! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later subroutine partoutput_short(itime) ! i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Dump all particle positions * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 12 March 1999 * ! * ! 12/2014 eso: Version for MPI * ! Processes sequentially access and append data to file * ! NB: Do not use yet! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * !***************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod use mpi_mod implicit none real(kind=dp) :: jul integer :: itime,i,j,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss,numshortout,numshortall integer :: ix,jy,ixp,jyp real :: xlon,ylat,zlim,dt1,dt2,dtt,ddx,ddy,rddx,rddy,p1,p2,p3,p4,topo character :: adate*8,atime*6 integer(kind=2) :: idump(3,maxpart) integer :: i4dump(maxpart) character(LEN=8) :: file_stat='OLD' ! MPI root process creates the file, other processes append to it if (lroot) file_stat='REPLACE' ! Determine current calendar date, needed for the file name !********************************************************** jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss ! Some variables needed for temporal interpolation !************************************************* dt1=real(itime-memtime(1)) dt2=real(memtime(2)-itime) dtt=1./(dt1+dt2) ! Loop about all particles !************************* numshortout=0 numshortall=0 do i=1,numpart ! Take only valid particles !************************** if (itra1(i).eq.itime) then xlon=xlon0+xtra1(i)*dx ylat=ylat0+ytra1(i)*dy !***************************************************************************** ! Interpolate several variables (PV, specific humidity, etc.) to particle position !***************************************************************************** ix=xtra1(i) jy=ytra1(i) ixp=ix+1 jyp=jy+1 ddx=xtra1(i)-real(ix) ddy=ytra1(i)-real(jy) rddx=1.-ddx rddy=1.-ddy p1=rddx*rddy p2=ddx*rddy p3=rddx*ddy p4=ddx*ddy ! Topography !*********** topo=p1*oro(ix ,jy) & + p2*oro(ixp,jy) & + p3*oro(ix ,jyp) & + p4*oro(ixp,jyp) ! Convert positions to integer*2 variables (from -32768 to 32767) ! Do this only for region of main interest, i.e. extended North Atlantic region, ! and for the tracer of interest, i.e. the North American one !***************************************************************************** if (xlon.gt.180.) xlon=xlon-360. if (xlon.lt.-180.) xlon=xlon+360. numshortall=numshortall+1 if ((xlon.gt.-140).and.(xlon.lt.60).and.(ylat.gt.10).and. & (xmass1(i,1).gt.0.)) then numshortout=numshortout+1 idump(1,numshortout)=nint(xlon*180.) idump(2,numshortout)=nint(ylat*360.) zlim=min(ztra1(i)+topo,32766.) idump(3,numshortout)=nint(zlim) i4dump(numshortout)=npoint(i) endif endif end do ! Open output file and write the output !************************************** open(unitshortpart,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'shortposit_'//adate// & atime,form='unformatted',status=file_stat,position='append') ! Write current time to file !*************************** if (lroot) write(unitshortpart) itime ! MPI root process only ! :TODO: get total numshortout (MPI reduction), add MPI barrier, open file ! sequentially below write(unitshortpart) numshortout write(unitshortpart) & (i4dump(i),(idump(j,i),j=1,3),i=1,numshortout) write(*,*) numshortout,numshortall close(unitshortpart) end subroutine partoutput_short