!********************************************************************** ! Copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2005,2007,2008,2009,2010 * ! Andreas Stohl, Petra Seibert, A. Frank, Gerhard Wotawa, * ! Caroline Forster, Sabine Eckhardt, John Burkhart, Harald Sodemann * ! * ! This file is part of FLEXPART. * ! * ! FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * !********************************************************************** subroutine readreleases !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine reads the release point specifications for the current * ! model run. Several release points can be used at the same time. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 18 May 1996 * ! * ! Update: 29 January 2001 * ! Release altitude can be either in magl or masl * ! HSO, 12 August 2013 ! Added optional namelist input ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! decay decay constant of species * ! dquer [um] mean particle diameters * ! dsigma e.g. dsigma=10 or dsigma=0.1 means that 68% of the mass* ! are between 0.1*dquer and 10*dquer * ! ireleasestart, ireleaseend [s] starting time and ending time of each * ! release * ! kindz 1: zpoint is in m agl, 2: zpoint is in m asl, 3: zpoint* ! is in hPa * ! npart number of particles to be released * ! nspec number of species to be released * ! density [kg/m3] density of the particles * ! rm [s/m] Mesophyll resistance * ! species name of species * ! xmass total mass of each species * ! xpoint1,ypoint1 geograf. coordinates of lower left corner of release * ! area * ! xpoint2,ypoint2 geograf. coordinates of upper right corner of release * ! area * ! weta, wetb parameters to determine the below-cloud scavenging * ! weta_in, wetb_in parameters to determine the in-cloud scavenging * ! wetc_in, wetd_in parameters to determine the in-cloud scavenging * ! zpoint1,zpoint2 height range, over which release takes place * ! num_min_discrete if less, release cannot be randomized and happens at * ! time mid-point of release interval * ! * !***************************************************************************** use point_mod use xmass_mod use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: numpartmax,i,j,id1,it1,id2,it2,idum,stat integer,parameter :: num_min_discrete=100 real :: vsh(ni),fracth(ni),schmih(ni),releaserate,xdum,cun real(kind=dp) :: jul1,jul2,julm,juldate character(len=50) :: line logical :: old ! help variables for namelist reading integer :: numpoints, parts, readerror integer*2 :: zkind integer :: idate1, itime1, idate2, itime2 real :: lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2,z1,z2 character*40 :: comment integer,parameter :: unitreleasesout=2 real,allocatable, dimension (:) :: mass integer,allocatable, dimension (:) :: specnum_rel,specnum_rel2 ! declare namelists namelist /releases_ctrl/ & nspec, & specnum_rel namelist /release/ & idate1, itime1, & idate2, itime2, & lon1, lon2, & lat1, lat2, & z1, z2, & zkind, & mass, & parts, & comment numpoint=0 ! allocate with maxspec for first input loop allocate(mass(maxspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate mass' allocate(specnum_rel(maxspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate specnum_rel' ! presetting namelist releases_ctrl nspec = -1 ! use negative value to determine failed namelist input specnum_rel = 0 !sec, read release to find how many releasepoints should be allocated open(unitreleases,file=path(1)(1:length(1))//'RELEASES',status='old',form='formatted',err=999) ! check if namelist input provided read(unitreleases,releases_ctrl,iostat=readerror) ! prepare namelist output if requested if (nmlout.eqv..true.) then !open(unitreleasesout,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'RELEASES.namelist',access='append',status='new',err=1000) open(unitreleasesout,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'RELEASES.namelist',err=1000) endif if ((readerror.ne.0).or.(nspec.lt.0)) then ! no namelist format, close file and allow reopening in old format close(unitreleases) open(unitreleases,file=path(1)(1:length(1))//'RELEASES',status='old',err=999) readerror=1 ! indicates old format ! Check the format of the RELEASES file (either in free format, ! or using a formatted mask) ! Use of formatted mask is assumed if line 10 contains the word 'DIRECTION' !************************************************************************** call skplin(12,unitreleases) read (unitreleases,901) line 901 format (a) if (index(line,'Total') .eq. 0) then old = .false. else old = .true. endif rewind(unitreleases) ! Skip first 11 lines (file header) !********************************** call skplin(11,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) nspec if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) do i=1,nspec read(unitreleases,*,err=998) specnum_rel(i) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) end do numpoint=0 100 numpoint=numpoint+1 read(unitreleases,*,end=25) read(unitreleases,*,err=998,end=25) idum,idum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) idum,idum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) xdum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) xdum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) xdum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) xdum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) idum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) xdum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) xdum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) idum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) do i=1,nspec read(unitreleases,*,err=998) xdum if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) end do !save compoint only for the first 1000 release points read(unitreleases,'(a40)',err=998) compoint(1)(1:40) if (old) call skplin(1,unitreleases) goto 100 25 numpoint=numpoint-1 else readerror=0 do while (readerror.eq.0) idate1=-1 read(unitreleases,release,iostat=readerror) if ((idate1.lt.0).or.(readerror.ne.0)) then readerror=1 else numpoint=numpoint+1 endif end do readerror=0 endif ! if namelist input rewind(unitreleases) ! allocate arrays of matching size for number of species (namelist output) deallocate(mass) allocate(mass(nspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate mass' allocate(specnum_rel2(nspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate specnum_rel2' specnum_rel2=specnum_rel(1:nspec) deallocate(specnum_rel) allocate(specnum_rel(nspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate specnum_rel' specnum_rel=specnum_rel2 deallocate(specnum_rel2) !allocate memory for numpoint releaspoints allocate(ireleasestart(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate ireleasestart' allocate(ireleaseend(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate ireleaseend' allocate(xpoint1(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate xpoint1' allocate(xpoint2(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate xpoint2' allocate(ypoint1(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate ypoint1' allocate(ypoint2(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate ypoint2' allocate(zpoint1(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate zpoint1' allocate(zpoint2(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate zpoint2' allocate(kindz(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate kindz' allocate(xmass(numpoint,maxspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate xmass' allocate(rho_rel(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate rho_rel' allocate(npart(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate npart' allocate(xmasssave(numpoint),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate xmasssave' if (verbosity.gt.0) then write (*,*) 'readreleases> Releasepoints : ', numpoint endif do i=1,numpoint xmasssave(i)=0. end do !now save the information DEP=.false. DRYDEP=.false. WETDEP=.false. OHREA=.false. do i=1,maxspec DRYDEPSPEC(i)=.false. end do if (readerror.ne.0) then ! Skip first 11 lines (file header) !********************************** call skplin(11,unitreleases) ! Assign species-specific parameters needed for physical processes !************************************************************************* read(unitreleases,*,err=998) nspec if (nspec.gt.maxspec) goto 994 if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) endif ! namelist output if (nmlout.eqv..true.) then write(unitreleasesout,nml=releases_ctrl) endif do i=1,nspec if (verbosity.gt.0) then print*, 'readreleases> call readspecies', i endif if (readerror.ne.0) then read(unitreleases,*,err=998) specnum_rel(i) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) call readspecies(specnum_rel(i),i) else call readspecies(specnum_rel(i),i) endif ! For backward runs, only 1 species is allowed !********************************************* !if ((ldirect.lt.0).and.(nspec.gt.1)) then !write(*,*) '#####################################################' !write(*,*) '#### FLEXPART MODEL SUBROUTINE READRELEASES: ####' !write(*,*) '#### FOR BACKWARD RUNS, ONLY 1 SPECIES IS ALLOWED####' !write(*,*) '#####################################################' ! stop !endif ! Molecular weight !***************** if (((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)).and.(weightmolar(i).lt.0.)) then write(*,*) 'For mixing ratio output, valid molar weight' write(*,*) 'must be specified for all simulated species.' write(*,*) 'Check table SPECIES or choose concentration' write(*,*) 'output instead if molar weight is not known.' stop endif ! Radioactive decay !****************** decay(i)=0.693147/decay(i) !conversion half life to decay constant ! Dry deposition of gases !************************ if (reldiff(i).gt.0.) rm(i)=1./(henry(i)/3000.+100.*f0(i)) ! mesophyll resistance ! Dry deposition of particles !**************************** vsetaver(i)=0. cunningham(i)=0. dquer(i)=dquer(i)*1000000. ! Conversion m to um if (density(i).gt.0.) then ! Additional parameters call part0(dquer(i),dsigma(i),density(i),fracth,schmih,cun,vsh) do j=1,ni fract(i,j)=fracth(j) schmi(i,j)=schmih(j) vset(i,j)=vsh(j) cunningham(i)=cunningham(i)+cun*fract(i,j) vsetaver(i)=vsetaver(i)-vset(i,j)*fract(i,j) end do write(*,*) 'Average settling velocity: ',i,vsetaver(i) endif ! Dry deposition for constant deposition velocity !************************************************ dryvel(i)=dryvel(i)*0.01 ! conversion to m/s ! Check if wet deposition or OH reaction shall be calculated !*********************************************************** if (weta(i).gt.0.) then WETDEP=.true. write (*,*) 'Below-cloud scavenging: ON' if (verbosity.gt.0) then write (*,*) 'Below-cloud scavenging coefficients: ',weta(i),i endif else if (verbosity.gt.0) then write (*,*) 'Below-cloud scavenging: OFF' endif endif ! NIK 31.01.2013 + 10.12.2013 if (weta_in(i).gt.0.) then WETDEP=.true. write (*,*) 'In-cloud scavenging: ON' if (verbosity.gt.0) then write (*,*) 'In-cloud scavenging coefficients: ',weta_in(i),wetb_in(i), wetc_in(i), wetd_in(i),i endif else if (verbosity.gt.0) then write (*,*) 'In-cloud scavenging: OFF' endif endif if (ohreact(i).gt.0) then OHREA=.true. write (*,*) 'OHreaction: ON (',ohreact(i),i,')' endif if ((reldiff(i).gt.0.).or.(density(i).gt.0.).or.(dryvel(i).gt.0.)) then DRYDEP=.true. DRYDEPSPEC(i)=.true. endif end do if (WETDEP.or.DRYDEP) DEP=.true. ! Read specifications for each release point !******************************************* numpoints=numpoint numpoint=0 numpartmax=0 releaserate=0. 101 numpoint=numpoint+1 if (readerror.lt.1) then ! reading namelist format if (numpoint.gt.numpoints) goto 250 zkind = 1 mass = 0 parts = 0 comment = ' ' read(unitreleases,release,iostat=readerror) id1=idate1 it1=itime1 id2=idate2 it2=itime2 xpoint1(numpoint)=lon1 xpoint2(numpoint)=lon2 ypoint1(numpoint)=lat1 ypoint2(numpoint)=lat2 zpoint1(numpoint)=z1 zpoint2(numpoint)=z2 kindz(numpoint)=zkind do i=1,nspec xmass(numpoint,i)=mass(i) end do npart(numpoint)=parts compoint(min(1001,numpoint))=comment ! namelist output if (nmlout.eqv..true.) then write(unitreleasesout,nml=release) endif else read(unitreleases,*,end=250) read(unitreleases,*,err=998,end=250) id1,it1 if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) id2,it2 if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) xpoint1(numpoint) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) ypoint1(numpoint) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) xpoint2(numpoint) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) ypoint2(numpoint) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) kindz(numpoint) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) zpoint1(numpoint) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) zpoint2(numpoint) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) read(unitreleases,*,err=998) npart(numpoint) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) do i=1,nspec read(unitreleases,*,err=998) xmass(numpoint,i) if (old) call skplin(2,unitreleases) mass(i)=xmass(numpoint,i) end do !save compoint only for the first 1000 release points if (numpoint.le.1000) then read(unitreleases,'(a40)',err=998) compoint(numpoint)(1:40) comment=compoint(numpoint)(1:40) else read(unitreleases,'(a40)',err=998) compoint(1001)(1:40) comment=compoint(1001)(1:40) endif if (old) call skplin(1,unitreleases) ! namelist output if (nmlout.eqv..true.) then idate1=id1 itime1=it1 idate2=id2 itime2=it2 lon1=xpoint1(numpoint) lon2=xpoint2(numpoint) lat1=ypoint1(numpoint) lat2=ypoint2(numpoint) z1=zpoint1(numpoint) z2=zpoint2(numpoint) zkind=kindz(numpoint) parts=npart(numpoint) write(unitreleasesout,nml=release) endif if (numpoint.le.1000) then if((xpoint1(numpoint).eq.0.).and.(ypoint1(numpoint).eq.0.).and. & (xpoint2(numpoint).eq.0.).and.(ypoint2(numpoint).eq.0.).and. & (compoint(numpoint)(1:8).eq.' ')) goto 250 else if((xpoint1(numpoint).eq.0.).and.(ypoint1(numpoint).eq.0.).and. & (xpoint2(numpoint).eq.0.).and.(ypoint2(numpoint).eq.0.)) goto 250 endif endif ! if namelist format if (verbosity.gt.1 .and. numpoint.eq.1) then ! verbosity 2 or larger write(*,*) 'numpoint=', numpoint print*, id1,it1 print*, id2,it2 print*, xpoint1(numpoint) print*, ypoint1(numpoint) print*, xpoint2(numpoint) print*, ypoint2(numpoint) print*, 'kindz=' , kindz(numpoint) print*, zpoint1(numpoint) print*, zpoint2(numpoint) print*, npart(numpoint) do i=1,nspec !mass(i)= print*, 'xmass=', xmass(numpoint,i) end do print*, compoint(numpoint) endif ! If a release point contains no particles, stop and issue error message !*********************************************************************** if (npart(numpoint).eq.0) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART MODEL ERROR' write(*,*) 'RELEASES file is corrupt.' write(*,*) 'At least for one release point, there are zero' write(*,*) 'particles released. Make changes to RELEASES.' stop endif ! Check whether x coordinates of release point are within model domain !********************************************************************* if (xpoint1(numpoint).lt.xlon0) & xpoint1(numpoint)=xpoint1(numpoint)+360. if (xpoint1(numpoint).gt.xlon0+(nxmin1)*dx) & xpoint1(numpoint)=xpoint1(numpoint)-360. if (xpoint2(numpoint).lt.xlon0) & xpoint2(numpoint)=xpoint2(numpoint)+360. if (xpoint2(numpoint).gt.xlon0+(nxmin1)*dx) & xpoint2(numpoint)=xpoint2(numpoint)-360. ! Determine relative beginning and ending times of particle release !****************************************************************** jul1=juldate(id1,it1) jul2=juldate(id2,it2) julm=(jul1+jul2)/2. if (jul1.gt.jul2) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART MODEL ERROR' write(*,*) 'Release stops before it begins.' write(*,*) 'Make changes to file RELEASES.' stop endif if (mdomainfill.eq.0) then ! no domain filling if (ldirect.eq.1) then if ((jul1.lt.bdate).or.(jul2.gt.edate)) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART MODEL ERROR' write(*,*) 'Release starts before simulation begins or ends' write(*,*) 'after simulation stops.' write(*,*) 'Make files COMMAND and RELEASES consistent.' write(*,*) jul1, ' < ' , bdate write(*,*) ' .or. ' write(*,*) jul2 , ' > ', edate stop endif if (npart(numpoint).gt.num_min_discrete) then ireleasestart(numpoint)=int((jul1-bdate)*86400.) ireleaseend(numpoint)=int((jul2-bdate)*86400.) else ireleasestart(numpoint)=int((julm-bdate)*86400.) ireleaseend(numpoint)=int((julm-bdate)*86400.) endif else if (ldirect.eq.-1) then if ((jul1.lt.edate).or.(jul2.gt.bdate)) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART MODEL ERROR' write(*,*) 'Release starts before simulation begins or ends' write(*,*) 'after simulation stops.' write(*,*) 'Make files COMMAND and RELEASES consistent.' stop endif if (npart(numpoint).gt.num_min_discrete) then ireleasestart(numpoint)=int((jul1-bdate)*86400.) ireleaseend(numpoint)=int((jul2-bdate)*86400.) else ireleasestart(numpoint)=int((julm-bdate)*86400.) ireleaseend(numpoint)=int((julm-bdate)*86400.) endif endif endif if (verbosity.gt.1 .and. numpoint.eq.1) then ! verbosity 2 or larger print*, 'ireleasestart(',numpoint,')', ireleasestart(numpoint) print*, 'ireleaseend(',numpoint,')', ireleaseend(numpoint) endif ! Determine the release rate (particles per second) and total number ! of particles released during the simulation !******************************************************************* if (ireleasestart(numpoint).ne.ireleaseend(numpoint)) then releaserate=releaserate+real(npart(numpoint))/ & real(ireleaseend(numpoint)-ireleasestart(numpoint)) else releaserate=99999999 endif numpartmax=numpartmax+npart(numpoint) goto 101 250 close(unitreleases) if (nmlout.eqv..true.) then close(unitreleasesout) endif write (*,*) 'Particles allocated (maxpart) : ',maxpart write (*,*) 'Particles released (numpartmax): ',numpartmax numpoint=numpoint-1 if (ioutputforeachrelease.eq.1) then maxpointspec_act=numpoint else maxpointspec_act=1 endif ! Check, whether the total number of particles may exceed totally allowed ! number of particles at some time during the simulation !************************************************************************ if (releaserate.gt. & 0.99*real(maxpart)/real(lage(nageclass))) then if (numpartmax.gt.maxpart) then write(*,*) '#####################################################' write(*,*) '#### FLEXPART MODEL SUBROUTINE READRELEASES: ####' write(*,*) '#### ####' write(*,*) '####WARNING - TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICLES SPECIFIED####' write(*,*) '#### IN FILE "RELEASES" MAY AT SOME POINT DURING ####' write(*,*) '#### THE SIMULATION EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED ####' write(*,*) '#### NUMBER (MAXPART).IF RELEASES DO NOT OVERLAP,####' write(*,*) '#### FLEXPART CAN POSSIBLY COMPLETE SUCCESSFULLY.####' write(*,*) '#### HOWEVER, FLEXPART MAY HAVE TO STOP ####' write(*,*) '#### AT SOME TIME DURING THE SIMULATION. PLEASE ####' write(*,*) '#### MAKE SURE THAT YOUR SETTINGS ARE CORRECT. ####' write(*,*) '#####################################################' write(*,*) 'Maximum release rate may be: ',releaserate, & ' particles per second' write(*,*) 'Maximum allowed release rate is: ', & real(maxpart)/real(lage(nageclass)),' particles per second' write(*,*) & 'Total number of particles released during the simulation is: ', & numpartmax write(*,*) 'Maximum allowed number of particles is: ',maxpart endif endif return 994 write(*,*) '#####################################################' write(*,*) '#### FLEXPART MODEL SUBROUTINE READRELEASES: ####' write(*,*) '#### ####' write(*,*) '#### ERROR - MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EMITTED SPECIES IS####' write(*,*) '#### TOO LARGE. PLEASE REDUCE NUMBER OF SPECIES. ####' write(*,*) '#####################################################' stop 998 write(*,*) '#####################################################' write(*,*) '#### FLEXPART MODEL SUBROUTINE READRELEASES: ####' write(*,*) '#### ####' write(*,*) '#### FATAL ERROR - FILE "RELEASES" IS ####' write(*,*) '#### CORRUPT. PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUTS FOR ####' write(*,*) '#### MISTAKES OR GET A NEW "RELEASES"- ####' write(*,*) '#### FILE ... ####' write(*,*) '#####################################################' stop 999 write(*,*) '#####################################################' write(*,*) ' FLEXPART MODEL SUBROUTINE READRELEASES: ' write(*,*) write(*,*) 'FATAL ERROR - FILE CONTAINING PARTICLE RELEASE POINTS' write(*,*) 'POINTS IS NOT AVAILABLE OR YOU ARE NOT' write(*,*) 'PERMITTED FOR ANY ACCESS' write(*,*) '#####################################################' stop 1000 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! FILE "RELEASES" #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED IN THE DIRECTORY #### ' write(*,'(a)') path(2)(1:length(2)) stop end subroutine readreleases