fpname | paramId | indofParam | discipline | category | number | typeSurf | typeofLevel | units | shortName | description | gribVersion | center | ---------+---------+------------+------------+----------+--------+-----------+--------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+------------+---------+ TT | | 130 | | | | 109 | ml | K | t | Temperature | 1 | ecmf | UU | | 131 | | | | 109 | ml | m s**-1 | u | U component of wind| 1 | ecmf | VV | | 132 | | | | 109 | ml | m s**-1 | v | V component of wind| 1 | ecmf | QV | | 133 | | | | 109 | ml | kg kg**-1 | q | Specific humidity | 1 | ecmf | PS | | 134 | | | | 1 | sfc | Pa | sp | Surface pressure | 1 | ecmf | ETADOT | | 135 | | | | 109 | ml |Pa s**-1 | w | Vertical velocity | 1 | ecmf | SD | | 141 | | | | 1 | sfc | m of w equ| sd | Snow depth | 1 | ecmf | MSL | | 151 | | | | 1 | sfc | Pa | msl | Mean sea lev. pres.| 1 | ecmf | TCC | | 164 | | | | 1 | sfc | (0 - 1) | tcc | Total cloud cover | 1 | ecmf | U10 | | 165 | | | | 1 | sfc | m s**-1 | 10u | 10 m u wind | 1 | ecmf | V10 | | 166 | | | | 1 | sfc | m s**-1 | 10v | 10 m v wind | 1 | ecmf | T2 | | 167 | | | | 1 | sfc | K | 2t | 2m temperature | 1 | ecmf | TD2 | | 168 | | | | 1 | sfc | K | 2d | 2m dew point temp | 1 | ecmf | LSPREC | | 142 | | | | 1 | sfc | m | lsp | Large scale precip.| 1 | ecmf | CONVPREC | | 143 | | | | 1 | sfc | m | cp | Convective precip. | 1 | ecmf | SHF | | 146 | | | | 1 | sfc | J m**-2 | sshf | sensible heat flux | 1 | ecmf | SR | | 176 | | | | 1 | sfc | J m**-2 | ssr | solar radiation | 1 | ecmf | EWSS | | 180 | | | | 1 | sfc |N m**-2 s | ewss | EW turb surf stress| 1 | ecmf | NSSS | | 181 | | | | 1 | sfc |N m**-2 s | nsss | NS turb surf stress| 1 | ecmf | ORO | | 129 | | | | 1 | sfc |m**2 s**-2 | z | Geopotential | 1 | ecmf | EXCESSORO| | 160 | | | | 1 | sfc | none | sdor | std dev of orog | 1 | ecmf | LSM | | 172 | | | | 1 | sfc | (0 - 1) | lsm | Land-sea mask | 1 | ecmf | ---------+---------+------------+------------+----------+--------+-----------+--------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+------------+--------+ # # Vtable for ECMWF model-level data in GRIB1 from the MARS server. # typeSurf = indicatorOfTypeOfLevel # indOfParam = indicatorOfParameter for GRIB1 # typeOfLevel for GRIB 1 is equivalent to indicatorOfTypeOfLevel # shortName: exactly as specified in GRIB1 file # description: Long name from GRIB1 file (in some cases abbreviated) # units: Exactly as specified in GRIB1 file