MODULE fp2nc4io_mod !**************************************************************** ! * ! Contains data and routines for dumping selected FLEXPART * ! array variables to a NetCDF4 file. * ! * ! Don Morton (Boreal Scientific Computing LLC) * ! * ! May 2016 * ! * !**************************************************************** USE par_mod USE com_mod USE netcdf IMPLICIT NONE ! This variable should be in the range [1,9]. It has been suggested ! that 2 offers reasonable compression in a reasonable time. ! Higher values will offer more compression, but will take more time INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DEFAULT_DEFLATE_LEVEL = 2 PRIVATE DEFAULT_DEFLATE_LEVEL ! These are valid variable names for the user of this module to reference !!! DJM - 2016-06-13 -- added specific value in DIMENSION statement. !!! can't be "*" in some Fortran versions CHARACTER, DIMENSION(10), PARAMETER :: VALID_VARS = & & (/ 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'q', & & 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'Q' /) PRIVATE VALID_VARS ! Private routines in this module PRIVATE private_dump_3dfield PRIVATE private_read_3dfield PRIVATE to_upper CONTAINS SUBROUTINE fp2nc4io_print_valid_vars ! Prints the list of met variables that are considered valid in this ! module IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i DO i=1,SIZE(VALID_VARS) PRINT *, VALID_VARS(i) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE fp2nc4io_print_valid_vars LOGICAL FUNCTION fp2nc4io_vars_are_valid(num_vars, dump_vars) ! Returns True or False depending on whether all of the variables ! in dump_vars are valid names (according to VALID_VARS) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: num_vars CHARACTER, DIMENSION(num_vars), INTENT(IN) :: dump_vars ! var list LOGICAL :: all_good = .TRUE. INTEGER :: i DO i=1,num_vars IF( .NOT. ANY(VALID_VARS == dump_vars(i)) ) THEN all_good = .FALSE. ENDIF ENDDO fp2nc4io_vars_are_valid = all_good END FUNCTION fp2nc4io_vars_are_valid SUBROUTINE fp2nc4io_dump(nc4_filepath, num_vars, dump_vars, deflate_level) ! Writes metadata plus variables in dump_vars to NetCDF4 file ! All of the dumped variables come from FLEXPART modules ! par_mod and com_mod IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: nc4_filepath ! Full path to dump file INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: num_vars ! Num variables in dump_vars CHARACTER, DIMENSION(num_vars), INTENT(IN) :: dump_vars ! var list INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: deflate_level ! (should be 0-9) INTEGER :: i, j, k INTEGER :: ncfunc_retval ! NetCDF function call return values INTEGER :: ncid ! NetCDF file id ! Variables used by NetCDF routines INTEGER :: x_dimid, y_dimid, z_dimid, dimids(3) INTEGER :: varid INTEGER :: deflevel ! Deflate level #ifdef TESTING INTEGER :: nx_test, ny_test, nz_test REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: testvar_array CHARACTER(LEN=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: x_dimname, y_dimname, z_dimname REAL :: orig_array_sum, test_array_sum #endif #ifdef TESTING PRINT *, PRINT *, '*** Running in testing mode ***' PRINT *, #endif ! Use default deflate level if it wasn't passed in, or if a bad ! value was passed in. IF (PRESENT(deflate_level)) THEN IF (deflate_level < 0 .OR. deflate_level > 9) THEN deflevel = DEFAULT_DEFLATE_LEVEL ELSE deflevel = deflate_level ENDIF ELSE deflevel = DEFAULT_DEFLATE_LEVEL ENDIF PRINT *, 'Using deflate level: ', deflevel !!!!!!--------------------------------------------------- !!!!!! Now we are ready to dump to NetCDF4 file !!!!!!--------------------------------------------------- ncfunc_retval = nf90_create(nc4_filepath, & & OR(NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_HDF5), ncid) PRINT *, 'Created file: ', TRIM(nc4_filepath) ! Define the dimensions, and get dimension ids passed back ! The values nx, ny and nz come from FP par_mod ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_dim(ncid, 'x', nx, x_dimid) ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_dim(ncid, 'y', ny, y_dimid) ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_dim(ncid, 'z', nz, z_dimid) dimids = (/ x_dimid, y_dimid, z_dimid /) ! Write each of the 3d variables to the NetCDF file DO i=1,num_vars CALL private_dump_3dfield(ncid, dump_vars(i), dimids, deflevel) PRINT *, 'Dumped 3d field: ', dump_vars(i) ENDDO ! Write the height field - variable 'height' is defined in com_mod ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_var(ncid, 'height', NF90_DOUBLE, & & z_dimid, varid) ! attributes ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "description","height of the FLEXPART model levels") ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "units","m a.g.l") ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_var_deflate(ncid, varid, & & shuffle=0, & & deflate=1, & & deflate_level=deflevel) ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, height(1:nz)) ! Write some of the scalar metadata variables ! dx, dy, xlon0, xlat0 are all defined in com_mod ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_var(ncid, 'dx', NF90_DOUBLE, varid) ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, dx) ! attributes ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "description","grid distance in x direction") ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "units","degrees") ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_var(ncid, 'dy', NF90_DOUBLE, varid) ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, dy) ! attributes ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "description","grid distance in y direction") ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "units","degrees") ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_var(ncid, 'xlon0', NF90_DOUBLE, varid) ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, xlon0) ! attributes ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "description","longitude of the lowest left corner") ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "units","degrees") ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_var(ncid, 'ylat0', NF90_DOUBLE, varid) ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, ylat0) ! attributes ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "description","latitude of the lowest left corner") ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "units","degrees") ! All done, close the NetCDF file ncfunc_retval = nf90_close(ncid) #ifdef TESTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! print *, "Opening nc file for reading" ncfunc_retval = nf90_open(nc4_filepath, NF90_NOWRITE, ncid) ! Get dimensions ncfunc_retval = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'x', x_dimid) ncfunc_retval = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, x_dimid, x_dimname, & & nx_test) PRINT *, 'nx_test: ', nx_test ncfunc_retval = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'y', y_dimid) ncfunc_retval = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, y_dimid, y_dimname, & & ny_test) PRINT *, 'ny_test: ', ny_test ncfunc_retval = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'z', z_dimid) ncfunc_retval = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, z_dimid, z_dimname, & & nz_test) PRINT *, 'nz_test: ', nz_test ALLOCATE( testvar_array(0:nx_test-1, 0:ny_test-1, nz_test) ) ! Read each variable and compare with original data DO i=1,num_vars CALL private_read_3dfield(ncid, dump_vars(i), & & nx_test, ny_test, nz_test, & & testvar_array) IF (to_upper(dump_vars(i)) == 'U') THEN orig_array_sum = SUM( uu(0:nx_test-1, 0:ny_test-1, & & 1:nz_test, 1) ) ELSEIF (to_upper(dump_vars(i)) == 'V') THEN orig_array_sum = SUM( vv(0:nx_test-1, 0:ny_test-1, & & 1:nz_test, 1) ) ELSEIF (to_upper(dump_vars(i)) == 'T') THEN orig_array_sum = SUM( tt(0:nx_test-1, 0:ny_test-1, & & 1:nz_test, 1) ) ELSEIF (to_upper(dump_vars(i)) == 'W') THEN orig_array_sum = SUM( ww(0:nx_test-1, 0:ny_test-1, & & 1:nz_test, 1) ) ELSEIF (to_upper(dump_vars(i)) == 'Q') THEN orig_array_sum = SUM( qv(0:nx_test-1, 0:ny_test-1, & & 1:nz_test, 1) ) ENDIF test_array_sum = SUM( testvar_array(0:nx_test-1, 0:ny_test-1, & & 1:nz_test) ) PRINT *, dump_vars(i), ': ', 'SUM of differences = ', & & test_array_sum - orig_array_sum IF ( ABS(test_array_sum - orig_array_sum) .GT. 1.0E-3 ) THEN PRINT *, & & 'WARNING WILL ROBINSON!: Sum of differences exceeds 1.0E-3' ENDIF ENDDO ncfunc_retval = nf90_close(ncid) PRINT *, 'Closed file: ', ncfunc_retval #endif END SUBROUTINE fp2nc4io_dump SUBROUTINE private_dump_3dfield(ncid, varname, dimids, deflevel) ! Private routine meant to provide low level access for writing ! specified varname to NetCDF4 file. It is assumed that the ! NC4 file has already been opened, and that dimension id's have ! already been obtained IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! NC4 file id CHARACTER, INTENT(IN) :: varname INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: dimids(3) ! NC4 dimension ids INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: deflevel ! compression level ! NetCDF4 variables CHARACTER :: nc_varname INTEGER :: ncfunc_retval, varid ! Check that we have a valid varname. If not, buh-bye IF( .NOT. ANY(VALID_VARS == varname) ) THEN PRINT *, PRINT *, 'fp2nc4io:private_dump_3d_field() bad var: ', varname PRINT *, ' ABORTING...' PRINT *, STOP ENDIF ! Convert varname to upper case for use in NetCDF file nc_varname = to_upper(varname) ! Create the variable in the NetCDF file ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_var(ncid, nc_varname, NF90_DOUBLE, & & dimids, varid) ncfunc_retval = nf90_def_var_deflate(ncid, varid, & & shuffle=0, & & deflate=1, & & deflate_level=deflevel) ! Write the data arrays ! The values nx, ny and nz come from module com_mod ! Likewise, the arrays uu, vv, tt, ww, qv are also from the ! same module, and we assume they all have the same dimensions ! (currently they do) PRINT *, 'Writing: ', nc_varname IF (nc_varname == 'U') THEN ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, & & uu(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1, 1:nz, 1)) ! attributes ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "description","U component of wind in the X[horizontal] direction") ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "units","m s**-1") ELSEIF (nc_varname == 'V') THEN ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, & & vv(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1, 1:nz, 1)) ! attributes ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "description","V component of wind in the Y[horizontal] direction") ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "units","m s**-1") ELSEIF (nc_varname == 'T') THEN ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, & & tt(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1, 1:nz, 1)) ! attributes ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "description","temperature") ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "units","k") ELSEIF (nc_varname == 'W') THEN ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, & & ww(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1, 1:nz, 1)) ! attributes ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "description","wind component in the Z[vertical] direction") ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "units","m s**-1") ELSEIF (nc_varname == 'Q') THEN ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, & & qv(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1, 1:nz, 1)) ! attributes ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "description","specific humidity") ncfunc_retval = nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, "units"," ") ELSE PRINT *, PRINT *, 'fp2nc4io:private_dump_3d_field() bad var: ', nc_varname PRINT *, ' ABORTING...' PRINT *, ENDIF IF (ncfunc_retval /= 0) THEN PRINT *, PRINT *, '*** WARNING ***' PRINT *, ' fp2nc4io:private_dump_3d_field()' PRINT *, ' nf90_put_var returned error for var: ', nc_varname PRINT *, ENDIF END SUBROUTINE private_dump_3dfield SUBROUTINE private_read_3dfield(ncid, varname, xdim, ydim, zdim, var_array) ! Private routine for reading full 3D array, specified by varname, ! from NC4 file. Reads into preallocated array of size ! xdim x ydim x zdim IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! NC4 file id CHARACTER, INTENT(IN) :: varname INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: xdim, ydim, zdim ! NC4 dimension ids REAL, DIMENSION(xdim, ydim, zdim) :: var_array CHARACTER :: nc_varname INTEGER :: ncfunc_retval, varid ! Check that we have a valid varname. If not, buh-bye IF( .NOT. ANY(VALID_VARS == varname) ) THEN PRINT *, PRINT *, 'fp2nc4io:private_dump_3d_field() bad var: ', varname PRINT *, ' ABORTING...' PRINT *, STOP ENDIF ! Convert varname to upper case for use in NetCDF file nc_varname = to_upper(varname) ! Get the varid ncfunc_retval = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, nc_varname, varid) ! Read the variable into var_array ncfunc_retval = nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, var_array) END SUBROUTINE private_read_3dfield CHARACTER FUNCTION to_upper(c) ! Utility function to convert lower case char to upper case IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER, INTENT(IN) :: c INTEGER :: c_ascii_code c_ascii_code = IACHAR(c) IF (c_ascii_code >= IACHAR("a") .AND. c_ascii_code <= IACHAR("z")) THEN to_upper = ACHAR(c_ascii_code - 32) ELSE to_upper = c ENDIF END FUNCTION to_upper END MODULE fp2nc4io_mod