! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later subroutine readwind_ecmwf(indj,n,uuh,vvh,wwh) !********************************************************************** ! * ! TRAJECTORY MODEL SUBROUTINE READWIND * ! * !********************************************************************** ! * ! AUTHOR: G. WOTAWA * ! DATE: 1997-08-05 * ! LAST UPDATE: 2000-10-17, Andreas Stohl * ! CHANGE: 11/01/2008, Harald Sodemann, GRIB1/2 input with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! CHANGE: 03/12/2008, Harald Sodemann, update to f90 with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! * !********************************************************************** ! Changes, Bernd C. Krueger, Feb. 2001: ! Variables tth and qvh (on eta coordinates) in common block ! ! Unified ECMWF and GFS builds ! Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 ! - Renamed from readwind to readwind_ecmwf ! !********************************************************************** ! * ! DESCRIPTION: * ! * ! READING OF ECMWF METEOROLOGICAL FIELDS FROM INPUT DATA FILES. THE * ! INPUT DATA FILES ARE EXPECTED TO BE AVAILABLE IN GRIB CODE * ! * ! INPUT: * ! indj indicates number of the wind field to be read in * ! n temporal index for meteorological fields (1 to 3)* ! * ! IMPORTANT VARIABLES FROM COMMON BLOCK: * ! * ! wfname File name of data to be read in * ! nx,ny,nuvz,nwz expected field dimensions * ! nlev_ec number of vertical levels ecmwf model * ! uu,vv,ww wind fields * ! tt,qv temperature and specific humidity * ! ps surface pressure * ! * !********************************************************************** use grib_api use par_mod use com_mod implicit none ! include 'grib_api.h' !HSO parameters for grib_api integer :: ifile integer :: iret integer :: igrib integer :: gribVer,parCat,parNum,typSurf,valSurf,discipl,parId integer :: gotGrid !HSO end real(sp) :: uuh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) real(sp) :: vvh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) real(sp) :: wwh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nwzmax) integer :: indj,i,j,k,n,levdiff2,ifield,iumax,iwmax ! VARIABLES AND ARRAYS NEEDED FOR GRIB DECODING ! dimension of isec2 at least (22+n), where n is the number of parallels or ! meridians in a quasi-regular (reduced) Gaussian or lat/long grid ! dimension of zsec2 at least (10+nn), where nn is the number of vertical ! coordinate parameters integer :: isec1(56),isec2(22+nxmax+nymax) real(sp) :: zsec4(jpunp) real(sp) :: xaux,yaux real(dp) :: xauxin,yauxin real(sp),parameter :: eps=1.e-4 real(sp) :: nsss(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1),ewss(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) real(sp) :: plev1,pmean,tv,fu,hlev1,ff10m,fflev1,conversion_factor logical :: hflswitch,strswitch!,readcloud !HSO grib api error messages character(len=24) :: gribErrorMsg = 'Error reading grib file' character(len=20) :: gribFunction = 'readwind' hflswitch=.false. strswitch=.false. !ZHG test the grib fields that have lcwc without using them ! readcloud=.false. levdiff2=nlev_ec-nwz+1 iumax=0 iwmax=0 ! ! OPENING OF DATA FILE (GRIB CODE) ! 5 call grib_open_file(ifile,path(3)(1:length(3)) & //trim(wfname(indj)),'r',iret) if (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 888 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !turn on support for multi fields messages */ !call grib_multi_support_on gotGrid=0 ifield=0 10 ifield=ifield+1 ! ! GET NEXT FIELDS ! call grib_new_from_file(ifile,igrib,iret) if (iret.eq.GRIB_END_OF_FILE) then goto 50 ! EOF DETECTED elseif (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 888 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !first see if we read GRIB1 or GRIB2 call grib_get_int(igrib,'editionNumber',gribVer,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) if (gribVer.eq.1) then ! GRIB Edition 1 !print*,'GRiB Edition 1' !read the grib2 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfParameter',isec1(6),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',isec1(8),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) !change code for etadot to code for omega if (isec1(6).eq.77) then isec1(6)=135 endif conversion_factor=1. else !print*,'GRiB Edition 2' !read the grib2 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib,'discipline',discipl,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterCategory',parCat,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterNumber',parNum,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'typeOfFirstFixedSurface',typSurf,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',valSurf,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'paramId',parId,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) !print*,discipl,parCat,parNum,typSurf,valSurf !convert to grib1 identifiers isec1(6)=-1 isec1(7)=-1 isec1(8)=-1 isec1(8)=valSurf ! level conversion_factor=1. if ((parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSurf.eq.105)) then ! T isec1(6)=130 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.2).and.(typSurf.eq.105)) then ! U isec1(6)=131 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.3).and.(typSurf.eq.105)) then ! V isec1(6)=132 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSurf.eq.105)) then ! Q isec1(6)=133 ! indicatorOfParameter ! ESO Cloud water is in a) fields CLWC and CIWC, *or* b) field QC elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.83).and.(typSurf.eq.105)) then ! clwc isec1(6)=246 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.84).and.(typSurf.eq.105)) then ! ciwc isec1(6)=247 ! indicatorOfParameter ! ESO qc(=clwc+ciwc): elseif ((parCat.eq.201).and.(parNum.eq.31).and.(typSurf.eq.105)) then ! qc isec1(6)=201031 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.3).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSurf.eq.1)) then !SP isec1(6)=134 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.32)) then ! W, actually eta dot isec1(6)=135 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.128).and.(parNum.eq.77)) then ! W, actually eta dot isec1(6)=135 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.3).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSurf.eq.101)) then !SLP isec1(6)=151 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.2).and.(typSurf.eq.103)) then ! 10U isec1(6)=165 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.3).and.(typSurf.eq.103)) then ! 10V isec1(6)=166 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSurf.eq.103)) then ! 2T isec1(6)=167 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.6).and.(typSurf.eq.103)) then ! 2D isec1(6)=168 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.11).and.(typSurf.eq.1)) then ! SDE isec1(6)=141 ! indicatorOfParameter conversion_factor=0.1 ! convert snow depth to water equivalent elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.254).and.(typSurf.eq.1)) then ! SD isec1(6)=141 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.6).and.(parNum.eq.1) .or. parId .eq. 164) then ! CC isec1(6)=164 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.9) .or. parId .eq. 142) then ! LSP isec1(6)=142 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.10)) then ! ACPCP isec1(6)=143 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.11).and.(typSurf.eq.1)) then ! SHF isec1(6)=146 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.4).and.(parNum.eq.9).and.(typSurf.eq.1)) then ! SR isec1(6)=176 ! indicatorOfParameter ! elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.17) .or. parId .eq. 180) then ! EWSS --wrong elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.38) .or. parId .eq. 180) then ! EWSS --correct isec1(6)=180 ! indicatorOfParameter ! elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.18) .or. parId .eq. 181) then ! NSSS --wrong elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.37) .or. parId .eq. 181) then ! NSSS --correct isec1(6)=181 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.3).and.(parNum.eq.4)) then ! ORO isec1(6)=129 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((parCat.eq.3).and.(parNum.eq.7) .or. parId .eq. 160) then ! SDO isec1(6)=160 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif ((discipl.eq.2).and.(parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.0).and. & (typSurf.eq.1)) then ! LSM isec1(6)=172 ! indicatorOfParameter elseif (parNum.eq.152) then isec1(6)=152 ! avoid warning for lnsp else print*,'***WARNING: undefined GRiB2 message found!',discipl, & parCat,parNum,typSurf endif if(parId .ne. isec1(6) .and. parId .ne. 77) then write(*,*) 'parId',parId, 'isec1(6)',isec1(6) ! stop endif endif !HSO get the size and data of the values array if (isec1(6).ne.-1) then call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) endif !HSO get the required fields from section 2 in a gribex compatible manner if (ifield.eq.1) then call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAParallel',isec2(2),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian',isec2(3),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues',isec2(12)) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) ! CHECK GRID SPECIFICATIONS if(isec2(2).ne.nxfield) stop 'READWIND: NX NOT CONSISTENT' if(isec2(3).ne.ny) stop 'READWIND: NY NOT CONSISTENT' if(isec2(12)/2-1.ne.nlev_ec) & stop 'READWIND: VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION NOT CONSISTENT' endif ! ifield !HSO get the second part of the grid dimensions only from GRiB1 messages if (isec1(6) .eq. 167 .and. (gotGrid.eq.0)) then call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', & xauxin,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', & yauxin,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) if (xauxin.gt.180.) xauxin=xauxin-360.0 if (xauxin.lt.-180.) xauxin=xauxin+360.0 xaux=xauxin+real(nxshift)*dx yaux=yauxin if (xaux.gt.180.) xaux=xaux-360.0 if(abs(xaux-xlon0).gt.eps) & stop 'READWIND: LOWER LEFT LONGITUDE NOT CONSISTENT' if(abs(yaux-ylat0).gt.eps) & stop 'READWIND: LOWER LEFT LATITUDE NOT CONSISTENT' gotGrid=1 endif ! gotGrid do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 k=isec1(8) if(isec1(6).eq.130) tth(i,j,nlev_ec-k+2,n)= &!! TEMPERATURE zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.131) uuh(i,j,nlev_ec-k+2)= &!! U VELOCITY zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.132) vvh(i,j,nlev_ec-k+2)= &!! V VELOCITY zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.133) then !! SPEC. HUMIDITY qvh(i,j,nlev_ec-k+2,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if (qvh(i,j,nlev_ec-k+2,n) .lt. 0.) & qvh(i,j,nlev_ec-k+2,n) = 0. ! this is necessary because the gridded data may contain ! spurious negative values endif if(isec1(6).eq.134) ps(i,j,1,n)= &!! SURF. PRESS. zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.135) wwh(i,j,nlev_ec-k+1)= &!! W VELOCITY zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.141) sd(i,j,1,n)= &!! SNOW DEPTH zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1)*conversion_factor if(isec1(6).eq.151) msl(i,j,1,n)= &!! SEA LEVEL PRESS. zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.164) tcc(i,j,1,n)= &!! CLOUD COVER zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.165) u10(i,j,1,n)= &!! 10 M U VELOCITY zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.166) v10(i,j,1,n)= &!! 10 M V VELOCITY zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.167) tt2(i,j,1,n)= &!! 2 M TEMPERATURE zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.168) td2(i,j,1,n)= &!! 2 M DEW POINT zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.142) then !! LARGE SCALE PREC. lsprec(i,j,1,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if (lsprec(i,j,1,n).lt.0.) lsprec(i,j,1,n)=0. endif if(isec1(6).eq.143) then !! CONVECTIVE PREC. convprec(i,j,1,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if (convprec(i,j,1,n).lt.0.) convprec(i,j,1,n)=0. endif if(isec1(6).eq.146) sshf(i,j,1,n)= &!! SENS. HEAT FLUX zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if((isec1(6).eq.146).and.(zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1).ne.0.)) & hflswitch=.true. ! Heat flux available if(isec1(6).eq.176) then !! SOLAR RADIATION ssr(i,j,1,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if (ssr(i,j,1,n).lt.0.) ssr(i,j,1,n)=0. endif if(isec1(6).eq.180) ewss(i,j)= &!! EW SURFACE STRESS zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.181) nsss(i,j)= &!! NS SURFACE STRESS zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(((isec1(6).eq.180).or.(isec1(6).eq.181)).and. & (zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1).ne.0.)) strswitch=.true. ! stress available !sec strswitch=.true. if(isec1(6).eq.129) oro(i,j)= &!! ECMWF OROGRAPHY zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1)/ga if(isec1(6).eq.160) excessoro(i,j)= &!! STANDARD DEVIATION OF OROGRAPHY zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.172) lsm(i,j)= &!! ECMWF LAND SEA MASK zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(isec1(6).eq.131) iumax=max(iumax,nlev_ec-k+1) if(isec1(6).eq.135) iwmax=max(iwmax,nlev_ec-k+1) !ZHG READING CLOUD FIELDS ASWELL ! ESO TODO: add check for if one of clwc/ciwc missing (error), ! also if all 3 cw fields present, use qc and disregard the others if(isec1(6).eq.246) then !! CLWC Cloud liquid water content [kg/kg] clwch(i,j,nlev_ec-k+2,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) readclouds=.true. sumclouds=.false. endif if(isec1(6).eq.247) then !! CIWC Cloud ice water content ciwch(i,j,nlev_ec-k+2,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) endif !ZHG end !ESO read qc (=clwc+ciwc) if(isec1(6).eq.201031) then !! QC Cloud liquid water content [kg/kg] clwch(i,j,nlev_ec-k+2,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) readclouds=.true. sumclouds=.true. endif end do end do call grib_release(igrib) goto 10 !! READ NEXT LEVEL OR PARAMETER ! ! CLOSING OF INPUT DATA FILE ! 50 call grib_close_file(ifile) !error message if no fields found with correct first longitude in it if (gotGrid.eq.0) then print*,'***ERROR: input file needs to contain GRiB1 formatted'// & 'messages' stop endif if(levdiff2.eq.0) then iwmax=nlev_ec+1 do i=0,nxmin1 do j=0,nymin1 wwh(i,j,nlev_ec+1)=0. end do end do endif ! For global fields, assign the leftmost data column also to the rightmost ! data column; if required, shift whole grid by nxshift grid points !************************************************************************* if (xglobal) then call shift_field_0(ewss,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(nsss,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(oro,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(excessoro,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(lsm,nxfield,ny) call shift_field(ps,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(sd,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(msl,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(tcc,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(u10,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(v10,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(tt2,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(td2,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(lsprec,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(convprec,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(sshf,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(ssr,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(tth,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,2,n) call shift_field(qvh,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,2,n) call shift_field(uuh,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,1,1) call shift_field(vvh,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,1,1) call shift_field(wwh,nxfield,ny,nwzmax,nwz,1,1) !ZHG call shift_field(clwch,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,2,n) if (.not.sumclouds) call shift_field(ciwch,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,2,n) !ZHG end endif do i=0,nxmin1 do j=0,nymin1 surfstr(i,j,1,n)=sqrt(ewss(i,j)**2+nsss(i,j)**2) end do end do if ((.not.hflswitch).or.(.not.strswitch)) then write(*,*) 'WARNING: No flux data contained in GRIB file ', & wfname(indj) ! CALCULATE USTAR AND SSHF USING THE PROFILE METHOD ! As ECMWF has increased the model resolution, such that now the first model ! level is at about 10 m (where 10-m wind is given), use the 2nd ECMWF level ! (3rd model level in FLEXPART) for the profile method !*************************************************************************** do i=0,nxmin1 do j=0,nymin1 plev1=akz(3)+bkz(3)*ps(i,j,1,n) pmean=0.5*(ps(i,j,1,n)+plev1) tv=tth(i,j,3,n)*(1.+0.61*qvh(i,j,3,n)) fu=-r_air*tv/ga/pmean hlev1=fu*(plev1-ps(i,j,1,n)) ! HEIGTH OF FIRST MODEL LAYER ff10m= sqrt(u10(i,j,1,n)**2+v10(i,j,1,n)**2) fflev1=sqrt(uuh(i,j,3)**2+vvh(i,j,3)**2) call pbl_profile(ps(i,j,1,n),td2(i,j,1,n),hlev1, & tt2(i,j,1,n),tth(i,j,3,n),ff10m,fflev1, & surfstr(i,j,1,n),sshf(i,j,1,n)) if(sshf(i,j,1,n).gt.200.) sshf(i,j,1,n)=200. if(sshf(i,j,1,n).lt.-400.) sshf(i,j,1,n)=-400. end do end do endif ! Assign 10 m wind to model level at eta=1.0 to have one additional model ! level at the ground ! Specific humidity is taken the same as at one level above ! Temperature is taken as 2 m temperature !************************************************************************** do i=0,nxmin1 do j=0,nymin1 uuh(i,j,1)=u10(i,j,1,n) vvh(i,j,1)=v10(i,j,1,n) qvh(i,j,1,n)=qvh(i,j,2,n) tth(i,j,1,n)=tt2(i,j,1,n) end do end do if(iumax.ne.nuvz-1) stop 'READWIND: NUVZ NOT CONSISTENT' if(iwmax.ne.nwz) stop 'READWIND: NWZ NOT CONSISTENT' return 888 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! WINDFIELD #### ' write(*,*) ' #### ',wfname(indj),' #### ' write(*,*) ' #### IS NOT GRIB FORMAT !!! #### ' stop 'Execution terminated' end subroutine readwind_ecmwf