! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later subroutine ohreaction(itime,ltsample,loutnext) ! i i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! * ! Author: R.L. Thompson * ! * ! Nov 2014 * ! * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! Variables: * ! ix,jy indices of output grid cell for each particle * ! itime [s] actual simulation time [s] * ! jpart particle index * ! ldeltat [s] interval since radioactive decay was computed * ! loutnext [s] time for which gridded deposition is next output * ! loutstep [s] interval at which gridded deposition is output * ! oh_average [molecule/cm^3] OH Concentration * ! ltsample [s] interval over which mass is deposited * ! * !***************************************************************************** use oh_mod use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: jpart,itime,ltsample,loutnext,ldeltat,j,k,ix,jy!,ijx,jjy integer :: ngrid,interp_time,n,m,h,indz,i!,ia,il integer :: jjjjmmdd,hhmmss,OHx,OHy,OHz real, dimension(nzOH) :: altOHtop real :: xlon,ylat real :: xtn,ytn real :: restmass,ohreacted,oh_average real :: ohrate,temp real, parameter :: smallnum = tiny(0.0) ! smallest number that can be handled real(kind=dp) :: jul ! Compute interval since radioactive decay of deposited mass was computed !************************************************************************ if (itime.le.loutnext) then ldeltat=itime-(loutnext-loutstep) else ! first half of next interval ldeltat=itime-loutnext endif jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400. call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,hhmmss) m=(jjjjmmdd-(jjjjmmdd/10000)*10000)/100 h=hhmmss/10000 ! Loop over particles !***************************************** do jpart=1,numpart ! Determine which nesting level to be used ngrid=0 do j=numbnests,1,-1 if ((xtra1(jpart).gt.xln(j)).and.(xtra1(jpart).lt.xrn(j)).and. & (ytra1(jpart).gt.yln(j)).and.(ytra1(jpart).lt.yrn(j))) then ngrid=j goto 23 endif end do 23 continue ! Determine nested grid coordinates if (ngrid.gt.0) then xtn=(xtra1(jpart)-xln(ngrid))*xresoln(ngrid) ytn=(ytra1(jpart)-yln(ngrid))*yresoln(ngrid) ix=int(xtn) jy=int(ytn) else ix=int(xtra1(jpart)) jy=int(ytra1(jpart)) endif interp_time=nint(itime-0.5*ltsample) n=2 if(abs(memtime(1)-interp_time).lt.abs(memtime(2)-interp_time)) n=1 do i=2,nz if (height(i).gt.ztra1(jpart)) then indz=i-1 goto 6 endif end do 6 continue ! Get OH from nearest grid-cell and specific month !************************************************* ! world coordinates xlon=xtra1(jpart)*dx+xlon0 if (xlon.gt.180) then xlon=xlon-360 endif ylat=ytra1(jpart)*dy+ylat0 ! get position in the OH field OHx=minloc(abs(lonOH-xlon),dim=1,mask=abs(lonOH-xlon).eq.minval(abs(lonOH-xlon))) OHy=minloc(abs(latOH-ylat),dim=1,mask=abs(latOH-ylat).eq.minval(abs(latOH-ylat))) ! get the level of the OH field for the particle ! ztra1 is the z-coord of the trajectory above model orography in metres ! altOH is the height of the centre of the level in the OH field above orography do i=2,nzOH altOHtop(i-1)=altOH(i)+0.5*(altOH(i)-altOH(i-1)) end do altOHtop(nzOH)=altOH(nzOH)+0.5*(altOH(nzOH)-altOH(nzOH-1)) OHz=minloc(abs(altOHtop-ztra1(jpart)),dim=1,mask=abs(altOHtop-ztra1(jpart))& &.eq.minval(abs(altOHtop-ztra1(jpart)))) ! Interpolate between hourly OH fields to current time !***************************************************** oh_average=OH_hourly(OHx,OHy,OHz,1)+& &(OH_hourly(OHx,OHy,OHz,2)-OH_hourly(OHx,OHy,OHz,1))*& &(itime-memOHtime(1))/(memOHtime(2)-memOHtime(1)) if (oh_average.gt.smallnum) then ! Computation of the OH reaction !********************************************************** temp=tt(ix,jy,indz,n) do k=1,nspec if (ohcconst(k).gt.0.) then ohrate=ohcconst(k)*temp**ohnconst(k)*exp(-ohdconst(k)/temp)*oh_average ! new particle mass restmass = xmass1(jpart,k)*exp(-1*ohrate*abs(ltsample)) if (restmass .gt. smallnum) then xmass1(jpart,k)=restmass else xmass1(jpart,k)=0. endif ohreacted=xmass1(jpart,k)*(1-exp(-1*ohrate*abs(ltsample))) else ohreacted=0. endif end do endif ! oh_average.gt.smallnum end do !continue loop over all particles end subroutine ohreaction