!********************************************************************** ! Copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2005,2007,2008,2009,2010 * ! Andreas Stohl, Petra Seibert, A. Frank, Gerhard Wotawa, * ! Caroline Forster, Sabine Eckhardt, John Burkhart, Harald Sodemann * ! * ! This file is part of FLEXPART. * ! * ! FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * !********************************************************************** subroutine boundcond_domainfill(itime,loutend) ! i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Particles are created by this subroutine continuously throughout the * ! simulation at the boundaries of the domain-filling box. * ! All particles carry the same amount of mass which alltogether comprises the* ! mass of air within the box, which remains (more or less) constant. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 16 October 2002 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! nx_we(2) grid indices for western and eastern boundary of domain- * ! filling trajectory calculations * ! ny_sn(2) grid indices for southern and northern boundary of domain- * ! filling trajectory calculations * ! * !***************************************************************************** use point_mod use par_mod use com_mod use random_mod, only: ran1 use mpi_mod implicit none real :: dz,dz1,dz2,dt1,dt2,dtt,ylat,xm,cosfact,accmasst integer :: itime,in,indz,indzp,i,loutend integer :: j,k,ix,jy,m,indzh,indexh,minpart,ipart,mmass integer :: numactiveparticles real :: windl(2),rhol(2) real :: windhl(2),rhohl(2) real :: windx,rhox real :: deltaz,boundarea,fluxofmass integer :: ixm,ixp,jym,jyp,indzm,mm real :: pvpart,ddx,ddy,rddx,rddy,p1,p2,p3,p4,y1(2),yh1(2) integer :: idummy = -11 logical :: first_call=.true. ! Use different seed for each process if (first_call) then idummy=idummy+mp_seed first_call=.false. end if ! If domain-filling is global, no boundary conditions are needed !*************************************************************** if (gdomainfill) return accmasst=0. numactiveparticles=0 ! Terminate trajectories that have left the domain, if domain-filling ! trajectory calculation domain is not global !******************************************************************** do i=1,numpart if (itra1(i).eq.itime) then if ((ytra1(i).gt.real(ny_sn(2))).or. & (ytra1(i).lt.real(ny_sn(1)))) itra1(i)=-999999999 if (((.not.xglobal).or.(nx_we(2).ne.(nx-2))).and. & ((xtra1(i).lt.real(nx_we(1))).or. & (xtra1(i).gt.real(nx_we(2))))) itra1(i)=-999999999 endif if (itra1(i).ne.-999999999) numactiveparticles= & numactiveparticles+1 end do ! Determine auxiliary variables for time interpolation !***************************************************** dt1=real(itime-memtime(1)) dt2=real(memtime(2)-itime) dtt=1./(dt1+dt2) ! Initialize auxiliary variable used to search for vacant storage space !********************************************************************** minpart=1 !*************************************** ! Western and eastern boundary condition !*************************************** ! Loop from south to north !************************* do jy=ny_sn(1),ny_sn(2) ! Loop over western (index 1) and eastern (index 2) boundary !*********************************************************** do k=1,2 ! Loop over all release locations in a column !******************************************** do j=1,numcolumn_we(k,jy) ! Determine, for each release location, the area of the corresponding boundary !***************************************************************************** if (j.eq.1) then deltaz=(zcolumn_we(k,jy,2)+zcolumn_we(k,jy,1))/2. else if (j.eq.numcolumn_we(k,jy)) then ! deltaz=height(nz)-(zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-1)+ ! + zcolumn_we(k,jy,j))/2. ! In order to avoid taking a very high column for very many particles, ! use the deltaz from one particle below instead deltaz=(zcolumn_we(k,jy,j)-zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-2))/2. else deltaz=(zcolumn_we(k,jy,j+1)-zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-1))/2. endif if ((jy.eq.ny_sn(1)).or.(jy.eq.ny_sn(2))) then boundarea=deltaz*111198.5/2.*dy else boundarea=deltaz*111198.5*dy endif ! Interpolate the wind velocity and density to the release location !****************************************************************** ! Determine the model level below the release position !***************************************************** do i=2,nz if (height(i).gt.zcolumn_we(k,jy,j)) then indz=i-1 indzp=i goto 6 endif end do 6 continue ! Vertical distance to the level below and above current position !**************************************************************** dz1=zcolumn_we(k,jy,j)-height(indz) dz2=height(indzp)-zcolumn_we(k,jy,j) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) ! Vertical and temporal interpolation !************************************ do m=1,2 indexh=memind(m) do in=1,2 indzh=indz+in-1 windl(in)=uu(nx_we(k),jy,indzh,indexh) rhol(in)=rho(nx_we(k),jy,indzh,indexh) end do windhl(m)=(dz2*windl(1)+dz1*windl(2))*dz rhohl(m)=(dz2*rhol(1)+dz1*rhol(2))*dz end do windx=(windhl(1)*dt2+windhl(2)*dt1)*dtt rhox=(rhohl(1)*dt2+rhohl(2)*dt1)*dtt ! Calculate mass flux, divided by number of processes !**************************************************** fluxofmass=windx*rhox*boundarea*real(lsynctime)/mp_partgroup_np ! If the mass flux is directed into the domain, add it to previous mass fluxes; ! if it is out of the domain, set accumulated mass flux to zero !****************************************************************************** if (k.eq.1) then if (fluxofmass.ge.0.) then acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)=acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)+fluxofmass else acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)=0. endif else if (fluxofmass.le.0.) then acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)=acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)+abs(fluxofmass) else acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)=0. endif endif accmasst=accmasst+acc_mass_we(k,jy,j) ! If the accumulated mass exceeds half the mass that each particle shall carry, ! one (or more) particle(s) is (are) released and the accumulated mass is ! reduced by the mass of this (these) particle(s) !****************************************************************************** if (acc_mass_we(k,jy,j).ge.xmassperparticle/2.) then mmass=int((acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)+xmassperparticle/2.)/ & xmassperparticle) acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)=acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)- & real(mmass)*xmassperparticle else mmass=0 endif do m=1,mmass do ipart=minpart,maxpart ! If a vacant storage space is found, attribute everything to this array element !***************************************************************************** if (itra1(ipart).ne.itime) then ! Assign particle positions !************************** xtra1(ipart)=real(nx_we(k)) if (jy.eq.ny_sn(1)) then ytra1(ipart)=real(jy)+0.5*ran1(idummy) else if (jy.eq.ny_sn(2)) then ytra1(ipart)=real(jy)-0.5*ran1(idummy) else ytra1(ipart)=real(jy)+(ran1(idummy)-.5) endif if (j.eq.1) then ztra1(ipart)=zcolumn_we(k,jy,1)+(zcolumn_we(k,jy,2)- & zcolumn_we(k,jy,1))/4. else if (j.eq.numcolumn_we(k,jy)) then ztra1(ipart)=(2.*zcolumn_we(k,jy,j)+ & zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-1)+height(nz))/4. else ztra1(ipart)=zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-1)+ran1(idummy)* & (zcolumn_we(k,jy,j+1)-zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-1)) endif ! Interpolate PV to the particle position !**************************************** ixm=int(xtra1(ipart)) jym=int(ytra1(ipart)) ixp=ixm+1 jyp=jym+1 ddx=xtra1(ipart)-real(ixm) ddy=ytra1(ipart)-real(jym) rddx=1.-ddx rddy=1.-ddy p1=rddx*rddy p2=ddx*rddy p3=rddx*ddy p4=ddx*ddy do i=2,nz if (height(i).gt.ztra1(ipart)) then indzm=i-1 indzp=i goto 26 endif end do 26 continue dz1=ztra1(ipart)-height(indzm) dz2=height(indzp)-ztra1(ipart) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) do mm=1,2 indexh=memind(mm) do in=1,2 indzh=indzm+in-1 y1(in)=p1*pv(ixm,jym,indzh,indexh) & +p2*pv(ixp,jym,indzh,indexh) & +p3*pv(ixm,jyp,indzh,indexh) & +p4*pv(ixp,jyp,indzh,indexh) end do yh1(mm)=(dz2*y1(1)+dz1*y1(2))*dz end do pvpart=(yh1(1)*dt2+yh1(2)*dt1)*dtt ylat=ylat0+ytra1(ipart)*dy if (ylat.lt.0.) pvpart=-1.*pvpart ! For domain-filling option 2 (stratospheric O3), do the rest only in the stratosphere !***************************************************************************** if (((ztra1(ipart).gt.3000.).and. & (pvpart.gt.pvcrit)).or.(mdomainfill.eq.1)) then nclass(ipart)=min(int(ran1(idummy)* & real(nclassunc))+1,nclassunc) numactiveparticles=numactiveparticles+1 numparticlecount=numparticlecount+1 npoint(ipart)=numparticlecount idt(ipart)=mintime itra1(ipart)=itime itramem(ipart)=itra1(ipart) itrasplit(ipart)=itra1(ipart)+ldirect*itsplit xmass1(ipart,1)=xmassperparticle if (mdomainfill.eq.2) xmass1(ipart,1)= & xmass1(ipart,1)*pvpart*48./29.*ozonescale/10.**9 else goto 71 endif ! Increase numpart, if necessary !******************************* numpart=max(numpart,ipart) goto 73 ! Storage space has been found, stop searching endif end do if (ipart.gt.maxpart) & stop 'boundcond_domainfill.f: too many particles required' 73 minpart=ipart+1 71 continue end do end do end do end do !***************************************** ! Southern and northern boundary condition !***************************************** ! Loop from west to east !*********************** do ix=nx_we(1),nx_we(2) ! Loop over southern (index 1) and northern (index 2) boundary !************************************************************* do k=1,2 ylat=ylat0+real(ny_sn(k))*dy cosfact=cos(ylat*pi180) ! Loop over all release locations in a column !******************************************** do j=1,numcolumn_sn(k,ix) ! Determine, for each release location, the area of the corresponding boundary !***************************************************************************** if (j.eq.1) then deltaz=(zcolumn_sn(k,ix,2)+zcolumn_sn(k,ix,1))/2. else if (j.eq.numcolumn_sn(k,ix)) then ! deltaz=height(nz)-(zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-1)+ ! + zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j))/2. ! In order to avoid taking a very high column for very many particles, ! use the deltaz from one particle below instead deltaz=(zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j)-zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-2))/2. else deltaz=(zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j+1)-zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-1))/2. endif if ((ix.eq.nx_we(1)).or.(ix.eq.nx_we(2))) then boundarea=deltaz*111198.5/2.*cosfact*dx else boundarea=deltaz*111198.5*cosfact*dx endif ! Interpolate the wind velocity and density to the release location !****************************************************************** ! Determine the model level below the release position !***************************************************** do i=2,nz if (height(i).gt.zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j)) then indz=i-1 indzp=i goto 16 endif end do 16 continue ! Vertical distance to the level below and above current position !**************************************************************** dz1=zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j)-height(indz) dz2=height(indzp)-zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) ! Vertical and temporal interpolation !************************************ do m=1,2 indexh=memind(m) do in=1,2 indzh=indz+in-1 windl(in)=vv(ix,ny_sn(k),indzh,indexh) rhol(in)=rho(ix,ny_sn(k),indzh,indexh) end do windhl(m)=(dz2*windl(1)+dz1*windl(2))*dz rhohl(m)=(dz2*rhol(1)+dz1*rhol(2))*dz end do windx=(windhl(1)*dt2+windhl(2)*dt1)*dtt rhox=(rhohl(1)*dt2+rhohl(2)*dt1)*dtt ! Calculate mass flux, divided by number of processes !**************************************************** fluxofmass=windx*rhox*boundarea*real(lsynctime)/mp_partgroup_np ! If the mass flux is directed into the domain, add it to previous mass fluxes; ! if it is out of the domain, set accumulated mass flux to zero !****************************************************************************** if (k.eq.1) then if (fluxofmass.ge.0.) then acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)=acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)+fluxofmass else acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)=0. endif else if (fluxofmass.le.0.) then acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)=acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)+abs(fluxofmass) else acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)=0. endif endif accmasst=accmasst+acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j) ! If the accumulated mass exceeds half the mass that each particle shall carry, ! one (or more) particle(s) is (are) released and the accumulated mass is ! reduced by the mass of this (these) particle(s) !****************************************************************************** if (acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j).ge.xmassperparticle/2.) then mmass=int((acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)+xmassperparticle/2.)/ & xmassperparticle) acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)=acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)- & real(mmass)*xmassperparticle else mmass=0 endif do m=1,mmass do ipart=minpart,maxpart ! If a vacant storage space is found, attribute everything to this array element !***************************************************************************** if (itra1(ipart).ne.itime) then ! Assign particle positions !************************** ytra1(ipart)=real(ny_sn(k)) if (ix.eq.nx_we(1)) then xtra1(ipart)=real(ix)+0.5*ran1(idummy) else if (ix.eq.nx_we(2)) then xtra1(ipart)=real(ix)-0.5*ran1(idummy) else xtra1(ipart)=real(ix)+(ran1(idummy)-.5) endif if (j.eq.1) then ztra1(ipart)=zcolumn_sn(k,ix,1)+(zcolumn_sn(k,ix,2)- & zcolumn_sn(k,ix,1))/4. else if (j.eq.numcolumn_sn(k,ix)) then ztra1(ipart)=(2.*zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j)+ & zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-1)+height(nz))/4. else ztra1(ipart)=zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-1)+ran1(idummy)* & (zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j+1)-zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-1)) endif ! Interpolate PV to the particle position !**************************************** ixm=int(xtra1(ipart)) jym=int(ytra1(ipart)) ixp=ixm+1 jyp=jym+1 ddx=xtra1(ipart)-real(ixm) ddy=ytra1(ipart)-real(jym) rddx=1.-ddx rddy=1.-ddy p1=rddx*rddy p2=ddx*rddy p3=rddx*ddy p4=ddx*ddy do i=2,nz if (height(i).gt.ztra1(ipart)) then indzm=i-1 indzp=i goto 126 endif end do 126 continue dz1=ztra1(ipart)-height(indzm) dz2=height(indzp)-ztra1(ipart) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) do mm=1,2 indexh=memind(mm) do in=1,2 indzh=indzm+in-1 y1(in)=p1*pv(ixm,jym,indzh,indexh) & +p2*pv(ixp,jym,indzh,indexh) & +p3*pv(ixm,jyp,indzh,indexh) & +p4*pv(ixp,jyp,indzh,indexh) end do yh1(mm)=(dz2*y1(1)+dz1*y1(2))*dz end do pvpart=(yh1(1)*dt2+yh1(2)*dt1)*dtt if (ylat.lt.0.) pvpart=-1.*pvpart ! For domain-filling option 2 (stratospheric O3), do the rest only in the stratosphere !***************************************************************************** if (((ztra1(ipart).gt.3000.).and. & (pvpart.gt.pvcrit)).or.(mdomainfill.eq.1)) then nclass(ipart)=min(int(ran1(idummy)* & real(nclassunc))+1,nclassunc) numactiveparticles=numactiveparticles+1 numparticlecount=numparticlecount+1 npoint(ipart)=numparticlecount idt(ipart)=mintime itra1(ipart)=itime itramem(ipart)=itra1(ipart) itrasplit(ipart)=itra1(ipart)+ldirect*itsplit xmass1(ipart,1)=xmassperparticle if (mdomainfill.eq.2) xmass1(ipart,1)= & xmass1(ipart,1)*pvpart*48./29.*ozonescale/10.**9 else goto 171 endif ! Increase numpart, if necessary !******************************* numpart=max(numpart,ipart) goto 173 ! Storage space has been found, stop searching endif end do if (ipart.gt.maxpart) & stop 'boundcond_domainfill.f: too many particles required' 173 minpart=ipart+1 171 continue end do end do end do end do xm=0. do i=1,numpart if (itra1(i).eq.itime) xm=xm+xmass1(i,1) end do !write(*,*) itime,numactiveparticles,numparticlecount,numpart, ! +xm,accmasst,xm+accmasst ! If particles shall be dumped, then accumulated masses at the domain boundaries ! must be dumped, too, to be used for later runs !***************************************************************************** ! :TODO: eso parallelize if ((ipout.gt.0).and.(itime.eq.loutend)) then if (lroot) then open(unitboundcond,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'boundcond.bin', & form='unformatted') write(unitboundcond) numcolumn_we,numcolumn_sn, & zcolumn_we,zcolumn_sn,acc_mass_we,acc_mass_sn close(unitboundcond) end if endif end subroutine boundcond_domainfill