README for grib2nc4 v1.0 Contact: Don Morton, Delia Arnold, M. Harustak Last Update: 29 May 2016 ====================================================================== 1. Introduction ====================================================================== grib2nc4 comes from a request by users to make FLEXPART-preprocessed met data available in an easy-to-access way. In short, it uses preprocessing routines already developed for FLEXPART to open an ECMWF or NCEP met file and perform all the operations that FLEXPART normally does in order to prepare the met data for computations. It then takes the data which has been stored in FLEXPART global arrays and selectively writes it to a NetCDF4 file. This distribution is integrated into the FLEXPART source code, in a grib2nc4 subdirectory, but it doesn't necessarily have to reside there. The FLEXPART_SRC variable in the Makefile allows for an alternate FP source code location. The FLEXPART source code used by grib2nc4 must be FPv9.3, developed through CTBTO funding. FPv9.3 contains new routines that support the preprocessing of met data files - this capability does not exist in earlier versions. grib2nc4 is also dependent on the Vtable processing requirements of FPv9.3. grib2nc4 relies heavily on grib-api and NetCDF4 libraries, which have their own dependencies. Under the assumption that the libraries are installed correctly, the grib2nc4 binary can be produced by specifying the location of these libraries at the top of the Makefile and then making. A special "make test" option is available for an initial sanity check and to aid with future debugging, development and testing activities. Under this scenario, additional routines in the executable will be available, and they will be used to read in a small sample ECMWF GRIB file, preprocess it, write it to NC4 file, then read it back and compare with the preprocessed data still in the FLEXPART arrays. It does not test whether preprocessing is good, but only whether data was stored correctly in the NC4 files. ====================================================================== 2. Quick-Start ====================================================================== This section assumes that all library dependencies have been resolved, and someone wants to simply compile and run. If you are not this fortunate, you should go to the next section, Installation, then come back here to run. To compile, it should suffice to insure that the following Makefile variables are set correctly FLEXPART_SRC = .. GRIBAPI = /opt/grib-api NETCDFF = /opt/netcdf-fortran-4.4.3 NETCDF = /opt/netcdf-c-4.4.0 If you are compiling in the grib2nc4 subdirectory of the FLEXPART source code distribution, then there should be no need to change FLEXPART_SRC. Simply type "make" (noting that you may see some warnings related to variables for nests) to produce grib2nc4. Before trying to run, you might want to try "make test" to make sure that the simple test works as expected. grib2nc4 relies on Vtables to map GRIB variables to FLEXPART variables. Vtables for ECMWF and NCEP GRIB1 and GRIB2 data are availaible in the FLEXPART Vtables subdirectory. The Vtable needs to be present in your working directory. If you are not sure which one to use, you can simply copy in all of them from the FLEXPART Vtables subdirectory. Usage is simple - grib2nc4 requires two arguments - a path to the GRIB met file and a path to the NetCDF4 file to be created. WARNING - there is currently nothing to protect you if you get these out of order. It is possible for you to overwrite your met file if you use it as the second argument. Sample usage: ./grib2nc4 GD15051200 def9_nc1p0.nc4 By default, grib2nc4 will write the 3d u, v and t fields, as well as the terrain-following heights of the levels and geographic information. It is possible to write two more option variables, w and q, simply by adding them to the command. For example: ./grib2nc4 GD15051200 def9_nc1p0.nc4 q w ====================================================================== 3. Installation ====================================================================== Under the assumption that a satisfactory set of GRIB-API, HDF5, and NetCDF libs are available, as well as compatible FLEXPART source code, users should be able to define these locations in the Makefile and type "make" FLEXPART_SRC = .. GRIBAPI = /opt/grib-api NETCDFF = /opt/netcdf-fortran-4.4.3 NETCDF = /opt/netcdf-c-4.4.0 GRIBAPI installation is defined in other places. Because the installation of HDF5 and NETCDF can be confusing, a set of installation notes is presented here. They have worked for me on two different machines, and take some time to complete. Further, at this point in time they produce only dynamic libs, but this will hopefully change in the near future. Compression capabilities of NetCDF4 depend on HDF5, so that needs to be installed first. All examples are presented with a fictitious MYDIR directory, which may be in a user's directory if needed. mkdir MYDIR/usr (This may be different by the time you try) wget ./configure --prefix=MYDIR/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.16 \ --enable-fortran --enable-cxx make make check make install make check-install Then, NetCDF needs to be installed by first installing the C libs, then the Fortran libs wget CPPFLAGS=-IMYDIR/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.16/include \ LDFLAGS=-LMYDIR/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.16/lib \ ./configure --prefix=MYDIR/usr/local/netcdf-c-4.4.0 make make check make install Then, for the Fortran libs wget CPPFLAGS=-IMYDIR/usr/local/netcdf-c-4.4.0/include \ LDFLAGS=-LMYDIR/usr/local/netcdf-c-4.4.0/lib \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=MYDIR/usr/local/netcdf-c-4.4.0/lib \ ./configure --prefix=MYDIR/usr/local/netcdf-fortran-4.4.3 make make check make install Good luck!! For your convenience, I am providing you with a Fortran program I created to test my installation of the libs. It may be overkill, but if you're having a problem compiling grib2nc4, you might want to back up and make sure that your libs are providing the core functionality needed by grib2nc4. This Fortran 90 test program generates its own data, writes it (compressed) to a NetCDF4 file, then opens the file for reading and reads the data back in. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! program simp1 !! Simple program to test system capabilities for writing/reading !! NetCDF-4 files. use netcdf character (len=*), parameter :: FILE_NAME="" integer, parameter :: NX=720, NY=360, NZ=200 integer, parameter :: DEFLATE_LEVEL = 2 double precision, dimension(NX, NY, NZ) :: U integer :: i, j, k integer :: ncid, retval integer :: x_dimid, y_dimid, z_dimid, dimids(3) integer :: u_varid ! Fill with arbitrary values do j=1,NY do i=1,NX do k=1,NZ U(i,j,k) = DBLE(i+j+k) enddo enddo enddo !print *, U print *, "Creating nc file for writing" !retval = nf90_create(FILE_NAME, NF90_CLOBBER, ncid) retval = nf90_create(FILE_NAME, OR(NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_HDF5), ncid) print *, 'Created file: ', retval !--------- Define the metadata ! Define the dimensions, and get dimension ids passed back retval = nf90_def_dim(ncid, "x", NX, x_dimid) retval = nf90_def_dim(ncid, "y", NY, y_dimid) retval = nf90_def_dim(ncid, "z", NZ, z_dimid) dimids = (/ x_dimid, y_dimid, z_dimid /) ! Define U metadata and save varids retval = nf90_def_var(ncid, "U", NF90_DOUBLE, dimids, u_varid) print *, "Defined U: ", retval ! Set deflate for each variable retval = nf90_def_var_deflate(ncid, u_varid, & & shuffle=0, & & deflate=1, & & deflate_level=DEFLATE_LEVEL) retval = nf90_enddef(ncid) print *, "Ended metadata definitions: ", retval ! Write the data arrays retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, u_varid, U) print *, "SUM(U): ", sum(U) print *, "Wrote U: ", retval print *, trim(nf90_strerror(retval)) print *, "Closing nc file" retval = nf90_close(ncid) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! print *, "Opening nc file for reading" retval = nf90_open(FILE_NAME, NF90_NOWRITE, ncid) ! Get the varid of each retval = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'U', u_varid) ! Read each one retval = nf90_get_var(ncid, u_varid, U) print *, "SUM(U): ", sum(U) print *, "Closing nc file" retval = nf90_close(ncid) end program simp1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and, this is the Makefile, again using the fictitious MYDIR location of libs ########################################### FC=gfortran BINARY=simp1 ROOT=MYDIR INCLUDE = -I${ROOT}/netcdf-fortran-4.4.3/include FFLAGS = LDFLAGS = LIB=-L${ROOT}/netcdf-fortran-4.4.3/lib -lnetcdff -L${ROOT}/netcdf-c-4.4.0/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdf all : ${BINARY} ${BINARY} : ${BINARY}.o ${FC} -o ${BINARY} ${LDFLAGS} ${BINARY}.o ${LIB} ${BINARY}.o : ${BINARY}.f90 makefile ${FC} -c ${FFLAGS} ${INCLUDE} ${BINARY}.f90 ########################################### This is set up to run with shared libs. I don't particularly like this, but creating static libs for HDF5 and NetCDF4 combinations is, apparently, discouraged by some, and I haven't had the time yet to explore all of this. So, in order to run this sample program (as well as grib2nc4), it's necessary to insure the libs are accessible, as follows export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='MYDIR/usr/local/netcdf-fortran-4.4.3/lib:MYDIR/usr/local/netcdf-c-4.4.0/lib' ====================================================================== 4. Performance / To-Do ====================================================================== In general, the code is mature, but could be modified based on user requests. However, the compression isn't as much as I had hoped for. In fact, it kind of stinks. But, I think that's the price we pay for using NetCDF as storage. Here are some examples. DEFLATE 0 is no compression, DEFLATE 2 is considered by some to be a good balance of time and compression, and DEFLATE 9 is maximum compression. In these cases, we are only stored u, v and t (plus some small, miscellaneous stuff) --------------------------------------------------- ECMWF 1.0deg NCEP 1.0 degr ECMWF 0.5 deg --------------------------------------------------- Orig GRIB Mbytes 112 19 553 ---------------- --------------------------------------------------- DEFLATE 2 Time 3 min 18 sec 3 min Mbytes 112 20 739 ---------------- --------------------------------------------------- DEFLATE 9 Time 9 min 75 sec 15 min Mbytes 106 19 415 ---------------- --------------------------------------------------- So, primary to-do items are 1) Build a simple interface for putting this out in a pure binary form and assess its performance. Keep in mind, however, that accessing subsets of data from NetCDF4 would be much simpler than with binary and, in fact, possibly more efficient. If people are OK with the time for compression and file sizes, then it may not make sense to change this. 2) Understand better how to make grib2nc4 static binaries that won't rely on local NetCDF, HDF5 and GRIB-API libraries