! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later subroutine calcmatrix(lconv,delt,cbmf,metdata_format) ! o i o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine calculates the matrix describing convective * ! redistribution of mass in a grid column, using the subroutine * ! convect43c.f provided by Kerry Emanuel. * ! * ! Petra Seibert, Bernd C. Krueger, 2000-2001 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! Changes: * ! changed by C. Forster, November 2003 - February 2004 * ! array fmassfrac(nconvlevmax,nconvlevmax) represents * ! the convective redistribution matrix for the particles * ! * ! Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * ! Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * ! - Merged calcmatrix and calcmatrix_gfs into one routine using if-then * ! for meteo-type dependent code * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! lconv indicates whether there is convection in this cell, or not * ! delt time step for convection [s] * ! cbmf cloud base mass flux * ! metdata_format format of metdata (ecmwf/gfs) * ! * !***************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod use conv_mod use class_gribfile implicit none real :: rlevmass,summe integer :: metdata_format integer :: iflag, k, kk, kuvz !1-d variables for convection !variables for redistribution matrix real :: cbmfold, precip, qprime real :: tprime, wd, f_qvsat real :: delt,cbmf logical :: lconv lconv = .false. ! calculate pressure at eta levels for use in convect ! and assign temp & spec. hum. to 1D workspace ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! pconv(1) is the pressure at the first level above ground ! phconv(k) is the pressure between levels k-1 and k ! dpr(k) is the pressure difference "around" tconv(k) ! phconv(kmax) must also be defined 1/2 level above pconv(kmax) ! Therefore, we define k = kuvz-1 and let kuvz start from 2 ! top layer cannot be used for convection because p at top of this layer is ! not given phconv(1) = psconv ! Emanuel subroutine needs pressure in hPa, therefore convert all pressures do kuvz = 2,nuvz k = kuvz-1 if (metdata_format.eq.GRIBFILE_CENTRE_ECMWF) then pconv(k) = (akz(kuvz) + bkz(kuvz)*psconv) phconv(kuvz) = (akm(kuvz) + bkm(kuvz)*psconv) else phconv(kuvz) = 0.5*(pconv(kuvz)+pconv(k)) endif dpr(k) = phconv(k) - phconv(kuvz) qsconv(k) = f_qvsat( pconv(k), tconv(k) ) ! initialize mass fractions do kk=1,nconvlev fmassfrac(k,kk)=0. end do end do !note that Emanuel says it is important !a. to set this =0. every grid point !b. to keep this value in the calling programme in the iteration ! CALL CONVECTION !****************** cbmfold = cbmf ! Convert pressures to hPa, as required by Emanuel scheme !******************************************************** !!$ do k=1,nconvlev !old do k=1,nconvlev+1 !bugfix pconv_hpa(k)=pconv(k)/100. phconv_hpa(k)=phconv(k)/100. end do phconv_hpa(nconvlev+1)=phconv(nconvlev+1)/100. call convect(nconvlevmax, nconvlev, delt, iflag, & precip, wd, tprime, qprime, cbmf) ! do not update fmassfrac and cloudbase massflux ! if no convection takes place or ! if a CFL criterion is violated in convect43c.f if (iflag .ne. 1 .and. iflag .ne. 4) then cbmf=cbmfold goto 200 endif ! do not update fmassfrac and cloudbase massflux ! if the old and the new cloud base mass ! fluxes are zero if (cbmf.le.0..and.cbmfold.le.0.) then cbmf=cbmfold goto 200 endif ! Update fmassfrac ! account for mass displaced from level k to level k lconv = .true. do k=1,nconvtop rlevmass = dpr(k)/ga summe = 0. do kk=1,nconvtop fmassfrac(k,kk) = delt*fmass(k,kk) summe = summe + fmassfrac(k,kk) end do fmassfrac(k,k)=fmassfrac(k,k) + rlevmass - summe end do 200 continue end subroutine calcmatrix