subroutine initial_cond_output_inversion(itime) ! i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Output of the initial condition sensitivity field. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 24 May 1995 * ! * ! 13 April 1999, Major update: if output size is smaller, dump output * ! in sparse matrix format; additional output of * ! uncertainty * ! * ! 05 April 2000, Major update: output of age classes; output for backward* ! runs is time spent in grid cell times total mass of * ! species. * ! * ! 17 February 2002, Appropriate dimensions for backward and forward runs * ! are now specified in file par_mod * ! * ! June 2006, write grid in sparse matrix with a single write command * ! in order to save disk space * ! * ! 2008 new sparse matrix format * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * ! sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * ! * !***************************************************************************** use unc_mod use point_mod use outg_mod use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: itime,i,ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,sp_count_i,sp_count_r integer :: jjjjmmdd, ihmmss real(kind=dp) :: jul real :: sp_fact,fact_recept real,parameter :: smallnum = tiny(0.0) ! smallest number that can be handled logical :: sp_zer,lexist logical,save :: listart=.true. logical,save,allocatable,dimension(:) :: listartrel character :: adate*8,atime*6 character :: areldate*8,areltime*6 character(len=3) :: anspec if(listart) then allocate(listartrel(maxpointspec_act)) listartrel(:)=.true. endif print*, 'listartrel = ',listartrel !********************************************************************* ! Determine the standard deviation of the mean concentration or mixing ! ratio (uncertainty of the output) and the dry and wet deposition !********************************************************************* do ks=1,nspec write(anspec,'(i3.3)') ks do kp=1,maxpointspec_act ! calculate date of release jul=bdate+real(ireleasestart(kp),kind=dp)/86400._dp ! this is the current day call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(areldate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(areltime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss print*, areldate//areltime ! calculate date of field jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss print*, adate//atime inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_initial_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,exist=lexist) if(lexist.and..not.listartrel(kp)) then ! open and append to existing file open(97,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_initial_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! open new file open(97,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_initial_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='replace',action='write') endif write(97) jjjjmmdd write(97) ihmmss listartrel(kp)=.false. if (ind_rel.eq.1) then fact_recept=rho_rel(kp) else fact_recept=1. endif !******************************************************************* ! Generate output: may be in concentration (ng/m3) or in mixing ! ratio (ppt) or both ! Output the position and the values alternated multiplied by ! 1 or -1, first line is number of values, number of positions ! For backward simulations, the unit is seconds, stored in grid_time !******************************************************************* ! Write out dummy "wet and dry deposition" fields, to keep same format ! as for concentration output ! sp_count_i=0 ! sp_count_r=0 ! write(97) sp_count_i ! write(97) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) ! write(97) sp_count_r ! write(97) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! write(97) sp_count_i ! write(97) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) ! write(97) sp_count_r ! write(97) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Write out sensitivity to initial conditions sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,numzgrid do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (init_cond(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid+kz*numxgrid*numygrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)=sp_fact* & init_cond(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp)/xmass(kp,ks)*fact_recept else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(97) sp_count_i write(97) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(97) sp_count_r write(97) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) close(97) end do end do ! reset listart if (listart) then listart=.false. endif end subroutine initial_cond_output_inversion