CONTGL Subroutine

public subroutine CONTGL(PS, DPSDL, DPSDM, DIV, U, V, BREITE, ETA, MLAT, A, B, NI, NJ, NK)

Calculation of divergence from the wind field (U,V) in phase space. Returns fields of the componentens of the horizontal gradients XLAM,XPHI on the Gaussian grid


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real :: PS(NI)
real :: DPSDL(NI)
real :: DPSDM(NI)
real :: DIV(NI,NK)
real :: U(NI,NK)
real :: V(NI,NK)
real :: BREITE(NJ)
real :: ETA(NI,NK)
integer :: MLAT(NJ)
real :: A(NK+1)
real :: B(NK+1)
integer :: NI
integer :: NJ
integer :: NK

