project: Flex_extract: Calculation of etadot project_website: project_download: favicon: ./fp_favicon.png src_dir: ../../Source/Fortran/ output_dir: ../../Documentation/html/Documentation/Api/Fortran summary: Calculation of vertical velocity for FLEXPART author: Leopold Haimberger1 author_description: 1Univ. of Vienna, Dept. of Meteorology & Geophysics author_pic: ./fplogo.jpg docmark: ! predocmark: > media_dir: ../../Documentation/html/Documentation/Api/Fortran docmark_alt: * predocmark_alt: < creation_date: coloured_edges: display: public protected private source: public protected private graph: true warn: false license: by version: 7.1 @Note for this version: All code transferred to free form. Some code cosmetics, should not have any effects Rename some source files