! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later subroutine readoutgrid !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine reads the user specifications for the output grid. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 4 June 1996 * ! HSO, 1 July 2014 ! Added optional namelist input ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! dxout,dyout grid distance * ! numxgrid,numygrid,numzgrid grid dimensions * ! outlon0,outlat0 lower left corner of grid * ! outheight(maxzgrid) height levels of output grid [m] * ! * ! Constants: * ! unitoutgrid unit connected to file OUTGRID * ! * !***************************************************************************** use outg_mod use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: i,j,stat real :: outhelp,xr,xr1,yr,yr1 real,parameter :: eps=1.e-4 ! namelist variables integer, parameter :: maxoutlev=500 integer :: readerror real,allocatable, dimension (:) :: outheights ! declare namelist namelist /outgrid/ & outlon0,outlat0, & numxgrid,numygrid, & dxout,dyout, & outheights ! allocate large array for reading input allocate(outheights(maxoutlev),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate outheights' ! helps identifying failed namelist input dxout=-1.0 outheights=-1.0 ! Open the OUTGRID file and read output grid specifications !********************************************************** open(unitoutgrid,file=path(1)(1:length(1))//'OUTGRID',status='old',form='formatted',err=999) ! try namelist input read(unitoutgrid,outgrid,iostat=readerror) close(unitoutgrid) if ((dxout.le.0).or.(readerror.ne.0)) then readerror=1 open(unitoutgrid,file=path(1)(1:length(1))//'OUTGRID',status='old',err=999) call skplin(5,unitoutgrid) ! 1. Read horizontal grid specifications !**************************************** call skplin(3,unitoutgrid) read(unitoutgrid,'(4x,f11.4)') outlon0 call skplin(3,unitoutgrid) read(unitoutgrid,'(4x,f11.4)') outlat0 call skplin(3,unitoutgrid) read(unitoutgrid,'(4x,i5)') numxgrid call skplin(3,unitoutgrid) read(unitoutgrid,'(4x,i5)') numygrid call skplin(3,unitoutgrid) read(unitoutgrid,'(4x,f12.5)') dxout call skplin(3,unitoutgrid) read(unitoutgrid,'(4x,f12.5)') dyout endif ! Check validity of output grid (shall be within model domain) !************************************************************* xr=outlon0+real(numxgrid)*dxout yr=outlat0+real(numygrid)*dyout xr1=xlon0+real(nxmin1)*dx yr1=ylat0+real(nymin1)*dy if ((outlon0+eps.lt.xlon0).or.(outlat0+eps.lt.ylat0) & .or.(xr.gt.xr1+eps).or.(yr.gt.yr1+eps)) then write(*,*) outlon0,outlat0 write(*,*) xr1,yr1,xlon0,ylat0,xr,yr,dxout,dyout write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! PART OF OUTPUT ####' write(*,*) ' #### GRID IS OUTSIDE MODEL DOMAIN. CHANGE ####' write(*,*) ' #### FILE OUTGRID IN DIRECTORY ####' write(*,'(a)') path(1)(1:length(1)) stop endif ! 2. Count Vertical levels of output grid !**************************************** if (readerror.ne.0) then j=0 100 j=j+1 do i=1,3 read(unitoutgrid,*,end=99) end do read(unitoutgrid,'(4x,f7.1)',end=99) outhelp if (outhelp.eq.0.) goto 99 goto 100 99 numzgrid=j-1 else do i=1,maxoutlev if (outheights(i).lt.0) exit end do numzgrid=i-1 end if allocate(outheight(numzgrid),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate outheight' allocate(outheighthalf(numzgrid),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate outheighthalf' ! 2. Vertical levels of output grid !********************************** if (readerror.ne.0) then rewind(unitoutgrid) call skplin(29,unitoutgrid) do j=1,numzgrid do i=1,3 read(unitoutgrid,*) end do read(unitoutgrid,'(4x,f7.1)') outhelp outheight(j)=outhelp outheights(j)=outhelp end do close(unitoutgrid) else do j=1,numzgrid outheight(j)=outheights(j) end do endif ! write outgrid file in namelist format to output directory if requested if (nmlout.and.lroot) then ! reallocate outheights with actually required dimension for namelist writing deallocate(outheights) allocate(outheights(numzgrid),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate outheights' do j=1,numzgrid outheights(j)=outheight(j) end do open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'OUTGRID.namelist',err=1000) write(unitoutgrid,nml=outgrid) close(unitoutgrid) endif ! Check whether vertical levels are specified in ascending order !*************************************************************** do j=2,numzgrid if (outheight(j).le.outheight(j-1)) then write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! YOUR SPECIFICATION#### ' write(*,*) ' #### OF OUTPUT LEVELS IS CORRUPT AT LEVEL #### ' write(*,*) ' #### ',j,' #### ' write(*,*) ' #### PLEASE MAKE CHANGES IN FILE OUTGRID. #### ' endif end do ! Determine the half levels, i.e. middle levels of the output grid !***************************************************************** outheighthalf(1)=outheight(1)/2. do j=2,numzgrid outheighthalf(j)=(outheight(j-1)+outheight(j))/2. end do xoutshift=xlon0-outlon0 youtshift=ylat0-outlat0 allocate(oroout(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate oroout' allocate(area(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate area' allocate(volume(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,numzgrid),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate volume' allocate(areaeast(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,numzgrid),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate areaeast' allocate(areanorth(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,numzgrid),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate areanorth' ! ESO: surface pressure/temperature if (write_p0t0) then allocate(t0out(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1),stat=stat) allocate(p0out(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1),stat=stat) end if return 999 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! FILE "OUTGRID" #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED IN THE DIRECTORY #### ' write(*,'(a)') path(1)(1:length(1)) stop 1000 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! FILE "OUTGRID" #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED IN THE DIRECTORY #### ' write(*,'(a)') path(2)(1:length(2)) stop end subroutine readoutgrid