Datensets: od, ei, ea, cera (je nach verfügbarkeit eta / gauss / omega ) - jeweils: minimal grid (zb 1d, 1°), global, über Datumsgrenze - jeweils: grob/high resolution soweit möglich - jeweils pro Datenstream!!! - verschiedene zeitliche Auflösung - public vs memberstate access - - realistisches Datenset: OP, 0.1°, 60-137 , 20°N - 90°N, -180° - + 180°, jeweils eta und gauss Testdatensätze: - ERA5 - streams OPER or ELDA - full resolution vs minimal resolution, testgrid - 1h / 3h / 6h - public vs member state - eta - CERA - full resolution vs minimal resolution, testgrid - 3h / 6h - public vs member state - eta - ERA-Interim - full resolution vs minimal resolution, testgrid - 3h / 6h - public vs member state - gauss - Operational - full resolution vs minimal resolution - area: e.g. atm challenge2016 transition over 180°, europe, testgrid - basetime 00/12 - maxstep > 24 - type: AN/FC/CF/CV/PF - 1h/3h/6h - eta vs gauss - mars_requests: all controlfiles from old and new to be compared!