!******************************************************************************* ! Include file for particle diffusion model FLEXPART * ! This file contains a global common block used by FLEXPART * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! June 1996 * ! * ! Last update:15 August 2013 IP * ! * !******************************************************************************* module com_mod use par_mod, only: dp, numpath, maxnests, maxageclass, maxspec, ni, & numclass, nymax, nxmax, maxcolumn, maxwf, nzmax, nxmaxn, nymaxn, & maxreceptor, maxpart, maxrand, nwzmax, nuvzmax, numwfmem implicit none !**************************************************************** ! Variables defining where FLEXPART input/output files are stored !**************************************************************** character :: path(numpath+2*maxnests)*120 integer :: length(numpath+2*maxnests) character(len=256) :: pathfile, flexversion, flexversion_major, arg1, arg2 character(len=256) :: ohfields_path ! path path names needed for trajectory model ! length length of path names needed for trajectory model ! pathfile file where pathnames are stored ! flexversion version of flexpart (descriptive long string) ! flexversion_major version of flexpart (major version number) ! arg input arguments from launch at command line ! ohfields_path path to binary files for OH fields !******************************************************** ! Variables defining the general model run specifications !******************************************************** integer :: ibdate,ibtime,iedate,ietime real(kind=dp) :: bdate,edate ! ibdate beginning date (YYYYMMDD) ! ibtime beginning time (HHMISS) ! iedate ending date (YYYYMMDD) ! ietime ending time (HHMISS) ! bdate beginning date of simulation (julian date) ! edate ending date of simulation (julian date) integer :: ldirect,ideltas ! ldirect 1 for forward, -1 for backward simulation ! ideltas length of trajectory loop from beginning to ! ending date (s) integer :: loutstep,loutaver,loutsample,method,lsynctime real :: outstep ! loutstep [s] gridded concentration output every loutstep seconds ! loutaver [s] concentration output is an average over [s] seconds ! loutsample [s] sampling interval of gridded concentration output ! lsynctime [s] synchronisation time of all particles ! method indicator which dispersion method is to be used ! outstep = real(abs(loutstep)) real :: ctl,fine integer :: ifine,iout,ipout,ipin,iflux,mdomainfill integer :: mquasilag,nested_output,ind_source,ind_receptor integer :: ind_rel,ind_samp,ioutputforeachrelease,linit_cond,surf_only logical :: turbswitch integer :: cblflag !added by mc for cbl ! ctl factor, by which time step must be smaller than Lagrangian time scale ! ifine reduction factor for time step used for vertical wind ! Langevin equation for the vertical wind component ! ioutputforeachrelease Should each release be a seperate output field? ! iflux flux calculation options: 1 calculation of fluxes, 2 no fluxes ! iout output options: 1 conc. output (ng/m3), 2 mixing ratio (pptv), 3 both ! ipout particle dump options: 0 no, 1 every output interval, 2 only at end ! ipin read in particle positions from dumped file from a previous run ! fine real(ifine) ! mdomainfill 0: normal run ! 1: particles are initialized according to atmospheric mass distribution ! ind_source switches between different units for concentrations at the source ! NOTE that in backward simulations the release of computational particles ! takes place at the "receptor" and the sampling of particles at the "source". ! 1= mass units ! 2= mass mixing ratio units ! ind_receptor switches between different units for FLEXPART concentration at the receptor ! 1= mass units ! 2= mass mixing ratio units ! linit_cond switch on the output of sensitivity to initial conditions for backward runs ! 0=no, 1=mass unit, 2=mass mixing ratio unit ! mquasilag 0: normal run ! 1: Particle position output is produced in a condensed format and particles are numbered ! surf_only switch output in grid_time files for surface only or full vertical resolution ! 0=no (full vertical resolution), 1=yes (surface only) ! nested_output: 0 no, 1 yes ! turbswitch determines how the Markov chain is formulated ! ind_rel and ind_samp are used within the code to change between mass and mass-mix (see readcommand.f) ! cblflag !: 1 activate cbl skewed pdf routines with bi-gaussina pdf whan OL<0 added by mc integer :: mintime,itsplit ! mintime minimum time step to be used by FLEXPART ! itsplit time constant for splitting particles integer :: lsubgrid,lconvection,lagespectra ! lsubgrid 1 if subgrid topography parameterization switched on, 2 if not ! lconvection 1 if convection parameterization switched on, 0 if not ! lagespectra 1 if age spectra calculation switched on, 2 if not integer :: lnetcdfout ! lnetcdfout 1 for netcdf grid output, 0 if not. Set in COMMAND (namelist input) integer :: nageclass,lage(maxageclass) ! nageclass number of ageclasses for the age spectra calculation ! lage [s] ageclasses for the age spectra calculation logical :: gdomainfill ! gdomainfill .T., if domain-filling is global, .F. if not !ZHG SEP 2015 wheather or not to read clouds from GRIB logical :: readclouds !ESO DEC 2015 whether or not both clwc and ciwc are present (if so they are summed) logical :: sumclouds logical,dimension(maxnests) :: readclouds_nest, sumclouds_nest !NIK 16.02.2015 integer(selected_int_kind(16)) :: tot_blc_count=0, tot_inc_count=0 !********************************************************************* ! Variables defining the release locations, released species and their ! properties, etc. !********************************************************************* !change Sabine Eckhardt, only save the first 1000 identifier for releasepoints character :: compoint(1001)*45 integer :: numpoint !sec, now dynamically allocated: ! ireleasestart(maxpoint),ireleaseend(maxpoint) ! real xpoint1(maxpoint),ypoint1(maxpoint) !real xpoint2(maxpoint),ypoint2(maxpoint) !real zpoint1(maxpoint),zpoint2(maxpoint) !integer*2 kindz(maxpoint) integer :: specnum(maxspec) !real xmass(maxpoint,maxspec) real :: decay(maxspec) real :: weta_gas(maxspec),wetb_gas(maxspec) real :: crain_aero(maxspec),csnow_aero(maxspec) ! NIK: 31.01.2013- parameters for in-cloud scavening real :: ccn_aero(maxspec),in_aero(maxspec) real :: reldiff(maxspec),henry(maxspec),f0(maxspec) real :: density(maxspec),dquer(maxspec),dsigma(maxspec) real :: vsetaver(maxspec),cunningham(maxspec),weightmolar(maxspec) real :: vset(maxspec,ni),schmi(maxspec,ni),fract(maxspec,ni) real :: ri(5,numclass),rac(5,numclass),rcl(maxspec,5,numclass) real :: rgs(maxspec,5,numclass),rlu(maxspec,5,numclass) real :: rm(maxspec),dryvel(maxspec),kao(maxspec) real :: ohcconst(maxspec),ohdconst(maxspec),ohnconst(maxspec) ! se it is possible to associate a species with a second one to make transfer from gas to aerosol integer :: spec_ass(maxspec) real :: area_hour(maxspec,24),point_hour(maxspec,24) real :: area_dow(maxspec,7),point_dow(maxspec,7) !integer npart(maxpoint) integer :: nspec,maxpointspec_act character(len=10) :: species(maxspec) ! compoint comment, also "name" of each starting point ! numpoint actual number of trajectory starting/ending points ! ireleasestart,ireleaseend [s] starting and ending time of each release ! xmass total mass emitted ! xpoint1,ypoint1 lower left coordinates of release area ! xpoint2,ypoint2 upper right coordinates of release area ! zpoint1,zpoint2 min./max. z-coordinates of release points ! kindz 1: zpoint is in m agl, 2: zpoint is in m asl ! npart number of particles per release point ! nspec number of different species allowed for one release ! maxpointspec_act number of releaspoints for which a different output shall be created ! species name of species ! decay decay constant of radionuclide ! WET DEPOSITION ! weta_gas, wetb_gas parameters for below-cloud wet scavenging coefficients (gasses) ! crain_aero, csnow_aero parameters for below-cloud wet scavenging coefficients (aerosols) ! ccn_aero, cin_aero parameters for in-cloud wet scavenging coefficients (aerosols) ! GAS DEPOSITION ! reldiff diffusivitiy of species relative to diff. of H2O ! henry [M/atm] Henry constant ! f0 reactivity relative to that of O3 ! ri [s/m] stomatal resistance ! rcl [s/m] lower canopy resistance ! rgs [s/m] ground resistance ! rlu [s/m] leaf cuticular resistance ! rm [s/m] mesophyll resistance ! dryvel [m/s] constant dry deposition velocity ! PARTICLE DEPOSITION ! density [kg/m3] density of particles ! dquer [m] mean diameter of particles ! dsigma dsigma=10 or dsigma=0.1 means that 68% of the ! mass are between 0.1*dquer and 10*dquer ! fract mass fraction of each diameter interval ! vset [m/s] gravitational settling velocity in ni intervals ! cunningham Cunningham slip correction (strictly valid only near surface) ! vsetaver [m/s] average gravitational settling velocity ! schmi Schmidt number**2/3 of each diameter interval ! weightmolar [g/mol] molecular weight ! TIME VARIATION OF EMISSION ! area_hour, point_hour daily variation of emission strengths for area and point sources ! area_dow, point_dow day-of-week variation of emission strengths for area and point sources !********************************************************** ! Variables used for domain-filling trajectory calculations !********************************************************** integer :: nx_we(2),ny_sn(2) integer :: numcolumn integer :: numcolumn_we(2,0:nymax-1),numcolumn_sn(2,0:nxmax-1) real :: zcolumn_we(2,0:nymax-1,maxcolumn) real :: zcolumn_sn(2,0:nxmax-1,maxcolumn) real :: xmassperparticle real :: acc_mass_we(2,0:nymax-1,maxcolumn) real :: acc_mass_sn(2,0:nxmax-1,maxcolumn) ! nx_we(2) x indices of western and eastern boundary of domain-filling ! ny_sn(2) y indices of southern and northern boundary of domain-filling ! numcolumn_we number of particles to be released within one column ! at the western and eastern boundary surfaces ! numcolumn_sn same as numcolumn_we, but for southern and northern domain boundary ! numcolumn maximum number of particles to be released within a single ! column ! zcolumn_we altitudes where particles are to be released ! at the western and eastern boundary surfaces ! zcolumn_sn same as zcolumn_we, but for southern and northern domain boundary ! xmassperparticle air mass per particle in the domain-filling traj. option ! acc_mass_we mass that has accumulated at the western and eastern boundary; ! if it exceeds xmassperparticle, a particle is released and ! acc_mass_we is reduced accordingly ! acc_mass_sn same as acc_mass_we, but for southern and northern domain boundary !****************************************************************************** ! Variables associated with the ECMWF meteorological input data ("wind fields") !****************************************************************************** integer :: numbwf,wftime(maxwf),lwindinterv character(len=255) :: wfname(maxwf),wfspec(maxwf) ! lwindinterv [s] Interval between wind fields currently in memory ! numbwf actual number of wind fields ! wftime(maxwf) [s] times relative to beginning time of wind fields ! wfname(maxwf) file names of wind fields ! wfspec(maxwf) specifications of wind field file, e.g. if on hard ! disc or on tape integer :: memtime(numwfmem),memind(3) ! eso: or memind(numwfmem) ! memtime [s] validation times of wind fields in memory ! memind pointer to wind field, in order to avoid shuffling ! of wind fields !**************************************************************************** ! Variables defining actual size and geographical location of the wind fields !**************************************************************************** integer :: nx,ny,nxmin1,nymin1,nxfield,nuvz,nwz,nz,nmixz,nlev_ec real :: dx,dy,xlon0,ylat0,dxconst,dyconst,height(nzmax) ! nx,ny,nz actual dimensions of wind fields in x,y and z ! direction, respectively ! nxmin1,nymin1 nx-1, ny-1, respectively ! nuvz,nwz vertical dimension of original ECMWF data ! nxfield same as nx for limited area fields, ! but for global fields nx=nxfield+1 ! nmixz number of levels up to maximum PBL height (3500 m) ! nuvz is used for u,v components ! nwz is used for w components (staggered grid) ! nz is used for the levels in transformed coordinates (terrain-following Cartesian ! coordinates) ! nlev_ec number of levels ECMWF model ! dx grid distance in x direction ! dy grid distance in y direction ! dxconst,dyconst auxiliary variables for utransform,vtransform ! height heights of all levels ! xlon0 geographical longitude and ! ylat0 geographical latitude of lower left grid point !************************************************* ! Variables used for vertical model discretization !************************************************* real :: akm(nwzmax),bkm(nwzmax) real :: akz(nuvzmax),bkz(nuvzmax) real :: aknew(nzmax),bknew(nzmax) ! akm,bkm: coeffizients which regulate vertical discretization of ecmwf model ! (at the border of model layers) ! akz,bkz: model discretization coeffizients at the centre of the layers ! aknew,bknew model discretization coeffizients at the interpolated levels ! Fixed fields, unchangeable with time !************************************* real :: oro(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) real :: excessoro(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) real :: lsm(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) real :: xlanduse(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,numclass) ! oro [m] orography of the ECMWF model ! excessoro excess orography mother domain ! lsm land sea mask of the ECMWF model ! xlanduse [0-1] area fractions in percent ! 3d fields !********** real :: uu(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) real :: vv(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) real :: uupol(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) real :: vvpol(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) real :: ww(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) real :: tt(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) real :: qv(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) !ZHG adding cloud water real :: clwc(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem)=0.0 !liquid [kg/kg] real :: ciwc(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem)=0.0 !ice [kg/kg] real :: clw(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem)=0.0 !combined [m3/m3] real :: pv(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) real :: rho(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) real :: drhodz(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) real :: tth(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem) real :: qvh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem) real :: clwch(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem)=0.0 real :: ciwch(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem)=0.0 real :: pplev(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem) !scavenging NIK, PS integer(kind=1) :: clouds(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem) integer :: cloudsh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,numwfmem) !ZHG Sep 2015 ! real :: icloud_stats(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,5,numwfmem) real :: ctwc(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,numwfmem) ! ESO: =icloud_stats(:,:,4,:) ! uu,vv,ww [m/2] wind components in x,y and z direction ! uupol,vvpol [m/s] wind components in polar stereographic projection ! tt [K] temperature data ! qv specific humidity data ! pv (pvu) potential vorticity ! rho [kg/m3] air density ! drhodz [kg/m2] vertical air density gradient ! tth,qvh tth,qvh on original eta levels ! clouds: no cloud, no precipitation 0 ! cloud, no precipitation 1 ! rainout conv/lsp dominated 2/3 ! washout conv/lsp dominated 4/5 ! PS 2013 !c icloudbot (m) cloud bottom height !c icloudthck (m) cloud thickness ! pplev for the GFS version ! ctwc total cloud water content ! 2d fields !********** real :: ps(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: sd(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: msl(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: tcc(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: u10(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: v10(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: tt2(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: td2(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: lsprec(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: convprec(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: sshf(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: ssr(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: surfstr(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: ustar(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: wstar(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: hmix(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: tropopause(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) real :: oli(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) ! real :: diffk(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem) ESO: this is not in use? ! logical :: beneath_cloud=.true. ! ps surface pressure ! sd snow depth ! msl mean sea level pressure ! tcc total cloud cover ! u10 10 meter u ! v10 10 meter v ! tt2 2 meter temperature ! td2 2 meter dew point ! lsprec [mm/h] large scale total precipitation ! convprec [mm/h] convective precipitation ! sshf surface sensible heat flux ! ssr surface solar radiation ! surfstr surface stress ! ustar [m/s] friction velocity ! wstar [m/s] convective velocity scale ! hmix [m] mixing height ! tropopause [m] altitude of thermal tropopause ! oli [m] inverse Obukhov length (1/L) ! diffk [m2/s] diffusion coefficient at reference height real :: vdep(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,maxspec,numwfmem) ! vdep [m/s] deposition velocities !******************************************************************** ! Variables associated with the ECMWF input data (nested wind fields) !******************************************************************** ! NOTE: all nested variables have the same name as the variables used ! for the mother domain, except with a 'n' appended at the end !******************************************************************** integer :: numbnests ! numbnests number of nested grids character(len=255) :: wfnamen(maxnests,maxwf) character(len=18) :: wfspecn(maxnests,maxwf) ! wfnamen nested wind field names ! wfspecn specifications of wind field file, e.g. if on hard ! disc or on tape !********************************************************************* ! Variables characterizing size and location of the nested wind fields !********************************************************************* integer :: nxn(maxnests),nyn(maxnests) real :: dxn(maxnests),dyn(maxnests),xlon0n(maxnests),ylat0n(maxnests) ! nxn,nyn actual dimensions of nested wind fields in x and y direction ! dxn,dyn grid distances in x,y direction for the nested grids ! xlon0n geographical longitude of lower left grid point of nested wind fields ! ylat0n geographical latitude of lower left grid point of nested wind fields ! Nested fields, unchangeable with time !************************************** real :: oron(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,maxnests) real :: excessoron(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,maxnests) real :: lsmn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,maxnests) real :: xlandusen(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,numclass,maxnests) ! 3d nested fields !***************** real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: uun, vvn, wwn, ttn, qvn, pvn,& & rhon, drhodzn, tthn, qvhn, clwcn, ciwcn, clwn, clwchn, ciwchn real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: ctwcn integer,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: cloudshn integer(kind=1),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: cloudsn ! 2d nested fields !***************** real :: psn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: sdn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: msln(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: tccn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: u10n(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: v10n(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: tt2n(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: td2n(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: lsprecn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: convprecn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: sshfn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: ssrn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: surfstrn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: ustarn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: wstarn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: hmixn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: tropopausen(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) real :: olin(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) ! real :: diffkn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,maxnests) ! not in use? real :: vdepn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,maxspec,numwfmem,maxnests) !************************************************* ! Certain auxiliary variables needed for the nests !************************************************* real :: xresoln(0:maxnests),yresoln(0:maxnests) ! xresoln, yresoln Factors by which the resolutions in the nests ! are enhanced compared to mother grid real :: xln(maxnests),yln(maxnests),xrn(maxnests),yrn(maxnests) ! xln,yln,xrn,yrn Corner points of nested grids in grid coordinates ! of mother grid !****************************************************** ! Variables defining the polar stereographic projection !****************************************************** logical :: xglobal,sglobal,nglobal real :: switchnorthg,switchsouthg !xglobal T for global fields, F for limited area fields !sglobal T if domain extends towards south pole !nglobal T if domain extends towards north pole !switchnorthg,switchsouthg same as parameters switchnorth, ! switchsouth, but in grid units real :: southpolemap(9),northpolemap(9) !southpolemap,northpolemap define stereographic projections ! at the two poles !****************** ! Landuse inventory ! Sabine Eckhardt Dec 06: change to new landuse inventary - 11 classes, 1200 x 600 global !****************** integer(kind=1) :: landinvent(1200,600,6) real :: z0(numclass) ! landinvent landuse inventory (numclass=11 classes) ! z0 roughness length for the landuse classes !************************************************************************** ! Variables characterizing the output grid and containing the model results !************************************************************************** integer :: numxgrid,numygrid,numzgrid real :: dxout,dyout,outlon0,outlat0,xoutshift,youtshift integer :: numxgridn,numygridn real :: dxoutn,dyoutn,outlon0n,outlat0n,xoutshiftn,youtshiftn !real outheight(maxzgrid),outheighthalf(maxzgrid) logical :: DEP,DRYDEP,DRYDEPSPEC(maxspec),WETDEP,OHREA,ASSSPEC logical :: DRYBKDEP,WETBKDEP ! numxgrid,numygrid number of grid points in x,y-direction ! numxgridn,numygridn number of grid points in x,y-direction for nested output grid ! numzgrid number of vertical levels of output grid ! dxout,dyout grid distance of output grid ! dxoutn,dyoutn grid distance of nested output grid ! outlon0,outlat0 lower left corner of output grid ! outlon0n,outlat0n lower left corner of nested output grid ! xoutshift,youtshift xlon0-outlon0, ylat0-outlat0 ! xoutshiftn,youtshiftn xlon0-outlon0n, ylat0-outlat0n ! outheight [m] upper levels of the output grid ! outheighthalf [m] half (middle) levels of the output grid cells ! DEP .true., if either dry or wet depos. is switched on ! DRYDEP .true., if dry deposition is switched on ! DRYDEPSPEC .true., if dry deposition is switched on for that species ! WETDEP .true., if wet deposition is switched on ! OHREA .true., if OH reaction is switched on ! ASSSPEC .true., if there are two species asscoiated ! DRYBKDEP,WETBKDEP .true., for bkwd runs, where mass deposited and source regions is calculated - either for dry or for wet deposition ! (i.e. transfer of mass between these two occurs ! if output for each releasepoint shall be created maxpointspec=number of releasepoints ! else maxpointspec is 1 -> moved to unc_mod ! the OUTGRID is moved to the module outg_mod !****************************************************************************** !real gridunc(0:maxxgrid-1,0:maxygrid-1,maxzgrid,maxspec, ! + maxpointspec_act,nclassunc,maxageclass) !real griduncn(0:maxxgridn-1,0:maxygridn-1,maxzgrid,maxspec, ! + maxpointspec_act,nclassunc,maxageclass) !real wetgridunc(0:maxxgrid-1,0:maxygrid-1,maxspec, ! + maxpointspec_act,nclassunc,maxageclass) !real wetgriduncn(0:maxxgridn-1,0:maxygridn-1,maxspec, ! +ct maxpointspec,nclassunc,maxageclass) !real drygridunc(0:maxxgrid-1,0:maxygrid-1,maxspec,maxpointspec, ! + nclassunc,maxageclass) !real drygriduncn(0:maxxgridn-1,0:maxygridn-1,maxspec, ! + maxpointspec,nclassunc,maxageclass) !real oroout(0:maxxgrid-1,0:maxygrid-1) !real orooutn(0:maxxgridn-1,0:maxygridn-1) ! real area(0:maxxgrid-1,0:maxygrid-1) !real arean(0:maxxgridn-1,0:maxygridn-1) !real volume(0:maxxgrid-1,0:maxygrid-1,maxzgrid) !real volumen(0:maxxgridn-1,0:maxygridn-1,maxzgrid) !real areaeast(0:maxxgrid-1,0:maxygrid-1,maxzgrid) !real areanorth(0:maxxgrid-1,0:maxygrid-1,maxzgrid) ! gridunc,griduncn uncertainty of outputted concentrations ! wetgridunc,wetgriduncn uncertainty of accumulated wet deposited mass on output grid ! drygridunc,drygriduncn uncertainty of accumulated dry deposited mass on output grid ! oroout,orooutn [m] height of model topography at output grid ! area,arean [m2] area of each grid cell ! volume,volumen [m3] volume of each grid cell ! ... field names with n at the end indicate a nested output grid !*********************************** ! Variables defining receptor points !*********************************** real :: xreceptor(maxreceptor),yreceptor(maxreceptor) real :: receptorarea(maxreceptor) real :: creceptor(maxreceptor,maxspec) character(len=16) :: receptorname(maxreceptor) integer :: numreceptor ! xreceptor,yreceptor receptor position ! creceptor concentrations at receptor points ! receptorarea area of 1*1 grid cell at receptor point !*************************************** ! Variables characterizing each particle !*************************************** integer :: numpart=0 integer :: numparticlecount integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: itra1, npoint, nclass, idt, itramem, itrasplit real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: xtra1, ytra1 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: ztra1 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: xmass1 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: xscav_frac1 ! eso: Moved from timemanager real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: uap,ucp,uzp,us,vs,ws integer(kind=2), allocatable, dimension(:) :: cbt !CGZ-lifetime real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) ::checklifetime, species_lifetime !CGZ-lifetime ! numpart actual number of particles in memory ! itra1 (maxpart) [s] temporal positions of the particles ! npoint(maxpart) indicates the release point of each particle ! nclass (maxpart) one of nclassunc classes to which the particle is attributed ! itramem (maxpart) [s] memorized release times of the particles ! itrasplit (maxpart) [s] next time when particle is to be split into two ! idt(maxpart) [s] time step to be used for next integration ! numparticlecount counts the total number of particles that have been released ! xtra1,ytra1,ztra1 spatial positions of the particles ! xmass1 [kg] particle masses ! xscav_frac1 fraction of particle masse which has been scavenged at receptor !******************************************************* ! Info table on available chemical species/radionuclides !******************************************************* !character*10 specname(maxtable) !real decaytime(maxtable),wetscava(maxtable),wetscavb(maxtable) !real drydiff(maxtable),dryhenry(maxtable),dryactiv(maxtable) !real partrho(maxtable),partmean(maxtable),partsig(maxtable) !real dryvelo(maxtable),weightmol(maxtable),ohreact(maxtable) ! specname Name of chemical species/radionuclide ! decaytime Half time of radionuclides ! wetscava, wetscavb Parameters for calculating scavenging coefficients ! drydiff diffusivitiy of species relative to diff. of H2O ! dryhenry [M/atm] Henry constant ! dryactiv reactivity relative to that of O3 ! partrho [kg/m3] density of particles ! partmean [m] mean diameter of particles ! partsig [m] mean stand. deviation of particle diameter ! dryvelo [cm/s] constant dry deposition velocity ! weightmol [g/mol] molecular weight ! ohreact OH reaction rate !******************** ! Random number field !******************** real :: rannumb(maxrand) ! rannumb field of normally distributed random numbers !******************************************************************** ! variables to control stability of CBL scheme under variation ! of statistics in time and space !******************************************************************** integer :: nan_count,nan_count2,sum_nan_count(3600),maxtl=1200 !added by mc , note that for safety sum_nan_count(N) with N>maxtl !******************************************************************** ! variables to test well-mixed state of CBL scheme not to be included in final release !******************************************************************** real :: well_mixed_vector(50),h_well,well_mixed_norm,avg_air_dens(50),avg_ol,avg_wst,avg_h ! modified by mc to test well-mixed for cbl !******************** ! Verbosity, testing flags, namelist I/O !******************** integer :: verbosity=0 integer :: info_flag=0 integer :: count_clock, count_clock0, count_rate, count_max real :: tins logical, parameter :: nmlout=.true. ! These variables are used to avoid having separate versions of ! files in cases where differences with MPI version is minor (eso) !***************************************************************** integer :: mpi_mode=0 ! .gt. 0 if running MPI version logical :: lroot=.true. ! true if serial version, or if MPI .and. root process logical :: usekernel=.false. ! true if the output kernel shall be switched on contains subroutine com_mod_allocate_part(nmpart) !******************************************************************************* ! Dynamic allocation of arrays ! ! For FLEXPART version 9.2 and earlier these arrays were statically declared ! with size maxpart. This function is introduced so that the MPI version ! can declare these arrays with smaller size ("maxpart per process"), while ! the serial version allocate at run-time with size maxpart ! !******************************************************************************* implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nmpart ! maximum number of particles (per process) ! Arrays, previously static of size maxpart allocate(itra1(nmpart),npoint(nmpart),nclass(nmpart),& & idt(nmpart),itramem(nmpart),itrasplit(nmpart),& & xtra1(nmpart),ytra1(nmpart),ztra1(nmpart),& & xmass1(nmpart, maxspec),& & checklifetime(nmpart,maxspec), species_lifetime(maxspec,2))!CGZ-lifetime allocate(uap(nmpart),ucp(nmpart),uzp(nmpart),us(nmpart),& & vs(nmpart),ws(nmpart),cbt(nmpart)) end subroutine com_mod_allocate_part subroutine com_mod_allocate_nests !******************************************************************************* ! Dynamic allocation of arrays ! ! For nested wind fields. ! !******************************************************************************* implicit none allocate(uun(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(vvn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(wwn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(ttn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(qvn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(pvn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(clwcn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(ciwcn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(clwn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(cloudsn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(cloudshn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(rhon(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(drhodzn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(tthn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(qvhn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(clwchn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(ciwchn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem,numbnests)) allocate(ctwcn(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,numwfmem,numbnests)) clwcn(:,:,:,:,:)=0. ciwcn(:,:,:,:,:)=0. clwchn(:,:,:,:,:)=0. ciwchn(:,:,:,:,:)=0. end subroutine com_mod_allocate_nests end module com_mod