! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later subroutine gridcheck_gfs !********************************************************************** ! * ! FLEXPART MODEL SUBROUTINE GRIDCHECK * ! * !********************************************************************** ! * ! AUTHOR: G. WOTAWA * ! DATE: 1997-08-06 * ! LAST UPDATE: 1997-10-10 * ! * ! Update: 1999-02-08, global fields allowed, A. Stohl* ! CHANGE: 17/11/2005, Caroline Forster, GFS data * ! CHANGE: 11/01/2008, Harald Sodemann, GRIB1/2 input with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! CHANGE: 03/12/2008, Harald Sodemann, update to f90 with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! * ! Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * ! Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * ! - Renamed routine from gridcheck to gridcheck_gfs * ! * !********************************************************************** ! * ! DESCRIPTION: * ! * ! THIS SUBROUTINE DETERMINES THE GRID SPECIFICATIONS (LOWER LEFT * ! LONGITUDE, LOWER LEFT LATITUDE, NUMBER OF GRID POINTS, GRID DIST- * ! ANCE AND VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION OF THE ECMWF MODEL) FROM THE * ! GRIB HEADER OF THE FIRST INPUT FILE. THE CONSISTANCY (NO CHANGES * ! WITHIN ONE FLEXPART RUN) IS CHECKED IN THE ROUTINE "READWIND" AT * ! ANY CALL. * ! * ! XLON0 geographical longitude of lower left gridpoint * ! YLAT0 geographical latitude of lower left gridpoint * ! NX number of grid points x-direction * ! NY number of grid points y-direction * ! DX grid distance x-direction * ! DY grid distance y-direction * ! NUVZ number of grid points for horizontal wind * ! components in z direction * ! NWZ number of grid points for vertical wind * ! component in z direction * ! sizesouth, sizenorth give the map scale (i.e. number of virtual grid* ! points of the polar stereographic grid): * ! used to check the CFL criterion * ! UVHEIGHT(1)- heights of gridpoints where u and v are * ! UVHEIGHT(NUVZ) given * ! WHEIGHT(1)- heights of gridpoints where w is given * ! WHEIGHT(NWZ) * ! * !********************************************************************** use grib_api use par_mod use com_mod use conv_mod use cmapf_mod, only: stlmbr,stcm2p implicit none !HSO parameters for grib_api integer :: ifile integer :: iret integer :: igrib real(kind=4) :: xaux1,xaux2,yaux1,yaux2 real(kind=8) :: xaux1in,xaux2in,yaux1in,yaux2in integer :: gribVer,parCat,parNum,typSurf,valSurf,discipl !HSO end integer :: ix,jy,i,ifn,ifield,j,k,iumax,iwmax,numskip real :: sizesouth,sizenorth,xauxa,pint real :: akm_usort(nwzmax) real,parameter :: eps=0.0001 ! NCEP GFS real :: pres(nwzmax), help integer :: i179,i180,i181 ! VARIABLES AND ARRAYS NEEDED FOR GRIB DECODING integer :: isec1(8),isec2(3) real(kind=4) :: zsec4(jpunp) character(len=1) :: opt !HSO grib api error messages character(len=24) :: gribErrorMsg = 'Error reading grib file' character(len=20) :: gribFunction = 'gridcheckwind_gfs' ! if (numbnests.ge.1) then write(*,*) ' ###########################################' write(*,*) ' FLEXPART ERROR SUBROUTINE GRIDCHECK:' write(*,*) ' NO NESTED WINDFIELDAS ALLOWED FOR GFS! ' write(*,*) ' ###########################################' stop endif iumax=0 iwmax=0 if(ideltas.gt.0) then ifn=1 else ifn=numbwf endif ! ! OPENING OF DATA FILE (GRIB CODE) ! write(*,*) 'Reading: '//path(3)(1:length(3)) & //trim(wfname(ifn)) 5 call grib_open_file(ifile,path(3)(1:length(3)) & //trim(wfname(ifn)),'r',iret) if (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 999 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !turn on support for multi fields messages call grib_multi_support_on ifield=0 10 ifield=ifield+1 ! ! GET NEXT FIELDS ! call grib_new_from_file(ifile,igrib,iret) if (iret.eq.GRIB_END_OF_FILE ) then goto 30 ! EOF DETECTED elseif (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 999 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !first see if we read GRIB1 or GRIB2 call grib_get_int(igrib,'editionNumber',gribVer,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) if (gribVer.eq.1) then ! GRIB Edition 1 !read the grib1 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfParameter',isec1(6),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel',isec1(7),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',isec1(8),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) !get the size and data of the values array call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) else ! GRIB Edition 2 !read the grib2 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib,'discipline',discipl,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterCategory',parCat,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterNumber',parNum,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'typeOfFirstFixedSurface',typSurf,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface', & valSurf,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) !convert to grib1 identifiers isec1(6)=-1 isec1(7)=-1 isec1(8)=-1 if ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.2).and.(typSurf.eq.100)) then ! U isec1(6)=33 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=100 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=valSurf/100 ! level, convert to hPa elseif ((parCat.eq.3).and.(parNum.eq.5).and.(typSurf.eq.1)) then ! TOPO isec1(6)=7 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 elseif ((parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSurf.eq.1) & .and.(discipl.eq.2)) then ! LSM isec1(6)=81 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 endif if (isec1(6).ne.-1) then ! get the size and data of the values array call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) endif endif ! gribVer if(ifield.eq.1) then !get the required fields from section 2 !store compatible to gribex input call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAParallel', & isec2(2),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian', & isec2(3),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', & xaux1in,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', & xaux2in,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', & yaux1in,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', & yaux2in,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) ! Fix for flexpart.eu ticket #48 if (xaux2in.lt.0) xaux2in = 359.0 xaux1=xaux1in xaux2=xaux2in yaux1=yaux1in yaux2=yaux2in nxfield=isec2(2) ny=isec2(3) if((abs(xaux1).lt.eps).and.(xaux2.ge.359)) then ! NCEP DATA FROM 0 TO xaux1=-179.0 ! 359 DEG EAST -> xaux2=-179.0+360.-360./real(nxfield) ! TRANSFORMED TO -179 endif ! TO 180 DEG EAST if (xaux1.gt.180) xaux1=xaux1-360.0 if (xaux2.gt.180) xaux2=xaux2-360.0 if (xaux1.lt.-180) xaux1=xaux1+360.0 if (xaux2.lt.-180) xaux2=xaux2+360.0 if (xaux2.lt.xaux1) xaux2=xaux2+360. xlon0=xaux1 ylat0=yaux1 dx=(xaux2-xaux1)/real(nxfield-1) dy=(yaux2-yaux1)/real(ny-1) dxconst=180./(dx*r_earth*pi) dyconst=180./(dy*r_earth*pi) !HSO end edits ! Check whether fields are global ! If they contain the poles, specify polar stereographic map ! projections using the stlmbr- and stcm2p-calls !*********************************************************** xauxa=abs(xaux2+dx-360.-xaux1) if (xauxa.lt.0.001) then nx=nxfield+1 ! field is cyclic xglobal=.true. if (abs(nxshift).ge.nx) & stop 'nxshift in file par_mod is too large' xlon0=xlon0+real(nxshift)*dx else nx=nxfield xglobal=.false. if (nxshift.ne.0) & stop 'nxshift (par_mod) must be zero for non-global domain' endif nxmin1=nx-1 nymin1=ny-1 if (xlon0.gt.180.) xlon0=xlon0-360. xauxa=abs(yaux1+90.) if (xglobal.and.xauxa.lt.0.001) then sglobal=.true. ! field contains south pole ! Enhance the map scale by factor 3 (*2=6) compared to north-south ! map scale sizesouth=6.*(switchsouth+90.)/dy call stlmbr(southpolemap,-90.,0.) call stcm2p(southpolemap,0.,0.,switchsouth,0.,sizesouth, & sizesouth,switchsouth,180.) switchsouthg=(switchsouth-ylat0)/dy else sglobal=.false. switchsouthg=999999. endif xauxa=abs(yaux2-90.) if (xglobal.and.xauxa.lt.0.001) then nglobal=.true. ! field contains north pole ! Enhance the map scale by factor 3 (*2=6) compared to north-south ! map scale sizenorth=6.*(90.-switchnorth)/dy call stlmbr(northpolemap,90.,0.) call stcm2p(northpolemap,0.,0.,switchnorth,0.,sizenorth, & sizenorth,switchnorth,180.) switchnorthg=(switchnorth-ylat0)/dy else nglobal=.false. switchnorthg=999999. endif endif ! ifield.eq.1 if (nxshift.lt.0) stop 'nxshift (par_mod) must not be negative' if (nxshift.ge.nxfield) stop 'nxshift (par_mod) too large' ! NCEP ISOBARIC LEVELS !********************* if((isec1(6).eq.33).and.(isec1(7).eq.100)) then ! check for U wind iumax=iumax+1 pres(iumax)=real(isec1(8))*100.0 endif i179=nint(179./dx) if (dx.lt.0.7) then i180=nint(180./dx)+1 ! 0.5 deg data else i180=nint(179./dx)+1 ! 1 deg data endif i181=i180+1 ! NCEP TERRAIN !************* if((isec1(6).eq.007).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then do jy=0,ny-1 do ix=0,nxfield-1 help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-jy-1)+ix+1) if(ix.le.i180) then oro(i179+ix,jy)=help excessoro(i179+ix,jy)=0.0 ! ISOBARIC SURFACES: SUBGRID TERRAIN DISREGARDED else oro(ix-i181,jy)=help excessoro(ix-i181,jy)=0.0 ! ISOBARIC SURFACES: SUBGRID TERRAIN DISREGARDED endif end do end do endif ! NCEP LAND SEA MASK !******************* if((isec1(6).eq.081).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then do jy=0,ny-1 do ix=0,nxfield-1 help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-jy-1)+ix+1) if(ix.le.i180) then lsm(i179+ix,jy)=help else lsm(ix-i181,jy)=help endif end do end do endif call grib_release(igrib) goto 10 !! READ NEXT LEVEL OR PARAMETER ! ! CLOSING OF INPUT DATA FILE ! ! HSO 30 continue call grib_close_file(ifile) ! HSO end edits nuvz=iumax nwz =iumax nlev_ec=iumax if (nx.gt.nxmax) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many grid points in x direction.' write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.' write(*,*) nx,nxmax stop endif if (ny.gt.nymax) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many grid points in y direction.' write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.' write(*,*) ny,nymax stop endif if (nuvz.gt.nuvzmax) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many u,v grid points in z '// & 'direction.' write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.' write(*,*) nuvz,nuvzmax stop endif if (nwz.gt.nwzmax) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many w grid points in z '// & 'direction.' write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.' write(*,*) nwz,nwzmax stop endif ! If desired, shift all grids by nxshift grid cells !************************************************** if (xglobal) then call shift_field_0(oro,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(lsm,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(excessoro,nxfield,ny) endif ! Output of grid info !******************** if (lroot) then write(*,*) write(*,*) write(*,'(a,2i7)') 'Vertical levels in NCEP data: ', & nuvz,nwz write(*,*) write(*,'(a)') 'Mother domain:' write(*,'(a,f10.2,a1,f10.2,a,f10.2)') ' Longitude range: ', & xlon0,' to ',xlon0+(nx-1)*dx,' Grid distance: ',dx write(*,'(a,f10.2,a1,f10.2,a,f10.2)') ' Latitude range : ', & ylat0,' to ',ylat0+(ny-1)*dy,' Grid distance: ',dy write(*,*) end if ! CALCULATE VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION OF ECMWF MODEL ! PARAMETER akm,bkm DESCRIBE THE HYBRID "ETA" COORDINATE SYSTEM numskip=nlev_ec-nuvz ! number of ecmwf model layers not used ! by trajectory model do i=1,nwz j=numskip+i k=nlev_ec+1+numskip+i akm_usort(nwz-i+1)=pres(nwz-i+1) bkm(nwz-i+1)=0.0 end do !****************************** ! change Sabine Eckhardt: akm should always be in descending order ... readwind adapted! !****************************** do i=1,nwz if (akm_usort(1).gt.akm_usort(2)) then akm(i)=akm_usort(i) else akm(i)=akm_usort(nwz-i+1) endif end do ! ! CALCULATION OF AKZ, BKZ ! AKZ,BKZ: model discretization parameters at the center of each model ! layer ! ! Assign the 10 m winds to an artificial model level with akz=0 and bkz=1.0, ! i.e. ground level !***************************************************************************** do i=1,nuvz akz(i)=akm(i) bkz(i)=bkm(i) end do ! NOTE: In FLEXPART versions up to 4.0, the number of model levels was doubled ! upon the transformation to z levels. In order to save computer memory, this is ! not done anymore in the standard version. However, this option can still be ! switched on by replacing the following lines with those below, that are ! currently commented out. For this, similar changes are necessary in ! verttransform.f and verttranform_nests.f !***************************************************************************** nz=nuvz if (nz.gt.nzmax) stop 'nzmax too small' do i=1,nuvz aknew(i)=akz(i) bknew(i)=bkz(i) end do ! Switch on following lines to use doubled vertical resolution !************************************************************* !nz=nuvz+nwz-1 !if (nz.gt.nzmax) stop 'nzmax too small' !do 100 i=1,nwz ! aknew(2*(i-1)+1)=akm(i) !00 bknew(2*(i-1)+1)=bkm(i) !do 110 i=2,nuvz ! aknew(2*(i-1))=akz(i) !10 bknew(2*(i-1))=bkz(i) ! End doubled vertical resolution ! Determine the uppermost level for which the convection scheme shall be applied ! by assuming that there is no convection above 50 hPa (for standard SLP) !***************************************************************************** do i=1,nuvz-2 pint=akz(i)+bkz(i)*101325. if (pint.lt.5000.) goto 96 end do 96 nconvlev=i if (nconvlev.gt.nconvlevmax-1) then nconvlev=nconvlevmax-1 write(*,*) 'Attention, convection only calculated up to ', & akz(nconvlev)+bkz(nconvlev)*1013.25,' hPa' endif return 999 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' ###########################################'// & '###### ' write(*,*) ' TRAJECTORY MODEL SUBROUTINE GRIDCHECK:' write(*,*) ' CAN NOT OPEN INPUT DATA FILE '//wfname(ifn) write(*,*) ' ###########################################'// & '###### ' write(*,*) write(*,'(a)') '!!! PLEASE INSERT A NEW CD-ROM AND !!!' write(*,'(a)') '!!! PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE... !!!' write(*,'(a)') '!!! ...OR TERMINATE FLEXPART PRESSING!!!' write(*,'(a)') '!!! THE "X" KEY... !!!' write(*,*) read(*,'(a)') opt if(opt.eq.'X') then stop else goto 5 endif end subroutine gridcheck_gfs