! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later subroutine assignland !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine assigns fractions of the 13 landuse classes to each ECMWF * ! grid point. * ! The landuse inventory of * ! * ! Belward, A.S., Estes, J.E., and Kline, K.D., 1999, * ! The IGBP-DIS 1-Km Land-Cover Data Set DISCover: * ! A Project Overview: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing , * ! v. 65, no. 9, p. 1013-1020 * ! * ! if there are no data in the inventory * ! the ECMWF land/sea mask is used to distinguish * ! between sea (-> ocean) and land (-> grasslands). * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 5 December 1996 * ! 8 February 1999 Additional use of nests, A. Stohl * ! 29 December 2006 new landuse inventory, S. Eckhardt * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! xlanduse fractions of numclass landuses for each model grid point * ! landinvent landuse inventory (0.3 deg resolution) * ! * !***************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: ix,jy,k,l,li,nrefine,iix,jjy integer,parameter :: lumaxx=1200,lumaxy=600 integer,parameter :: xlon0lu=-180,ylat0lu=-90 real,parameter :: dxlu=0.3 real :: xlon,ylat,sumperc,p,xi,yj real :: xlandusep(lumaxx,lumaxy,numclass) ! character*2 ck do ix=1,lumaxx do jy=1,lumaxy do k=1,numclass xlandusep(ix,jy,k)=0. end do sumperc=0. do li=1,3 sumperc=sumperc+landinvent(ix,jy,li+3) end do do li=1,3 k=landinvent(ix,jy,li) if (sumperc.gt.0) then p=landinvent(ix,jy,li+3)/sumperc else p=0 endif ! p has values between 0 and 1 xlandusep(ix,jy,k)=p end do end do end do ! do 13 k=1,11 ! write (ck,'(i2.2)') k ! open(4,file='xlandusetest'//ck,form='formatted') ! do 11 ix=1,lumaxx !11 write (4,*) (xlandusep(ix,jy,k),jy=1,lumaxy) !11 write (4,*) (landinvent(ix,jy,k),jy=1,lumaxy) !13 close(4) ! write (*,*) xlon0,ylat0,xlon0n(1),ylat0n(1),nxmin1,nymin1 ! write (*,*) dx, dy, dxout, dyout, ylat0, xlon0 nrefine=10 do ix=0,nxmin1 do jy=0,nymin1 do k=1,numclass sumperc=0. xlanduse(ix,jy,k)=0. end do do iix=1, nrefine xlon=(ix+(iix-1)/real(nrefine))*dx+xlon0 ! longitude, should be between -180 and 179 if (xlon.ge.(xlon0lu+lumaxx*dxlu)) then xlon=xlon-lumaxx*dxlu endif do jjy=1, nrefine ylat=(jy+(jjy-1)/real(nrefine))*dy+ylat0 ! and lat. of each gridpoint xi=int((xlon-xlon0lu)/dxlu)+1 yj=int((ylat-ylat0lu)/dxlu)+1 if (xi.gt.lumaxx) xi=xi-lumaxx if (yj.gt.lumaxy) yj=yj-lumaxy if (xi.lt.0) then write (*,*) 'problem with landuseinv sampling: ', & xlon,xlon0lu,ix,iix,xlon0,dx,nxmax stop endif do k=1,numclass xlanduse(ix,jy,k)= & xlanduse(ix,jy,k)+xlandusep(int(xi),int(yj),k) sumperc=sumperc+xlanduse(ix,jy,k) ! just for the check if landuseinv. is available end do end do end do if (sumperc.gt.0) then ! detailed landuse available sumperc=0. do k=1,numclass xlanduse(ix,jy,k)= & xlanduse(ix,jy,k)/real(nrefine*nrefine) sumperc=sumperc+xlanduse(ix,jy,k) end do !cc the sum of all categories should be 1 ... 100 percent ... in order to get vdep right! if (sumperc.lt.1-1E-5) then do k=1,numclass xlanduse(ix,jy,k)= & xlanduse(ix,jy,k)/sumperc end do endif else if (lsm(ix,jy).lt.0.1) then ! over sea -> ocean xlanduse(ix,jy,3)=1. else ! over land -> rangeland xlanduse(ix,jy,7)=1. endif endif end do end do !*********************************** ! for test: write out xlanduse ! open(4,file='landusetest',form='formatted') ! do 56 k=1,13 ! do 55 ix=0,nxmin1 !55 write (4,*) (xlanduse(ix,jy,k),jy=0,nymin1) !56 continue ! close(4) ! write (*,*) 'landuse written' !stop ! open(4,file='landseatest'//ck,form='formatted') ! do 57 ix=0,nxmin1 !57 write (4,*) (lsm(ix,jy),jy=0,nymin1) ! write (*,*) 'landseamask written' !**************************************** ! Same as above, but for the nested grids !**************************************** !************** TEST ******************** ! dyn(1)=dyn(1)/40 ! dxn(1)=dxn(1)/40 ! xlon0n(1)=1 ! ylat0n(1)=50 !************** TEST ******************** do l=1,numbnests do ix=0,nxn(l)-1 do jy=0,nyn(l)-1 do k=1,numclass sumperc=0. xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)=0. end do do iix=1, nrefine xlon=(ix+(iix-1)/real(nrefine))*dxn(l)+xlon0n(l) do jjy=1, nrefine ylat=(jy+(jjy-1)/real(nrefine))*dyn(l)+ylat0n(l) xi=int((xlon-xlon0lu)/dxlu)+1 yj=int((ylat-ylat0lu)/dxlu)+1 if (xi.gt.lumaxx) xi=xi-lumaxx if (yj.gt.lumaxy) yj=yj-lumaxy do k=1,numclass xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)=xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)+ & xlandusep(int(xi),int(yj),k) sumperc=sumperc+xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l) end do end do end do if (sumperc.gt.0) then ! detailed landuse available sumperc=0. do k=1,numclass xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)= & xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)/real(nrefine*nrefine) sumperc=sumperc+xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l) end do !cc the sum of all categories should be 1 ... 100 percent ... in order to get vdep right! if (sumperc.lt.1-1E-5) then do k=1,numclass xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)=xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)/sumperc end do endif else ! check land/sea mask if (lsmn(ix,jy,l).lt.0.1) then ! over sea -> ocean xlandusen(ix,jy,3,l)=1. else ! over land -> grasslands xlandusen(ix,jy,7,l)=1. endif endif end do end do end do !*********************************** ! for test: write out xlanduse ! do 66 k=1,11 ! write (ck,'(i2.2)') k ! open(4,file='nlandusetest'//ck,form='formatted') ! do 65 ix=0,nxn(1)-1 !65 write (4,*) (xlandusen(ix,jy,k,1),jy=0,nyn(1)-1) !66 close(4) ! write (*,*) 'landuse nested written' end subroutine assignland