!********************************************************************** ! Copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2005,2007,2008,2009,2010 * ! Andreas Stohl, Petra Seibert, A. Frank, Gerhard Wotawa, * ! Caroline Forster, Sabine Eckhardt, John Burkhart, Harald Sodemann * ! * ! This file is part of FLEXPART. * ! * ! FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * !********************************************************************** subroutine calcpv(n,uuh,vvh,pvh) ! i i i o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculation of potential vorticity on 3-d grid. * ! * ! Author: P. James * ! 3 February 2000 * ! * ! Adaptation to FLEXPART, A. Stohl, 1 May 2000 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! n temporal index for meteorological fields (1 to 2) * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !***************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: n,ix,jy,i,j,k,kl,ii,jj,klvrp,klvrm,klpt,kup,kdn,kch integer :: jyvp,jyvm,ixvp,ixvm,jumpx,jumpy,jux,juy,ivrm,ivrp,ivr integer :: nlck real :: vx(2),uy(2),phi,tanphi,cosphi,dvdx,dudy,f real :: theta,thetap,thetam,dthetadp,dt1,dt2,dt real :: pvavr,ppml(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax),ppmk(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) real :: thup,thdn real,parameter :: eps=1.e-5, p0=101325 real :: uuh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) real :: vvh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) real :: pvh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) ! Set number of levels to check for adjacent theta nlck=nuvz/3 ! ! Loop over entire grid !********************** do kl=1,nuvz do jy=0,nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 ppml(ix,jy,kl)=akz(kl)+bkz(kl)*ps(ix,jy,1,n) enddo enddo enddo ! ppmk(:,:,1:nuvz)=(100000./ppml(:,:,1:nuvz))**kappa ppmk(0:nxmin1,0:nymin1,1:nuvz)=(100000./ppml(0:nxmin1,0:nymin1,1:nuvz))**kappa do jy=0,nymin1 if (sglobal.and.jy.eq.0) goto 10 if (nglobal.and.jy.eq.nymin1) goto 10 phi = (ylat0 + jy * dy) * pi / 180. f = 0.00014585 * sin(phi) tanphi = tan(phi) cosphi = cos(phi) ! Provide a virtual jy+1 and jy-1 in case we are on domain edge (Lat) jyvp=jy+1 jyvm=jy-1 if (jy.eq.0) jyvm=0 if (jy.eq.nymin1) jyvp=nymin1 ! Define absolute gap length jumpy=2 if (jy.eq.0.or.jy.eq.nymin1) jumpy=1 if (sglobal.and.jy.eq.1) then jyvm=1 jumpy=1 end if if (nglobal.and.jy.eq.ny-2) then jyvp=ny-2 jumpy=1 end if juy=jumpy ! do ix=0,nxmin1 ! Provide a virtual ix+1 and ix-1 in case we are on domain edge (Long) ixvp=ix+1 ixvm=ix-1 jumpx=2 if (xglobal) then ivrp=ixvp ivrm=ixvm if (ixvm.lt.0) ivrm=ixvm+nxmin1 if (ixvp.ge.nx) ivrp=ixvp-nx+1 else if (ix.eq.0) ixvm=0 if (ix.eq.nxmin1) ixvp=nxmin1 ivrp=ixvp ivrm=ixvm ! Define absolute gap length if (ix.eq.0.or.ix.eq.nxmin1) jumpx=1 end if jux=jumpx ! ! Loop over the vertical !*********************** do kl=1,nuvz theta=tth(ix,jy,kl,n)*ppmk(ix,jy,kl) klvrp=kl+1 klvrm=kl-1 klpt=kl ! If top or bottom level, dthetadp is evaluated between the current ! level and the level inside, otherwise between level+1 and level-1 ! if (klvrp.gt.nuvz) klvrp=nuvz if (klvrm.lt.1) klvrm=1 thetap=tth(ix,jy,klvrp,n)*ppmk(ix,jy,klvrp) thetam=tth(ix,jy,klvrm,n)*ppmk(ix,jy,klvrm) dthetadp=(thetap-thetam)/(ppml(ix,jy,klvrp)-ppml(ix,jy,klvrm)) ! Compute vertical position at pot. temperature surface on subgrid ! and the wind at that position !***************************************************************** ! a) in x direction ii=0 do i=ixvm,ixvp,jumpx ivr=i if (xglobal) then if (i.lt.0) ivr=ivr+nxmin1 if (i.ge.nx) ivr=ivr-nx+1 end if ii=ii+1 ! Search adjacent levels for current theta value ! Spiral out from current level for efficiency kup=klpt-1 kdn=klpt kch=0 40 continue ! Upward branch kup=kup+1 if (kch.ge.nlck) goto 21 ! No more levels to check, ! ! and no values found if (kup.ge.nuvz) goto 41 kch=kch+1 k=kup thdn=tth(ivr,jy,k,n)*ppmk(ivr,jy,k) thup=tth(ivr,jy,k+1,n)*ppmk(ivr,jy,k+1) if (((thdn.ge.theta).and.(thup.le.theta)).or. & ((thdn.le.theta).and.(thup.ge.theta))) then dt1=abs(theta-thdn) dt2=abs(theta-thup) dt=dt1+dt2 if (dt.lt.eps) then ! Avoid division by zero error dt1=0.5 ! G.W., 10.4.1996 dt2=0.5 dt=1.0 endif vx(ii)=(vvh(ivr,jy,k)*dt2+vvh(ivr,jy,k+1)*dt1)/dt goto 20 endif 41 continue ! Downward branch kdn=kdn-1 if (kdn.lt.1) goto 40 kch=kch+1 k=kdn thdn=tth(ivr,jy,k,n)*ppmk(ivr,jy,k) thup=tth(ivr,jy,k+1,n)*ppmk(ivr,jy,k+1) if (((thdn.ge.theta).and.(thup.le.theta)).or. & ((thdn.le.theta).and.(thup.ge.theta))) then dt1=abs(theta-thdn) dt2=abs(theta-thup) dt=dt1+dt2 if (dt.lt.eps) then ! Avoid division by zero error dt1=0.5 ! G.W., 10.4.1996 dt2=0.5 dt=1.0 endif vx(ii)=(vvh(ivr,jy,k)*dt2+vvh(ivr,jy,k+1)*dt1)/dt goto 20 endif goto 40 ! This section used when no values were found 21 continue ! Must use vv at current level and long. jux becomes smaller by 1 vx(ii)=vvh(ix,jy,kl) jux=jux-1 ! Otherwise OK 20 continue end do if (jux.gt.0) then dvdx=(vx(2)-vx(1))/real(jux)/(dx*pi/180.) else dvdx=vvh(ivrp,jy,kl)-vvh(ivrm,jy,kl) dvdx=dvdx/real(jumpx)/(dx*pi/180.) ! Only happens if no equivalent theta value ! can be found on either side, hence must use values ! from either side, same pressure level. end if ! b) in y direction jj=0 do j=jyvm,jyvp,jumpy jj=jj+1 ! Search adjacent levels for current theta value ! Spiral out from current level for efficiency kup=klpt-1 kdn=klpt kch=0 70 continue ! Upward branch kup=kup+1 if (kch.ge.nlck) goto 51 ! No more levels to check, ! ! and no values found if (kup.ge.nuvz) goto 71 kch=kch+1 k=kup thdn=tth(ix,j,k,n)*ppmk(ix,j,k) thup=tth(ix,j,k+1,n)*ppmk(ix,j,k+1) if (((thdn.ge.theta).and.(thup.le.theta)).or. & ((thdn.le.theta).and.(thup.ge.theta))) then dt1=abs(theta-thdn) dt2=abs(theta-thup) dt=dt1+dt2 if (dt.lt.eps) then ! Avoid division by zero error dt1=0.5 ! G.W., 10.4.1996 dt2=0.5 dt=1.0 endif uy(jj)=(uuh(ix,j,k)*dt2+uuh(ix,j,k+1)*dt1)/dt goto 50 endif 71 continue ! Downward branch kdn=kdn-1 if (kdn.lt.1) goto 70 kch=kch+1 k=kdn thdn=tth(ix,j,k,n)*ppmk(ix,j,k) thup=tth(ix,j,k+1,n)*ppmk(ix,j,k+1) if (((thdn.ge.theta).and.(thup.le.theta)).or. & ((thdn.le.theta).and.(thup.ge.theta))) then dt1=abs(theta-thdn) dt2=abs(theta-thup) dt=dt1+dt2 if (dt.lt.eps) then ! Avoid division by zero error dt1=0.5 ! G.W., 10.4.1996 dt2=0.5 dt=1.0 endif uy(jj)=(uuh(ix,j,k)*dt2+uuh(ix,j,k+1)*dt1)/dt goto 50 endif goto 70 ! This section used when no values were found 51 continue ! Must use uu at current level and lat. juy becomes smaller by 1 uy(jj)=uuh(ix,jy,kl) juy=juy-1 ! Otherwise OK 50 continue end do if (juy.gt.0) then dudy=(uy(2)-uy(1))/real(juy)/(dy*pi/180.) else dudy=uuh(ix,jyvp,kl)-uuh(ix,jyvm,kl) dudy=dudy/real(jumpy)/(dy*pi/180.) end if ! pvh(ix,jy,kl)=dthetadp*(f+(dvdx/cosphi-dudy & +uuh(ix,jy,kl)*tanphi)/r_earth)*(-1.e6)*9.81 ! ! Resest jux and juy jux=jumpx juy=jumpy end do end do 10 continue end do ! ! Fill in missing PV values on poles, if present ! Use mean PV of surrounding latitude ring ! if (sglobal) then do kl=1,nuvz pvavr=0. do ix=0,nxmin1 pvavr=pvavr+pvh(ix,1,kl) end do pvavr=pvavr/real(nx) jy=0 do ix=0,nxmin1 pvh(ix,jy,kl)=pvavr end do end do end if if (nglobal) then do kl=1,nuvz pvavr=0. do ix=0,nxmin1 pvavr=pvavr+pvh(ix,ny-2,kl) end do pvavr=pvavr/real(nx) jy=nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 pvh(ix,jy,kl)=pvavr end do end do end if end subroutine calcpv