fpname | paramId | indofParam | discipline | category | number | typeSurf | typeofLevel | units | shortName | description | gribVersion | center | ---------+---------+------------+------------+----------+--------+-----------+--------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+------------+---------+ TT | | 11 | | | | 100 | isobaricInhPa | K | t | Temperature | 1 | kwbc | UU | | 33 | | | | 100 | isobaricInhPa | m s**-1 | u | U component of wind| 1 | kwbc | VV | | 34 | | | | 100 | isobaricInhPa | m s**-1 | v | V component of wind| 1 | kwbc | RH | | 52 | | | | 100 | isobaricInhPa | % | r | Relative humidity | 1 | kwbc | PS | | 1 | | | | 1 | surface | Pa | sp | Surface pressure | 1 | kwbc | WW | | 39 | | | | 100 | isobaricInhPa | Pa s**-1 | w | Vertical velocity | 1 | kwbc | SD | | 65 | | | | 1 | surface | kg m**-2 | sf | Snow Fall water equ| 1 | kwbc | SLP | | 2 | | | | 102 | meanSea | Pa | msl | Mean sea lev. pres.| 1 | kwbc | U10 | | 33 | | | | 105 | heightAboveGround | m s**-1 | 10u | 10 m u wind | 1 | kwbc | V10 | | 34 | | | | 105 | heightAboveGround | m s**-1 | 10v | 10 m v wind | 1 | kwbc | T2 | | 11 | | | | 105 | heightAboveGround | K | 2t | 2 metre temperature| 1 | kwbc | TCC | | 71 | | | | 244 | Convec. cld layer | % | tcc | Total cloud cover | 1 | kwbc | LSPREC | | | 0 | 1 | 8 | 1 | surface | kg m**-2 | tp | total precip. | 2 | kwbc | CONVPREC | | | 0 | 1 | 10 | 1 | surface | kg m**-2 | acpcp | convective precip. | 2 | kwbc | ORO | | 7 | | | | 1 | surface | m | orog | Orography | 1 | kwbc | LSM | | 81 | | | | 1 | surface | (0 - 1) | lsm | Land-sea mask | 1 | kwbc | HMIX | | 221 | | | | 1 | surface | m | hpbl | Planetary BLH | 1 | kwbc | RH2 | | 52 | | | | 105 | heightAboveGround | % | r | Relative humidity | 1 | kwbc | TSIG1 | | 11 | | | | 107 | sigma | K | t | Temperature | 1 | kwbc | USIG1 | | 33 | | | | 107 | sigma | m s**-1 | u | U component of wind| 1 | kwbc | VSIG1 | | 34 | | | | 107 | sigma | m s**-1 | v | V component of wind| 1 | kwbc | ---------+---------+------------+------------+----------+--------+-----------+--------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+------------+--------+ # # This table constitutes the parameters that work for NCEP GRIB1 files available in the CTBTO operational # data, as well as the NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses, continuing from # July 1999, available from http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds083.2/ (a quick comparision of CTBTO and # UCAR NCEP GRIB1 files revealed them to be bitwise-identical) # # For the most part, parameters were chosen by looking through the codes used in readwind_gfs.f90, # but cross-checking was done using some of the information available at the following site: # # * NCEP Parameter Code Table 1 -- http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds083.2/#metadata/grib.html?_do=y # # Note that there has been no testing of variables TCC, CONVPREC and LSPREC. In fact, none of the # commonly available NCEP GIRB1 files seem to contain these variables. The entries in this table for # those three variables is not much more than a "best guess," and should not be trusted as being # correct at this point. # # Vtable for NCEP model-level data in GRIB1 # typeSurf = typeOfFirstFixedSurface # indOfParam = indicatorOfParameter for GRIB1 # typeofLeve for GRIB 1 is equivalent to indicatorOfTypeOfLevel # NOTES FOR DON: # New variable RH was in ECMWF QH --- QH is obtained from RH in the readwind_gfs code # - SLP is read in initially to get params but it is in fact the MSL # - new variable HMIX -- mixing height # - new variables *SIG1 -- new variables used to calculate fluxes and stresses # - ETADOT is not existing, but there is the vertical velocity. I leave the same ETADOT FP name... or shall we call it WW? just a change in name #! There is no ParamId or infofParam from the GRIB files!!! # RH in readwind_gfs.f90 code has number 1 but the GRIB files have it 0! I have checked with grib_dump # readwind_gfs.f90 tries to get the total cloud cover, but it is not in the GRIB data # NCEP data in our case_data does not have Total Cloud Cover! it tries to read it, but it is not in the files. # ... we DO HAVE TCC in the data we get at ZAMG # precipitation is complex. I find only frozen precip fraciton in the files, but readwind, reads some parameters # ... that are tp and convprec if GRIB2!! our test data has no precipitation data. In the data we get at ZAMG # ... we DO HAVE total precipitation data and Convective precipitation!!! # ... LSPREC is actually total precip .... but I insist, we do not have water precip in our case data!! # ALso at ZAMG we have relative and specific humidity! what does CTBTO have? # ALso funny, in readwind_gfs it says that td2 is calculated because it is not in GFS data # ... but we have it in the data and we do not have the relative humidity at 2 m