other FLEXPART 9.2
#118 error compling flexpart 9.2 beta on ubuntu 14.04 x64 machine pesei Support minor FP other FLEXPART 9.2 beta
#135 FLEXPART output in NETCDF format Support minor FP post-processing FLEXPART 9.2
#137 Unit of Total mass emitted Support minor FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2
#166 Output concentrations levels pesei Support minor FP input data FLEXPART 9.0.2
#218 Date error pesei Support minor FP input data FLEXPART 9.0.2
#219 Gridcheck error message pesei Support minor FP input data FLEXPART 9.0.2

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#64 STOP sorry: t not in [k] jbrioude Defect major FP input data FLEXPART 9.0.2
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