subroutine plumetraj(itime) ! i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Determines a plume centroid trajectory for each release site, and manages * ! clustering of particle locations. Certain parameters (average PV, * ! tropopause height, etc., are provided along the plume trajectories. * ! At the end, output is written to file 'trajectories.txt'. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 24 January 2002 * ! * ! Variables: * ! fclust fraction of particles belonging to each cluster * ! hmixcenter mean mixing height for all particles * ! ncluster number of clusters to be used * ! pvcenter mean PV for all particles * ! pvfract fraction of particles with PV<2pvu * ! rms total horizontal rms distance after clustering * ! rmsdist total horizontal rms distance before clustering * ! rmsclust horizontal rms distance for each individual cluster * ! topocenter mean topography underlying all particles * ! tropocenter mean tropopause height at the positions of particles * ! tropofract fraction of particles within the troposphere * ! zrms total vertical rms distance after clustering * ! zrmsdist total vertical rms distance before clustering * ! xclust,yclust, Cluster centroid positions * ! zclust * ! * !***************************************************************************** use point_mod use par_mod use com_mod use mean_mod implicit none integer :: itime,ix,jy,ixp,jyp,indexh,i,j,k,m,n,il,ind,indz,indzp real :: xl(maxpart),yl(maxpart),zl(maxpart) real :: xcenter,ycenter,zcenter,dist,distance,rmsdist,zrmsdist real :: xclust(ncluster),yclust(ncluster),zclust(ncluster) real :: fclust(ncluster),rms,rmsclust(ncluster),zrms real :: dt1,dt2,dtt,ddx,ddy,rddx,rddy,p1,p2,p3,p4,dz1,dz2,dz real :: topo,topocenter,hm(2),hmixi,hmixfract,hmixcenter real :: pv1(2),pvprof(2),pvi,pvcenter,pvfract,tr(2),tri,tropofract real :: tropocenter dt1=real(itime-memtime(1)) dt2=real(memtime(2)-itime) dtt=1./(dt1+dt2) ! Loop about all release points !****************************** do j=1,numpoint if (abs(ireleasestart(j)-itime).gt.lage(nageclass)) goto 10 topocenter=0. hmixcenter=0. hmixfract=0. tropocenter=0. tropofract=0. pvfract=0. pvcenter=0. rmsdist=0. zrmsdist=0. n=0 do i=1,numpart if (itra1(i).ne.itime) goto 20 if (npoint(i).ne.j) goto 20 n=n+1 xl(n)=xlon0+xtra1(i)*dx yl(n)=ylat0+ytra1(i)*dy zl(n)=ztra1(i) ! Interpolate PBL height, PV, and tropopause height to each ! particle position in order to determine fraction of particles ! within the PBL, above tropopause height, and average PV. ! Interpolate topography, too, and convert to altitude asl !************************************************************** ix=int(xtra1(i)) jy=int(ytra1(i)) ixp=ix+1 jyp=jy+1 ddx=xtra1(i)-real(ix) ddy=ytra1(i)-real(jy) rddx=1.-ddx rddy=1.-ddy p1=rddx*rddy p2=ddx*rddy p3=rddx*ddy p4=ddx*ddy ! Topography !*********** topo=p1*oro(ix ,jy) & + p2*oro(ixp,jy) & + p3*oro(ix ,jyp) & + p4*oro(ixp,jyp) topocenter=topocenter+topo ! Potential vorticity !******************** do il=2,nz if (height(il).gt.zl(n)) then indz=il-1 indzp=il goto 6 endif end do 6 continue dz1=zl(n)-height(indz) dz2=height(indzp)-zl(n) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) do ind=indz,indzp do m=1,2 indexh=memind(m) pv1(m)=p1*pv(ix ,jy ,ind,indexh) & +p2*pv(ixp,jy ,ind,indexh) & +p3*pv(ix ,jyp,ind,indexh) & +p4*pv(ixp,jyp,ind,indexh) end do pvprof(ind-indz+1)=(pv1(1)*dt2+pv1(2)*dt1)*dtt end do pvi=(dz1*pvprof(2)+dz2*pvprof(1))*dz pvcenter=pvcenter+pvi if (yl(n).gt.0.) then if ( pvfract=pvfract+1. else if ( pvfract=pvfract+1. endif ! Tropopause and PBL height !************************** do m=1,2 indexh=memind(m) tr(m)=p1*tropopause(ix ,jy ,1,indexh) & + p2*tropopause(ixp,jy ,1,indexh) & + p3*tropopause(ix ,jyp,1,indexh) & + p4*tropopause(ixp,jyp,1,indexh) hm(m)=p1*hmix(ix ,jy ,1,indexh) & + p2*hmix(ixp,jy ,1,indexh) & + p3*hmix(ix ,jyp,1,indexh) & + p4*hmix(ixp,jyp,1,indexh) end do hmixi=(hm(1)*dt2+hm(2)*dt1)*dtt tri=(tr(1)*dt2+tr(2)*dt1)*dtt if (zl(n).lt.tri) tropofract=tropofract+1. tropocenter=tropocenter+tri+topo if (zl(n).lt.hmixi) hmixfract=hmixfract+1. zl(n)=zl(n)+topo ! convert to height asl hmixcenter=hmixcenter+hmixi 20 continue end do ! Make statistics for all plumes with n>0 particles !************************************************** if ( then topocenter=topocenter/real(n) hmixcenter=hmixcenter/real(n) pvcenter=pvcenter/real(n) tropocenter=tropocenter/real(n) hmixfract=100.*hmixfract/real(n) pvfract=100.*pvfract/real(n) tropofract=100.*tropofract/real(n) ! Cluster the particle positions !******************************* call clustering(xl,yl,zl,n,xclust,yclust,zclust,fclust,rms, & rmsclust,zrms) ! Determine center of mass position on earth and average height !************************************************************** call centerofmass(xl,yl,n,xcenter,ycenter) call mean(zl,zcenter,zrmsdist,n) ! Root mean square distance from center of mass !********************************************** do k=1,n dist=distance(yl(k),xl(k),ycenter,xcenter) rmsdist=rmsdist+dist*dist end do if ( rmsdist=sqrt(rmsdist/real(n)) rmsdist=max(rmsdist,0.) ! Write out results in trajectory data file !****************************************** write(unitouttraj,'(i5,i8,2f9.4,4f8.1,f8.2,4f8.1,3f6.1,& &5(2f8.3,f7.0,f6.1,f8.1))')& &j,itime-(ireleasestart(j)+ireleaseend(j))/2, & xcenter,ycenter,zcenter,topocenter,hmixcenter,tropocenter, & pvcenter,rmsdist,rms,zrmsdist,zrms,hmixfract,pvfract, & tropofract, & (xclust(k),yclust(k),zclust(k),fclust(k),rmsclust(k), & k=1,ncluster) endif 10 continue end do end subroutine plumetraj