! Taken from Press et al., Numerical Recipes module random_mod implicit none contains function ran1(idum) implicit none integer :: idum real :: ran1 integer,parameter :: ia=16807, im=2147483647, iq=127773, ir=2836 integer,parameter :: ntab=32, ndiv=1+(im-1)/ntab real,parameter :: am=1./im, eps=1.2e-7, rnmx=1.-eps integer :: j, k integer :: iv(ntab) = (/ (0,j=1,ntab) /) integer :: iy=0 if (idum.le.0.or.iy.eq.0) then idum=max(-idum,1) do j=ntab+8,1,-1 k=idum/iq idum=ia*(idum-k*iq)-ir*k if (idum.lt.0) idum=idum+im if (j.le.ntab) iv(j)=idum enddo iy=iv(1) endif k=idum/iq idum=ia*(idum-k*iq)-ir*k if (idum.lt.0) idum=idum+im j=1+iy/ndiv iy=iv(j) iv(j)=idum ran1=min(am*iy,rnmx) end function ran1 function gasdev(idum) implicit none integer :: idum real :: gasdev, fac, r, v1, v2 integer :: iset = 0 real :: gset = 0. if (iset.eq.0) then 1 v1=2.*ran3(idum)-1. v2=2.*ran3(idum)-1. r=v1**2+v2**2 if(r.ge.1.0 .or. r.eq.0.0) go to 1 fac=sqrt(-2.*log(r)/r) gset=v1*fac gasdev=v2*fac iset=1 else gasdev=gset iset=0 endif end function gasdev subroutine gasdev1(idum,random1,random2) implicit none integer :: idum real :: random1, random2, fac, v1, v2, r 1 v1=2.*ran3(idum)-1. v2=2.*ran3(idum)-1. r=v1**2+v2**2 if(r.ge.1.0 .or. r.eq.0.0) go to 1 fac=sqrt(-2.*log(r)/r) random1=v1*fac random2=v2*fac ! Limit the random numbers to lie within the interval -3 and +3 !************************************************************** if (random1.lt.-3.) random1=-3. if (random2.lt.-3.) random2=-3. if (random1.gt.3.) random1=3. if (random2.gt.3.) random2=3. end subroutine gasdev1 function ran3(idum) implicit none integer :: idum real :: ran3 integer,parameter :: mbig=1000000000, mseed=161803398, mz=0 real,parameter :: fac=1./mbig integer :: i,ii,inext,inextp,k integer :: mj,mk,ma(55) save inext,inextp,ma integer :: iff = 0 if(idum.lt.0.or.iff.eq.0)then iff=1 mj=mseed-iabs(idum) mj=mod(mj,mbig) ma(55)=mj mk=1 do i=1,54 ii=mod(21*i,55) ma(ii)=mk mk=mj-mk if(mk.lt.mz)mk=mk+mbig mj=ma(ii) end do do k=1,4 do i=1,55 ma(i)=ma(i)-ma(1+mod(i+30,55)) if(ma(i).lt.mz)ma(i)=ma(i)+mbig end do end do inext=0 inextp=31 idum=1 endif inext=inext+1 if(inext.eq.56)inext=1 inextp=inextp+1 if(inextp.eq.56)inextp=1 mj=ma(inext)-ma(inextp) if(mj.lt.mz)mj=mj+mbig ma(inext)=mj ran3=mj*fac end function ran3 ! (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software US. end module random_mod