HOW TO DO REGRESSION TESTS OF THE FORTRAN CODE 1. Go to flex_extract/Testing/Regression/FortranEtadot (if not yet there) 2. Download the tarball containing the input files and reference outputs 2. Untar the tarball 3. Create a working directory: mkdir Work 4. Compile the unmodified Fortran code with makefile_fast and makefile_debug (is in flex_extract/Source/Fortran); you may use "build" for that. 5. Run a regression test to see whether the current Fortran code gives output consistent with the reference output. If not, carefully check why (machine-dependent small deviation?) The output from the regression run is in 'Outputs' (automatically created). If you need a new reference, you could remove or rename 'Outputs_ref', and then run ./ ./ to create a new reference version. 6. Work on the code and use the '' script to test your results. Note 1: The regression tests except those with "high" in their name will altogether run in about 1 minute. The "high" tests (hemispherical data) can take many minutes and also require up to ca. 20 GB of memory. Therefore, the script can be invoked as ./ omithigh to omit the "high" tests. For single development steps this should be sufficient. When you are satisfied, run the "high" tests at the end. Note 2: The test scripts contain export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 # you may want to change this export OMP_PLACES=cores You should set OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of physical cores of your test machine or less. OMP environment variables are explained on