Custom Query (9 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#197 Inconsistent use of ew in verttransform pesei Defect major FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 10.0
#246 Compilation error with Intel Fortran ignacio Defect major System aspects FLEXPART 10.3
#283 eccodes error when using ERA5 data as Flexpart's input Support minor FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 10.4
#203 inconsistency / bug in verttransform_gfs.f90 pesei Defect major FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 9.2
#29 OH chemistry sthen New feature major FP physics/numerics
#32 Wet deposition: use of cloud water fields anphi Enhancement minor FP physics/numerics
#35 Backward mode for deposition saeck New feature minor FP input data

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#257 Issue with warm start Support major FP other FLEXPART 10.4

Resolution: worksforme (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#249 related to making FLEXPART V 10.3 pesei Defect major FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 10.3
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