! ********************************************************************** ! Copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2005,2007,2008,2009,2010 * ! Andreas Stohl, Petra Seibert, A. Frank, Gerhard Wotawa, * ! Caroline Forster, Sabine Eckhardt, John Burkhart, Harald Sodemann * ! * ! This file is part of FLEXPART. * ! * ! FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * ! ********************************************************************** subroutine verttransform_ecmwf(n,uuh,vvh,wwh,pvh) ! i i i i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine transforms temperature, dew point temperature and * ! wind components from eta to meter coordinates. * ! The vertical wind component is transformed from Pa/s to m/s using * ! the conversion factor pinmconv. * ! In addition, this routine calculates vertical density gradients * ! needed for the parameterization of the turbulent velocities. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl, G. Wotawa * ! * ! 12 August 1996 * ! Update: 16 January 1998 * ! * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! CHANGES * ! Major update: 17 February 1999 * ! by G. Wotawa * ! * ! - Vertical levels for u, v and w are put together * ! - Slope correction for vertical velocity: Modification of calculation * ! procedure * ! * ! Bernd C. Krueger, Feb. 2001: ! Variables tth and qvh (on eta coordinates) from common block ! * ! Sabine Eckhardt, March 2007: ! added the variable cloud for use with scavenging - descr. in com_mod ! * ! Who? When? * ! Unified ECMWF and GFS builds ! Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 ! - Renamed from verttransform to verttransform_ecmwf ! * ! Don Morton, 2017-05-30: ! modification of a bug in ew. Don Morton (CTBTO project) * ! * ! undocumented modifications by NILU for v10 * ! * ! Petra Seibert, 2018-06-13: * ! - fix bug of ticket:140 (find reference position for vertical grid) * ! - put back SAVE attribute for INIT, just to be safe * ! - minor changes, most of them just cosmetics * ! for details see changelog.txt * ! * ! **************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! nx,ny,nz field dimensions in x,y and z direction * ! clouds(0:nxmax,0:nymax,0:nzmax,numwfmem) cloud field for wet deposition * ! uu(0:nxmax,0:nymax,nzmax,numwfmem) wind components in x-direction [m/s]* ! vv(0:nxmax,0:nymax,nzmax,numwfmem) wind components in y-direction [m/s]* ! ww(0:nxmax,0:nymax,nzmax,numwfmem) wind components in z-direction * ! [deltaeta/s] * ! tt(0:nxmax,0:nymax,nzmax,numwfmem) temperature [K] * ! pv(0:nxmax,0:nymax,nzmax,numwfmem) potential voriticity (pvu) * ! ps(0:nxmax,0:nymax,numwfmem) surface pressure [Pa] * ! * !***************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod use cmapf_mod, only: cc2gll implicit none real,intent(in),dimension(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) :: uuh,vvh,pvh real,intent(in),dimension(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nwzmax) :: wwh real,dimension(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) :: rhoh,uvzlev,wzlev real,dimension(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax) :: pinmconv !> for reference profile (PS) real :: tvoldref, poldref, pintref, psmean, psstd integer :: ixyref(2) integer, parameter :: ioldref = 1 ! PS 2018-06-13: set to 0 if you !! want old method of searching reference location for the vertical grid !! 1 for new method (options for other methods 2,... in the future) real,dimension(0:nymax-1) :: cosf real,dimension(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) :: tvold,pold,pint,tv !! automatic arrays introduced in v10 by ?? to achieve better loop order (PS) integer,dimension(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) :: rain_cloud_above,idx integer :: ix,jy,kz,iz,n,kmin,ix1,jy1,ixp,jyp,ixref,jyref,kz_inv real :: f_qvsat,pressure,rh,lsp,convp,cloudh_min,prec real :: ew,dz1,dz2,dz real :: xlon,ylat,xlonr,dzdx,dzdy real :: dzdx1,dzdx2,dzdy1,dzdy2 real :: uuaux,vvaux,uupolaux,vvpolaux,ddpol,ffpol,wdummy real,parameter :: const=r_air/ga real,parameter :: precmin = 0.002 ! minimum prec in mm/h for cloud diagnostics logical, save :: init = .true. ! PS 2018-06-13: add back save attribute !ZHG SEP 2014 tests ! integer :: cloud_ver,cloud_min, cloud_max ! integer ::teller(5), convpteller=0, lspteller=0 ! real :: cloud_col_wat, cloud_water !ZHG 2015 temporary variables for testing ! real :: rcw(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) ! real :: rpc(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) ! character(len=60) :: zhgpath='/xnilu_wrk/flex_wrk/zhg/' ! character(len=60) :: fnameA,fnameB,fnameC,fnameD,fnameE,fnameF,fnameG,fnameH ! CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: aspec ! integer :: virr=0 !real :: tot_cloud_h !real :: dbg_height(nzmax) !ZHG !************************************************************************* ! If verttransform is called the first time, initialize heights of the * ! z levels in meter. The heights are the heights of model levels, where * ! u,v,T and qv are given, and of the interfaces, where w is given. So, * ! the vertical rESOlution in the z system is doubled. As reference point,* ! the lower left corner of the grid is used. * ! Unlike in the eta system, no difference between heights for u,v and * ! heights for w exists. * !************************************************************************* !ESO measure CPU time ! call mpif_mtime('verttransform',0) if (init) then !! Search for a point with high surface pressure (i.e. not above significant !! topography) Then, use this point to construct a reference z profile, !! to be used at all times ! ***************************************************************************** if (ioldref .eq. 0) then ! old reference grid point do jy=0,nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 if (ps(ix,jy,1,n).gt.1000.e2) then ixref=ix jyref=jy goto 3 endif end do end do 3 continue ! print*,'oldheights at' ,ixref,jyref,ps(ixref,jyref,1,n) else ! new reference grid point ! PS: the old version fails if the pressure is <=1000 hPa in the whole ! domain. Let us find a good replacement, not just a quick fix. ! Search point near to mean pressure after excluding mountains psmean = sum( ps(:,:,1,n) ) / (nx*ny) ! print*,'height: fg psmean',psmean psstd = sqrt(sum( (ps(:,:,1,n) - psmean)**2 ) / (nx*ny)) !> new psmean using only points within $\plusminus\sigma$ ! psmean = sum( ps(:,:,1,n), abs(ps(:,:,1,n)-psmean) < psstd ) / & ! count(abs(ps(:,:,1,n)-psmean) < psstd) !> new psmean using only points with $p\gt \overbar{p}+\sigma_p$ !> (reject mountains, accept valleys) psmean = sum( ps(:,:,1,n), ps(:,:,1,n) > psmean - psstd ) / & count(ps(:,:,1,n) > psmean - psstd) ! print*,'height: std, new psmean',psstd,psmean ixyref = minloc( abs( ps(:,:,1,n) - psmean ) ) ixref = ixyref(1) jyref = ixyref(2) ! print*,'newheights at' ,ixref,jyref,ps(ixref,jyref,1,n) endif tvoldref=tt2(ixref,jyref,1,n)* & ( 1. + 0.378*ew(td2(ixref,jyref,1,n) ) / ps(ixref,jyref,1,n)) poldref=ps(ixref,jyref,1,n) height(1)=0. do kz=2,nuvz pintref = akz(kz)+bkz(kz)*ps(ixref,jyref,1,n) tv(ixref,jyref) = tth(ixref,jyref,kz,n)*(1.+0.608*qvh(ixref,jyref,kz,n)) if (abs(tv(ixref,jyref)-tvoldref) .gt. 0.2) then height(kz) = height(kz-1) + & const*log( poldref/pintref ) * & ( tv(ixref,jyref) - tvoldref ) / log( tv(ixref,jyref) / tvoldref ) else height(kz) = height(kz-1) + & const*log( poldref/pintref ) * tv(ixref,jyref) endif tvoldref = tv(ixref,jyref) poldref = pintref ! print*,'height=',kz,height(kz),tvoldref,poldref end do ! Determine highest levels that can be within PBL !************************************************ do kz=1,nz if (height(kz).gt.hmixmax) then nmixz=kz goto 9 endif end do 9 continue ! Do not repeat initialization of the Cartesian z grid !***************************************************** init=.false. endif ! init block (vertical grid construction) ! Loop over the whole grid !************************* tvold(:,:)=tt2(:,:,1,n) * (1.+0.378*ew( td2(:,:,1,n) ) / ps(:,:,1,n)) pold=ps(:,:,1,n) uvzlev(:,:,1)=0. wzlev(:,:,1)=0. rhoh(:,:,1)=pold/(r_air*tvold) ! Compute heights of eta levels !****************************** do kz=2,nuvz pint(:,:)=akz(kz)+bkz(kz)*ps(:,:,1,n) tv(:,:)=tth(:,:,kz,n)*(1.+0.608*qvh(:,:,kz,n)) rhoh(:,:,kz)=pint(:,:)/(r_air*tv(:,:)) where (abs(tv(:,:)-tvold(:,:)).gt.0.2) uvzlev(:,:,kz)=uvzlev(:,:,kz-1)+const*log(pold(:,:)/pint(:,:))* & (tv(:,:)-tvold(:,:))/log(tv(:,:)/tvold(:,:)) elsewhere uvzlev(:,:,kz)=uvzlev(:,:,kz-1)+const*log(pold(:,:)/pint(:,:))*tv(:,:) endwhere tvold(:,:)=tv(:,:) pold(:,:)=pint(:,:) end do do kz=2,nwz-1 wzlev(:,:,kz)=(uvzlev(:,:,kz+1)+uvzlev(:,:,kz))/2. end do wzlev(:,:,nwz)=wzlev(:,:,nwz-1)+ & uvzlev(:,:,nuvz)-uvzlev(:,:,nuvz-1) ! pinmconv=(h2-h1)/(p2-p1) pinmconv(:,:,1)=(uvzlev(:,:,2))/ & ((aknew(2)+bknew(2)*ps(:,:,1,n))- & (aknew(1)+bknew(1)*ps(:,:,1,n))) do kz=2,nz-1 pinmconv(:,:,kz)=(uvzlev(:,:,kz+1)-uvzlev(:,:,kz-1))/ & ((aknew(kz+1)+bknew(kz+1)*ps(:,:,1,n))- & (aknew(kz-1)+bknew(kz-1)*ps(:,:,1,n))) end do pinmconv(:,:,nz)=(uvzlev(:,:,nz)-uvzlev(:,:,nz-1))/ & ((aknew(nz)+bknew(nz)*ps(:,:,1,n))- & (aknew(nz-1)+bknew(nz-1)*ps(:,:,1,n))) ! Levels where u,v,t and q are given !*********************************** uu(:,:,1,n)=uuh(:,:,1) vv(:,:,1,n)=vvh(:,:,1) tt(:,:,1,n)=tth(:,:,1,n) qv(:,:,1,n)=qvh(:,:,1,n) !HG adding the cloud water if (readclouds) then clwc(:,:,1,n)=clwch(:,:,1,n) if (.not.sumclouds) ciwc(:,:,1,n)=ciwch(:,:,1,n) end if !HG pv(:,:,1,n)=pvh(:,:,1) rho(:,:,1,n)=rhoh(:,:,1) uu(:,:,nz,n)=uuh(:,:,nuvz) vv(:,:,nz,n)=vvh(:,:,nuvz) tt(:,:,nz,n)=tth(:,:,nuvz,n) qv(:,:,nz,n)=qvh(:,:,nuvz,n) !HG adding the cloud water if (readclouds) then clwc(:,:,nz,n)=clwch(:,:,nuvz,n) if (.not. sumclouds) ciwc(:,:,nz,n)=ciwch(:,:,nuvz,n) end if !HG pv(:,:,nz,n)=pvh(:,:,nuvz) rho(:,:,nz,n)=rhoh(:,:,nuvz) kmin=2 idx=kmin iz_loop: do iz=2,nz-1 do jy=0,nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 if (height(iz).gt.uvzlev(ix,jy,nuvz)) then uu(ix,jy,iz,n)=uu(ix,jy,nz,n) vv(ix,jy,iz,n)=vv(ix,jy,nz,n) tt(ix,jy,iz,n)=tt(ix,jy,nz,n) qv(ix,jy,iz,n)=qv(ix,jy,nz,n) !HG adding the cloud water if (readclouds) then clwc(ix,jy,iz,n)=clwc(ix,jy,nz,n) if (.not. sumclouds) ciwc(ix,jy,iz,n)=ciwc(ix,jy,nz,n) end if !HG pv(ix,jy,iz,n)=pv(ix,jy,nz,n) rho(ix,jy,iz,n)=rho(ix,jy,nz,n) else kz_loop: do kz=idx(ix,jy),nuvz if (idx(ix,jy) .le. kz .and. height(iz).gt.uvzlev(ix,jy,kz-1) & .and. height(iz).le.uvzlev(ix,jy,kz)) then idx(ix,jy)=kz exit kz_loop endif enddo kz_loop endif enddo enddo do jy=0,nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 if (height(iz).le.uvzlev(ix,jy,nuvz)) then kz=idx(ix,jy) dz1=height(iz)-uvzlev(ix,jy,kz-1) dz2=uvzlev(ix,jy,kz)-height(iz) dz=dz1+dz2 uu(ix,jy,iz,n)=(uuh(ix,jy,kz-1)*dz2+uuh(ix,jy,kz)*dz1)/dz vv(ix,jy,iz,n)=(vvh(ix,jy,kz-1)*dz2+vvh(ix,jy,kz)*dz1)/dz tt(ix,jy,iz,n)=(tth(ix,jy,kz-1,n)*dz2 & +tth(ix,jy,kz,n)*dz1)/dz qv(ix,jy,iz,n)=(qvh(ix,jy,kz-1,n)*dz2 & +qvh(ix,jy,kz,n)*dz1)/dz !HG adding the cloud water if (readclouds) then clwc(ix,jy,iz,n)=(clwch(ix,jy,kz-1,n)*dz2+clwch(ix,jy,kz,n)*dz1)/dz if (.not. sumclouds) ciwc(ix,jy,iz,n)= & (ciwch(ix,jy,kz-1,n)*dz2+ciwch(ix,jy,kz,n)*dz1)/dz end if !HG pv(ix,jy,iz,n)=(pvh(ix,jy,kz-1)*dz2+pvh(ix,jy,kz)*dz1)/dz rho(ix,jy,iz,n)=(rhoh(ix,jy,kz-1)*dz2+rhoh(ix,jy,kz)*dz1)/dz endif enddo enddo enddo iz_loop ! Levels where w is given !************************* ww(:,:,1,n)=wwh(:,:,1)*pinmconv(:,:,1) ww(:,:,nz,n)=wwh(:,:,nwz)*pinmconv(:,:,nz) kmin=2 idx=kmin iz_loop2: do iz=2,nz do jy=0,nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 kz_loop2: do kz=idx(ix,jy),nwz if (idx(ix,jy) .le. kz .and. height(iz).gt.wzlev(ix,jy,kz-1) & .and. height(iz).le.wzlev(ix,jy,kz)) then idx(ix,jy)=kz exit kz_loop2 endif enddo kz_loop2 enddo enddo do jy=0,nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 kz=idx(ix,jy) dz1=height(iz)-wzlev(ix,jy,kz-1) dz2=wzlev(ix,jy,kz)-height(iz) dz=dz1+dz2 ww(ix,jy,iz,n)=(wwh(ix,jy,kz-1)*pinmconv(ix,jy,kz-1)*dz2 & + wwh(ix,jy,kz) *pinmconv(ix,jy,kz)*dz1)/dz enddo enddo enddo iz_loop2 ! Compute density gradients at intermediate levels !************************************************* drhodz(:,:,1,n)=(rho(:,:,2,n)-rho(:,:,1,n))/(height(2)-height(1)) do kz=2,nz-1 drhodz(:,:,kz,n)=(rho(:,:,kz+1,n)-rho(:,:,kz-1,n))/ & (height(kz+1)-height(kz-1)) end do drhodz(:,:,nz,n)=drhodz(:,:,nz-1,n) !**************************************************************** ! Compute slope of eta levels in windward direction and resulting ! vertical wind correction !**************************************************************** do jy=1,ny-2 cosf(jy) = 1. / cos( ( real(jy)*dy + ylat0 )*pi180 ) enddo kmin=2 idx=kmin iz_loop3: do iz=2,nz-1 do jy=1,ny-2 do ix=1,nx-2 kz_loop3: do kz=idx(ix,jy),nz if (idx(ix,jy) .le. kz .and. height(iz).gt.uvzlev(ix,jy,kz-1) & .and. height(iz).le.uvzlev(ix,jy,kz)) then idx(ix,jy)=kz exit kz_loop3 endif enddo kz_loop3 enddo enddo do jy=1,ny-2 do ix=1,nx-2 kz=idx(ix,jy) dz1=height(iz)-uvzlev(ix,jy,kz-1) dz2=uvzlev(ix,jy,kz)-height(iz) dz=dz1+dz2 ix1=ix-1 jy1=jy-1 ixp=ix+1 jyp=jy+1 dzdx1=(uvzlev(ixp,jy,kz-1)-uvzlev(ix1,jy,kz-1))/2. dzdx2=(uvzlev(ixp,jy,kz) -uvzlev(ix1,jy,kz) )/2. dzdx=(dzdx1*dz2+dzdx2*dz1)/dz dzdy1=(uvzlev(ix,jyp,kz-1)-uvzlev(ix,jy1,kz-1))/2. dzdy2=(uvzlev(ix,jyp,kz) -uvzlev(ix,jy1,kz) )/2. dzdy=(dzdy1*dz2+dzdy2*dz1)/dz ww(ix,jy,iz,n)=ww(ix,jy,iz,n) +( dzdx*uu(ix,jy,iz,n)*dxconst*cosf(jy) & + dzdy*vv(ix,jy,iz,n)*dyconst) enddo enddo enddo iz_loop3 ! If north pole is in the domain, calculate wind velocities in polar ! stereographic coordinates !******************************************************************* if (nglobal) then do iz=1,nz do jy=int(switchnorthg)-2,nymin1 ylat=ylat0+real(jy)*dy do ix=0,nxmin1 xlon=xlon0+real(ix)*dx call cc2gll(northpolemap,ylat,xlon,uu(ix,jy,iz,n), & vv(ix,jy,iz,n),uupol(ix,jy,iz,n), vvpol(ix,jy,iz,n)) enddo enddo enddo do iz=1,nz ! CALCULATE FFPOL, DDPOL FOR CENTRAL GRID POINT ! ! AMS nauffer Nov 18 2004 Added check for case vv=0 xlon=xlon0+real(nx/2-1)*dx xlonr=xlon*pi/180. ffpol=sqrt(uu(nx/2-1,nymin1,iz,n)**2+vv(nx/2-1,nymin1,iz,n)**2) if (vv(nx/2-1,nymin1,iz,n).lt.0.) then ddpol=atan(uu(nx/2-1,nymin1,iz,n)/vv(nx/2-1,nymin1,iz,n))-xlonr else if (vv(nx/2-1,nymin1,iz,n).gt.0.) then ddpol=pi+atan(uu(nx/2-1,nymin1,iz,n)/vv(nx/2-1,nymin1,iz,n))-xlonr else ddpol=pi/2.-xlonr endif if (ddpol.lt.0.) ddpol=2.0*pi+ddpol if (ddpol.gt.2.0*pi) ddpol=ddpol-2.0*pi ! CALCULATE U,V FOR 180 DEG, TRANSFORM TO POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC GRID xlon=180.0 xlonr=xlon*pi/180. ylat=90.0 uuaux=-ffpol*sin(xlonr+ddpol) vvaux=-ffpol*cos(xlonr+ddpol) call cc2gll(northpolemap,ylat,xlon,uuaux,vvaux,uupolaux, vvpolaux) jy=nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 uupol(ix,jy,iz,n)=uupolaux vvpol(ix,jy,iz,n)=vvpolaux enddo enddo ! Fix: Set W (vertical wind) at pole to the zonally averaged W of the next ! equator-ward parallel do iz=1,nz wdummy=0. jy=ny-2 do ix=0,nxmin1 wdummy=wdummy+ww(ix,jy,iz,n) enddo wdummy=wdummy/real(nx) jy=nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 ww(ix,jy,iz,n)=wdummy enddo enddo endif ! If south pole is in the domain, calculate wind velocities in polar ! stereographic coordinates !******************************************************************* if (sglobal) then do iz=1,nz do jy=0,int(switchsouthg)+3 ylat=ylat0+real(jy)*dy do ix=0,nxmin1 xlon=xlon0+real(ix)*dx call cc2gll(southpolemap,ylat,xlon,uu(ix,jy,iz,n), & vv(ix,jy,iz,n),uupol(ix,jy,iz,n),vvpol(ix,jy,iz,n)) enddo enddo enddo do iz=1,nz ! CALCULATE FFPOL, DDPOL FOR CENTRAL GRID POINT ! ! AMS nauffer Nov 18 2004 Added check for case vv=0 xlon=xlon0+real(nx/2-1)*dx xlonr=xlon*pi/180. ffpol=sqrt(uu(nx/2-1,0,iz,n)**2+vv(nx/2-1,0,iz,n)**2) if (vv(nx/2-1,0,iz,n).lt.0.) then ddpol=atan(uu(nx/2-1,0,iz,n)/vv(nx/2-1,0,iz,n))+xlonr else if (vv(nx/2-1,0,iz,n).gt.0.) then ddpol=pi+atan(uu(nx/2-1,0,iz,n)/vv(nx/2-1,0,iz,n))+xlonr else ddpol=pi/2.-xlonr endif if (ddpol.lt.0.) ddpol=2.0*pi+ddpol if (ddpol.gt.2.0*pi) ddpol=ddpol-2.0*pi ! CALCULATE U,V FOR 180 DEG, TRANSFORM TO POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC GRID xlon=180.0 xlonr=xlon*pi/180. ylat=-90.0 uuaux=+ffpol*sin(xlonr-ddpol) vvaux=-ffpol*cos(xlonr-ddpol) call cc2gll(northpolemap,ylat,xlon,uuaux,vvaux,uupolaux,vvpolaux) jy=0 do ix=0,nxmin1 uupol(ix,jy,iz,n)=uupolaux vvpol(ix,jy,iz,n)=vvpolaux enddo enddo ! Fix: Set W (vertical wind) at pole to the zonally averaged W of the next ! equator-ward parallel do iz=1,nz wdummy=0. jy=1 do ix=0,nxmin1 wdummy=wdummy+ww(ix,jy,iz,n) enddo wdummy=wdummy/real(nx) jy=0 do ix=0,nxmin1 ww(ix,jy,iz,n)=wdummy enddo enddo endif !****************************************************************************** if (readclouds) then ! HG METHOD ! Loops over all grid cells vertically and construct the 3D matrix for clouds ! Cloud top and cloud bottom grid cells are assigned as well as the total column ! cloud water. For precipitating columns, the type and whether it is in or below ! cloud scavenging are assigned with numbers 2-5 (following the old metod). ! A distinction is made between lsp and convp though they are treated the equally ! with regard to scavenging. Also, clouds that are not precipitating are defined which ! may be used in the future for cloud processing by non-precipitating-clouds. !******************************************************************************* !PS write(*,*) 'Global ECMWF fields: using cloud water' clw(:,:,:,n)=0.0 ctwc(:,:,n)=0.0 clouds(:,:,:,n)=0 ! If water/ice are read separately into clwc and ciwc, store sum in clwc if (.not. sumclouds) then clwc(:,:,:,n) = clwc(:,:,:,n) + ciwc(:,:,:,n) endif do jy=0,nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 lsp=lsprec(ix,jy,1,n) convp=convprec(ix,jy,1,n) prec=lsp+convp ! Note PS: prec is not used currently ! tot_cloud_h=0 ! Find clouds in the vertical !! Note PS: bad loop order. do kz=1, nz-1 !go from top to bottom if (clwc(ix,jy,kz,n).gt.0) then ! assuming rho is in kg/m3 and hz in m gives: kg/kg * kg/m3 *m3/kg /m = m2/m3 clw(ix,jy,kz,n)=(clwc(ix,jy,kz,n)*rho(ix,jy,kz,n))* & (height(kz+1)-height(kz)) ! tot_cloud_h=tot_cloud_h+(height(kz+1)-height(kz)) ! icloud_stats(ix,jy,4,n)= icloud_stats(ix,jy,4,n)+clw(ix,jy,kz,n) ! Column cloud water [m3/m3] ctwc(ix,jy,n) = ctwc(ix,jy,n)+clw(ix,jy,kz,n) ! icloud_stats(ix,jy,3,n)= min(height(kz+1),height(kz)) ! Cloud BOT height stats [m] cloudh_min=min(height(kz+1),height(kz)) !ZHG 2015 extra for testing ! clh(ix,jy,kz,n)=height(kz+1)-height(kz) ! icloud_stats(ix,jy,1,n)=icloud_stats(ix,jy,1,n)+(height(kz+1)-height(kz)) ! Cloud total vertical extent [m] ! icloud_stats(ix,jy,2,n)= max(icloud_stats(ix,jy,2,n),height(kz)) ! Cloud TOP height [m] !ZHG endif end do ! If Precipitation. Define removal type in the vertical if (lsp.gt.0.01 .or. convp.gt.0.01) then ! cloud and precipitation !! Note PS: such hardcoded limits would better be parameters defined in par_mod do kz=nz,1,-1 !go Bottom up! !! Note PS: bad loop order if (clw(ix,jy,kz,n).gt. 0) then ! is in cloud cloudsh(ix,jy,n)=cloudsh(ix,jy,n)+height(kz)-height(kz-1) clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=1 ! is a cloud if (lsp.ge.convp) then clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=3 ! lsp in-cloud else clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=2 ! convp in-cloud endif ! convective or large scale elseif( clw(ix,jy,kz,n).le.0 .and. cloudh_min.ge.height(kz)) then ! is below cloud if (lsp.ge.convp) then clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=5 ! lsp dominated washout else clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=4 ! convp dominated washout endif ! convective or large scale endif if (height(kz).ge. 19000) then ! set a max height for removal !! Note PS: such hardcoded limits would better be parameters defined in par_mod clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=0 endif ! clw>0 enddo ! kz endif ! precipitation end do end do ! ESO: copy the relevant data to clw4 to reduce amount of communicated data for MPI ! ctwc(:,:,n) = icloud_stats(:,:,4,n) !************************************************************************** else ! use old definitions !************************************************************************** ! create a cloud and rainout/washout field, clouds occur where rh>80% ! total cloudheight is stored at level 0 !PS write(*,*) 'Global fields: using cloud water from Parameterization' do jy=0,nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 rain_cloud_above(ix,jy)=0 lsp=lsprec(ix,jy,1,n) convp=convprec(ix,jy,1,n) cloudsh(ix,jy,n)=0 do kz_inv=1,nz-1 !! Note PS: bad loop order. kz=nz-kz_inv+1 pressure=rho(ix,jy,kz,n)*r_air*tt(ix,jy,kz,n) rh=qv(ix,jy,kz,n)/f_qvsat(pressure,tt(ix,jy,kz,n)) clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=0 if (rh .gt. 0.8) then ! in cloud !! Note PS: such hardcoded limits would better be parameters defined in par_mod if (lsp.gt.0.01 .or. convp.gt.0.01) then ! cloud and precipitation !! Note PS: such hardcoded limits would better be parameters defined in par_mod rain_cloud_above(ix,jy)=1 cloudsh(ix,jy,n)=cloudsh(ix,jy,n)+ & height(kz)-height(kz-1) if (lsp.ge.convp) then clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=3 ! lsp dominated rainout else clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=2 ! convp dominated rainout endif else ! no precipitation clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=1 ! cloud endif else ! no cloud if (rain_cloud_above(ix,jy).eq.1) then ! scavenging if (lsp.ge.convp) then clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=5 ! lsp dominated washout else clouds(ix,jy,kz,n)=4 ! convp dominated washout endif endif endif end do end do end do endif ! END OLD METHOD !********* TEST *************** ! WRITE OUT SOME TEST VARIABLES !********* TEST ************'** !teller(:)=0 !virr=virr+1 !WRITE(aspec, '(i3.3)'), virr !if (readclouds) then !fnameH=trim(zhgpath)//trim(aspec)//'Vertical_placement.txt' !else !fnameH=trim(zhgpath)//trim(aspec)//'Vertical_placement_old.txt' !endif ! !OPEN(UNIT=118, FILE=fnameH,FORM='FORMATTED',STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') !do kz_inv=1,nz-1 ! kz=nz-kz_inv+1 ! !kz=91 ! do jy=0,nymin1 ! do ix=0,nxmin1 ! if (clouds(ix,jy,kz,n).eq.1) teller(1)=teller(1)+1 ! no precipitation cloud ! if (clouds(ix,jy,kz,n).eq.2) teller(2)=teller(2)+1 ! convp dominated rainout ! if (clouds(ix,jy,kz,n).eq.3) teller(3)=teller(3)+1 ! lsp dominated rainout ! if (clouds(ix,jy,kz,n).eq.4) teller(4)=teller(4)+1 ! convp dominated washout ! if (clouds(ix,jy,kz,n).eq.5) teller(5)=teller(5)+1 ! lsp dominated washout ! ! ! write(*,*) height(kz),teller ! end do ! end do ! write(118,*) height(kz),teller ! teller(:)=0 !end do !teller(:)=0 !write(*,*) teller !write(*,*) aspec ! !fnameA=trim(zhgpath)//trim(aspec)//'cloudV.txt' !fnameB=trim(zhgpath)//trim(aspec)//'cloudT.txt' !fnameC=trim(zhgpath)//trim(aspec)//'cloudB.txt' !fnameD=trim(zhgpath)//trim(aspec)//'cloudW.txt' !fnameE=trim(zhgpath)//trim(aspec)//'old_cloudV.txt' !fnameF=trim(zhgpath)//trim(aspec)//'lsp.txt' !fnameG=trim(zhgpath)//trim(aspec)//'convp.txt' !if (readclouds) then !OPEN(UNIT=111, FILE=fnameA,FORM='FORMATTED',STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') !OPEN(UNIT=112, FILE=fnameB,FORM='FORMATTED',STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') !OPEN(UNIT=113, FILE=fnameC,FORM='FORMATTED',STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') !OPEN(UNIT=114, FILE=fnameD,FORM='FORMATTED',STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') !else !OPEN(UNIT=115, FILE=fnameE,FORM='FORMATTED',STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') !OPEN(UNIT=116, FILE=fnameF,FORM='FORMATTED',STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') !OPEN(UNIT=117, FILE=fnameG,FORM='FORMATTED',STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') !endif ! !do ix=0,nxmin1 !if (readclouds) then !write(111,*) (icloud_stats(ix,jy,1,n),jy=0,nymin1) !write(112,*) (icloud_stats(ix,jy,2,n),jy=0,nymin1) !write(113,*) (icloud_stats(ix,jy,3,n),jy=0,nymin1) !write(114,*) (icloud_stats(ix,jy,4,n),jy=0,nymin1) !else !write(115,*) (cloudsh(ix,jy,n),jy=0,nymin1) !integer !write(116,*) (lsprec(ix,jy,1,n),jy=0,nymin1) !7.83691406E-02 !write(117,*) (convprec(ix,jy,1,n),jy=0,nymin1) !5.38330078E-02 !endif !end do ! !if (readclouds) then !CLOSE(111) !CLOSE(112) !CLOSE(113) !CLOSE(114) !else !CLOSE(115) !CLOSE(116) !CLOSE(117) !endif ! !END ********* TEST *************** END ! WRITE OUT SOME TEST VARIABLES !END ********* TEST *************** END ! PS 2012 ! lsp=lsprec(ix,jy,1,n) ! convp=convprec(ix,jy,1,n) ! prec=lsp+convp ! if (lsp.gt.convp) then ! prectype='lsp' ! lconvectprec = .false. ! else ! prectype='cp' ! lconvectprec = .true. ! endif ! else ! windfields does not contain cloud data ! rhmin = 0.90 ! standard condition for presence of clouds !PS note that original by Sabine Eckhart was 80% !PS however, for T<-20 C we consider saturation over ice !PS so I think 90% should be enough ! icloudbot(ix,jy,n)=icmv ! icloudtop=icmv ! this is just a local variable !98 do kz=1,nz ! pressure=rho(ix,jy,kz,n)*r_air*tt(ix,jy,kz,n) ! rh=qv(ix,jy,kz,n)/f_qvsat(pressure,tt(ix,jy,kz,n)) !ps if (prec.gt.0.01) print*,'relhum',prec,kz,rh,height(kz) ! if (rh .gt. rhmin) then ! if (icloudbot(ix,jy,n) .eq. icmv) then ! icloudbot(ix,jy,n)=nint(height(kz)) ! endif ! icloudtop=nint(height(kz)) ! use int to save memory ! endif ! end do !PS try to get a cloud thicker than 50 m !PS if there is at least .01 mm/h - changed to 0.002 and put into !PS parameter precpmin ! if ((icloudbot(ix,jy,n) .eq. icmv .or. & ! icloudtop-icloudbot(ix,jy,n) .lt. 50) .and. & ! prec .gt. precmin) then ! rhmin = rhmin - 0.05 ! if (rhmin .ge. 0.30) goto 98 ! give up for <= 25% rel.hum. ! end if !PS is based on looking at a limited set of comparison data ! if (lconvectprec .and. icloudtop .lt. 6000 .and. & ! prec .gt. precmin) then ! ! if (convp .lt. 0.1) then ! icloudbot(ix,jy,n) = 500 ! icloudtop = 8000 ! else ! icloudbot(ix,jy,n) = 0 ! icloudtop = 10000 ! endif ! endif ! if (icloudtop .ne. icmv) then ! icloudthck(ix,jy,n) = icloudtop-icloudbot(ix,jy,n) ! else ! icloudthck(ix,jy,n) = icmv ! endif !PS get rid of too thin clouds ! if (icloudthck(ix,jy,n) .lt. 50) then ! icloudbot(ix,jy,n)=icmv ! icloudthck(ix,jy,n)=icmv ! endif !HG__________________________________ ! rcw(ix,jy)=2E-7*prec**0.36 ! rpc(ix,jy)=prec !HG end______________________________ ! endif !HG read clouds !ESO measure CPU time ! call mpif_mtime('verttransform',1) !ESO print out the same measure as in Leo's routine ! write(*,*) 'verttransform: ', & ! sum(tt(:,:,:,n)*tt(:,:,:,n)), & ! sum(uu(:,:,:,n)*uu(:,:,:,n)),sum(vv(:,:,:,n)*vv(:,:,:,n)),& ! sum(qv(:,:,:,n)*qv(:,:,:,n)),sum(pv(:,:,:,n)*pv(:,:,:,n)),& ! sum(rho(:,:,:,n)*rho(:,:,:,n)),sum(drhodz(:,:,:,n)*drhodz(:,:,:,n)),& ! sum(ww(:,:,:,n)*ww(:,:,:,n)), & ! sum(clouds(:,:,:,n)), sum(cloudsh(:,:,n)),sum(idx),sum(pinmconv) end subroutine verttransform_ecmwf