! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later subroutine interpol_vdep_nests(level,vdepo) ! i o !**************************************************************************** ! * ! Interpolation of the deposition velocity on 2-d model layer. * ! In horizontal direction bilinear interpolation interpolation is used. * ! Temporally a linear interpolation is used. * ! * ! 1 first time * ! 2 second time * ! * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 30 May 1994 * ! * !**************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! level number of species for which interpolation is done * ! * !**************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod use interpol_mod implicit none integer :: level,indexh,m real :: y(2),vdepo ! a) Bilinear horizontal interpolation do m=1,2 indexh=memind(m) y(m)=p1*vdepn(ix ,jy ,level,indexh,ngrid) & +p2*vdepn(ixp,jy ,level,indexh,ngrid) & +p3*vdepn(ix ,jyp,level,indexh,ngrid) & +p4*vdepn(ixp,jyp,level,indexh,ngrid) end do ! b) Temporal interpolation vdepo=(y(1)*dt2+y(2)*dt1)*dtt depoindicator(level)=.false. end subroutine interpol_vdep_nests