subroutine writeprecip(itime,imem) !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine produces a file containing total precipitation for each * ! releases point. * ! * ! Author: S. Eckhardt * ! 7 Mai 2017 * !***************************************************************************** use point_mod use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: jjjjmmdd,ihmmss,itime,i real(kind=dp) :: jul character :: adate*8,atime*6 integer :: ix,jy,imem real :: xp1,yp1 if (itime.eq.0) then open(unitprecip,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'wetscav_precip.txt', & form='formatted',err=998) else open(unitprecip,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'wetscav_precip.txt', & ACCESS='APPEND',form='formatted',err=998) endif jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss do i=1,numpoint xp1=xpoint1(i)*dx+xlon0 !lat, long (real) coord yp1=ypoint1(i)*dy+ylat0 !lat, long (real) coord ix=int((xpoint1(i)+xpoint2(i))/2.) jy=int((ypoint1(i)+ypoint2(i))/2.) write(unitprecip,*) jjjjmmdd, ihmmss, & xp1,yp1,lsprec(ix,jy,1,imem),convprec(ix,jy,1,imem) !time is the same as in the ECMWF windfield ! units mm/h, valid for the time given in the windfield end do close(unitprecip) return 998 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! THE FILE #### ' write(*,*) ' #### '//path(2)(1:length(2))//'header_txt'//' #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED. IF A FILE WITH THIS #### ' write(*,*) ' #### NAME ALREADY EXISTS, DELETE IT AND START #### ' write(*,*) ' #### THE PROGRAM AGAIN. #### ' stop end subroutine writeprecip