!********************************************************************** ! Copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2005,2007,2008,2009,2010 * ! Andreas Stohl, Petra Seibert, A. Frank, Gerhard Wotawa, * ! Caroline Forster, Sabine Eckhardt, John Burkhart, Harald Sodemann * ! * ! This file is part of FLEXPART. * ! * ! FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * !********************************************************************** subroutine initial_cond_calc(itime,i) ! i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculation of the sensitivity to initial conditions for BW runs * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 15 January 2010 * ! * !***************************************************************************** use unc_mod, only: init_cond use outg_mod, only: outheight use com_mod, only: linit_cond, dx, dy, xmass1, ztra1, xtra1, ytra1, npoint, & height, rho, itra1, xoutshift, youtshift, nz, numzgrid, numygrid, numxgrid, & mdomainfill, nspec, dxout, dyout, ioutputforeachrelease implicit none integer :: itime,i,ix,jy,ixp,jyp,kz,ks integer :: il,ind,indz,indzp,nrelpointer real :: rddx,rddy,p1,p2,p3,p4,dz1,dz2,dz real :: ddx,ddy real :: rhoprof(2),rhoi,xl,yl,wx,wy,w ! For forward simulations, make a loop over the number of species; ! for backward simulations, make an additional loop over the release points !************************************************************************** if (itra1(i).ne.itime) return ! Depending on output option, calculate air density or set it to 1 ! linit_cond: 1=mass unit, 2=mass mixing ratio unit !***************************************************************** if (linit_cond.eq.1) then ! mass unit ix=int(xtra1(i)) jy=int(ytra1(i)) ixp=ix+1 jyp=jy+1 ddx=xtra1(i)-real(ix) ddy=ytra1(i)-real(jy) rddx=1.-ddx rddy=1.-ddy p1=rddx*rddy p2=ddx*rddy p3=rddx*ddy p4=ddx*ddy do il=2,nz if (height(il).gt.ztra1(i)) then indz=il-1 indzp=il goto 6 endif end do 6 continue dz1=ztra1(i)-height(indz) dz2=height(indzp)-ztra1(i) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) ! Take density from 2nd wind field in memory (accurate enough, no time interpolation needed) !***************************************************************************** do ind=indz,indzp rhoprof(ind-indz+1)=p1*rho(ix ,jy ,ind,2) & +p2*rho(ixp,jy ,ind,2) & +p3*rho(ix ,jyp,ind,2) & +p4*rho(ixp,jyp,ind,2) end do rhoi=(dz1*rhoprof(2)+dz2*rhoprof(1))*dz elseif (linit_cond.eq.2) then ! mass mixing ratio unit rhoi=1. endif !**************************************************************************** ! 1. Evaluate grid concentrations using a uniform kernel of bandwidths dx, dy !**************************************************************************** ! For backward simulations, look from which release point the particle comes from ! For domain-filling trajectory option, npoint contains a consecutive particle ! number, not the release point information. Therefore, nrelpointer is set to 1 ! for the domain-filling option. !***************************************************************************** if ((ioutputforeachrelease.eq.0).or.(mdomainfill.eq.1)) then nrelpointer=1 else nrelpointer=npoint(i) endif do kz=1,numzgrid ! determine height of cell if (outheight(kz).gt.ztra1(i)) goto 21 end do 21 continue if (kz.le.numzgrid) then ! inside output domain xl=(xtra1(i)*dx+xoutshift)/dxout yl=(ytra1(i)*dy+youtshift)/dyout ix=int(xl) if (xl.lt.0.) ix=ix-1 jy=int(yl) if (yl.lt.0.) jy=jy-1 ! If a particle is close to the domain boundary, do not use the kernel either !**************************************************************************** if ((xl.lt.0.5).or.(yl.lt.0.5).or. & (xl.gt.real(numxgrid-1)-0.5).or. & (yl.gt.real(numygrid-1)-0.5)) then ! no kernel, direct attribution to grid cell if ((ix.ge.0).and.(jy.ge.0).and.(ix.le.numxgrid-1).and. & (jy.le.numygrid-1)) then !$OMP CRITICAL do ks=1,nspec init_cond(ix,jy,kz,ks,nrelpointer)= & init_cond(ix,jy,kz,ks,nrelpointer)+ & xmass1(i,ks)/rhoi end do !$OMP END CRITICAL endif else ! attribution via uniform kernel ddx=xl-real(ix) ! distance to left cell border ddy=yl-real(jy) ! distance to lower cell border if (ddx.gt.0.5) then ixp=ix+1 wx=1.5-ddx else ixp=ix-1 wx=0.5+ddx endif if (ddy.gt.0.5) then jyp=jy+1 wy=1.5-ddy else jyp=jy-1 wy=0.5+ddy endif ! Determine mass fractions for four grid points !********************************************** !$OMP CRITICAL if ((ix.ge.0).and.(ix.le.numxgrid-1)) then if ((jy.ge.0).and.(jy.le.numygrid-1)) then w=wx*wy do ks=1,nspec init_cond(ix,jy,kz,ks,nrelpointer)= & init_cond(ix,jy,kz,ks,nrelpointer)+xmass1(i,ks)/rhoi*w end do endif if ((jyp.ge.0).and.(jyp.le.numygrid-1)) then w=wx*(1.-wy) do ks=1,nspec init_cond(ix,jyp,kz,ks,nrelpointer)= & init_cond(ix,jyp,kz,ks,nrelpointer)+xmass1(i,ks)/rhoi*w end do endif endif if ((ixp.ge.0).and.(ixp.le.numxgrid-1)) then if ((jyp.ge.0).and.(jyp.le.numygrid-1)) then w=(1.-wx)*(1.-wy) do ks=1,nspec init_cond(ixp,jyp,kz,ks,nrelpointer)= & init_cond(ixp,jyp,kz,ks,nrelpointer)+xmass1(i,ks)/rhoi*w end do endif if ((jy.ge.0).and.(jy.le.numygrid-1)) then w=(1.-wx)*wy do ks=1,nspec init_cond(ixp,jy,kz,ks,nrelpointer)= & init_cond(ixp,jy,kz,ks,nrelpointer)+xmass1(i,ks)/rhoi*w end do endif endif !$OMP END CRITICAL endif endif end subroutine initial_cond_calc