!********************************************************************** ! Copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2005,2007,2008,2009,2010 * ! Andreas Stohl, Petra Seibert, A. Frank, Gerhard Wotawa, * ! Caroline Forster, Sabine Eckhardt, John Burkhart, Harald Sodemann * ! * ! This file is part of FLEXPART. * ! * ! FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * !********************************************************************** subroutine gethourlyOH(itime) ! i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! * ! Author: R.L. Thompson * ! * ! Nov 2014 * ! * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! Variables: * ! * !***************************************************************************** use oh_mod use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: itime integer :: ix,jy,kz,m1,m2 integer :: ijx,jjy integer :: jjjjmmdd,hhmmss real :: sza,jrate,photo_O1D,zenithangle real(kind=dp) :: jul1,jul2 ! print*, 'itime: ',itime ! print*, 'memOHtime(1):',memOHtime(1) ! print*, 'memOHtime(2):',memOHtime(2) ! Check hourly OH field is available for the current time step !************************************************************** if ((ldirect*memOHtime(1).le.ldirect*itime).and. & (ldirect*memOHtime(2).gt.ldirect*itime)) then ! The right OH fields are already in memory -> don't do anything !**************************************************************** continue else if ((ldirect*memOHtime(2).le.ldirect*itime).and. & (memOHtime(2).ne.0.)) then ! Current time is after 2nd OH field !************************************ memOHtime(1)=memOHtime(2) memOHtime(2)=memOHtime(1)+ldirect*3600. OH_hourly(:,:,:,1)=OH_hourly(:,:,:,2) ! Compute new hourly value of OH !********************************************************** jul2=bdate+memOHtime(2)/86400._dp ! date for next hour call caldate(jul2,jjjjmmdd,hhmmss) m2=(jjjjmmdd-(jjjjmmdd/10000)*10000)/100 ! print*, 'jul2:',jul2 ! print*, 'm2:',m2 do kz=1,nzOH do jy=1,nyOH do ix=1,nxOH ijx=minloc(abs(lonjr-lonOH(ix)),dim=1,mask=abs(lonjr-lonOH(ix)).eq.minval(abs(lonjr-lonOH(ix)))) jjy=minloc(abs(latjr-latOH(jy)),dim=1,mask=abs(latjr-latOH(jy)).eq.minval(abs(latjr-latOH(jy)))) ! calculate solar zenith angle in degrees (sza) sza=zenithangle(latOH(jy),lonOH(ix),jul2) ! calculate J(O1D) (jrate) jrate=photo_O1D(sza) ! apply hourly correction to OH if(jrate_average(ijx,jjy,m2).gt.0.) then OH_hourly(ix,jy,kz,2)=OH_field(ix,jy,kz,m2)*jrate/jrate_average(ijx,jjy,m2) else OH_hourly(ix,jy,kz,2)=0. endif !! for testing !! ! if(jy.eq.36.and.ix.eq.36.and.kz.eq.1) then ! write(999,fmt='(F6.3)') jrate/jrate_average(ijx,jjy,m2) ! endif ! if(jy.eq.11.and.ix.eq.36.and.kz.eq.1) then ! write(998,fmt='(F6.3)') jrate/jrate_average(ijx,jjy,m2) ! endif end do end do end do else ! No OH fields in memory -> compute both hourly OH fields !********************************************************** jul1=bdate ! begin date of simulation (julian) call caldate(jul1,jjjjmmdd,hhmmss) m1=(jjjjmmdd-(jjjjmmdd/10000)*10000)/100 memOHtime(1)=0. jul2=bdate+real(1./24.,kind=dp) ! date for next hour call caldate(jul2,jjjjmmdd,hhmmss) m2=(jjjjmmdd-(jjjjmmdd/10000)*10000)/100 memOHtime(2)=ldirect*3600. ! print*, 'jul1:',jul1 ! print*, 'jul2:',jul2 ! print*, 'm1,m2:',m1,m2 do kz=1,nzOH do jy=1,nyOH do ix=1,nxOH ijx=minloc(abs(lonjr-lonOH(ix)),dim=1,mask=abs(lonjr-lonOH(ix)).eq.minval(abs(lonjr-lonOH(ix)))) jjy=minloc(abs(latjr-latOH(jy)),dim=1,mask=abs(latjr-latOH(jy)).eq.minval(abs(latjr-latOH(jy)))) ! calculate solar zenith angle in degrees (sza), beginning sza=zenithangle(latOH(jy),lonOH(ix),jul1) ! calculate J(O1D) (jrate), beginning jrate=photo_O1D(sza) ! apply hourly correction to OH if(jrate_average(ijx,jjy,m1).gt.0.) then OH_hourly(ix,jy,kz,1)=OH_field(ix,jy,kz,m1)*jrate/jrate_average(ijx,jjy,m1) else OH_hourly(ix,jy,kz,1)=0. endif ! calculate solar zenith angle in degrees (sza), after 1-hour sza=zenithangle(latOH(jy),lonOH(ix),jul2) ! calculate J(O1D) (jrate), after 1-hour jrate=photo_O1D(sza) ! apply hourly correction to OH if(jrate_average(ijx,jjy,m2).gt.0.) then OH_hourly(ix,jy,kz,2)=OH_field(ix,jy,kz,m2)*jrate/jrate_average(ijx,jjy,m2) else OH_hourly(ix,jy,kz,2)=0. endif end do end do end do endif end subroutine gethourlyOH