! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later subroutine get_settling(itime,xt,yt,zt,nsp,settling) ! i i i i i o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine calculates particle settling velocity. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! May 2010 * ! * ! Improvement over traditional settling calculation in FLEXPART: * ! generalize to higher Reynolds numbers and also take into account the * ! temperature dependence of dynamic viscosity. * ! * ! Based on: * ! Naeslund E., and Thaning, L. (1991): On the settling velocity in a * ! nonstationary atmosphere, Aerosol Science and Technology 14, 247-256. * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! itime [s] current temporal position * ! xt,yt,zt coordinates position for which wind data shall be cal- * ! culated * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !***************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: itime,indz real :: xt,yt,zt ! Auxiliary variables needed for interpolation real :: dz1,dz2,dz real :: rho1(2),tt1(2),temperature,airdens,vis_dyn,vis_kin,viscosity real :: settling,settling_old,reynolds,c_d integer :: i,n,nix,njy,indzh,nsp !***************************************************************************** ! 1. Interpolate temperature and density: nearest neighbor interpolation sufficient !***************************************************************************** nix=int(xt) njy=int(yt) ! Determine the level below the current position for u,v !******************************************************* do i=2,nz if (height(i).gt.zt) then indz=i-1 goto 6 endif end do 6 continue ! Vertical distance to the level below and above current position !**************************************************************** dz=1./(height(indz+1)-height(indz)) dz1=(zt-height(indz))*dz dz2=(height(indz+1)-zt)*dz ! Bilinear horizontal interpolation !********************************** ! Loop over 2 levels !******************* do n=1,2 indzh=indz+n-1 rho1(n)=rho(nix,njy,indzh,1) tt1(n)=tt(nix,njy,indzh,1) end do ! Linear vertical interpolation !****************************** temperature=dz2*tt1(1)+dz1*tt1(2) airdens=dz2*rho1(1)+dz1*rho1(2) vis_dyn=viscosity(temperature) vis_kin=vis_dyn/airdens reynolds=dquer(nsp)/1.e6*abs(vsetaver(nsp))/vis_kin ! Iteration to determine both Reynolds number and settling velocity !****************************************************************** settling_old=vsetaver(nsp) ! initialize iteration with Stokes' law, constant viscosity estimate do i=1,20 ! do a few iterations if (reynolds.lt.1.917) then c_d=24./reynolds else if (reynolds.lt.500.) then c_d=18.5/(reynolds**0.6) else c_d=0.44 endif settling=-1.* & sqrt(4*ga*dquer(nsp)/1.e6*density(nsp)*cunningham(nsp)/ & (3.*c_d*airdens)) if (abs((settling-settling_old)/settling).lt.0.01) goto 11 ! stop iteration reynolds=dquer(nsp)/1.e6*abs(settling)/vis_kin settling_old=settling end do 11 continue end subroutine get_settling