subroutine init_domainfill ! !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Initializes particles equally distributed over the first release location * ! specified in file RELEASES. This box is assumed to be the domain for doing * ! domain-filling trajectory calculations. * ! All particles carry the same amount of mass which alltogether comprises the* ! mass of air within the box. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 15 October 2002 * ! * ! CHANGES * ! 12/2014 eso: MPI version * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! numparticlecount consecutively counts the number of particles released * ! nx_we(2) grid indices for western and eastern boundary of domain- * ! filling trajectory calculations * ! ny_sn(2) grid indices for southern and northern boundary of domain- * ! filling trajectory calculations * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! MPI version: ! ! -Root process allocates temporary arrays holding properties for ! all particles in the simulation ! -An index array is used to assign 1st particle to 1st process, 2nd particle ! to 2nd process and so on so that they are evenly distibuted geographically ! -Inititialization for domain-filling is done as in the serial code ! -Root process distributes particles evenly to other processes ! !***************************************************************************** use point_mod use par_mod use com_mod use random_mod, only: ran1 use mpi_mod implicit none ! ncolumn_mpi,numparttot_mpi ncolumn,numparttot per process integer :: j,ix,jy,kz,ncolumn,numparttot,ncolumn_mpi,numparttot_mpi, arr_size real :: gridarea(0:nymax-1),pp(nzmax),ylat,ylatp,ylatm,hzone real :: cosfactm,cosfactp,deltacol,dz1,dz2,dz,pnew,fractus real,parameter :: pih=pi/180. real :: colmass(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1),colmasstotal,zposition integer :: ixm,ixp,jym,jyp,indzm,indzp,in,indzh,i,jj real :: pvpart,ddx,ddy,rddx,rddy,p1,p2,p3,p4,y1(2) integer :: idummy = -11 integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: idx ! index array integer :: stride integer, parameter :: nullsize=0 logical :: first_call=.true. ! Use different seed for each process ! TODO: not needed anymore if (first_call) then idummy=idummy+mp_seed first_call=.false. end if ! Determine the release region (only full grid cells), over which particles ! shall be initialized ! Use 2 fields for west/east and south/north boundary !************************************************************************** nx_we(1)=max(int(xpoint1(1)),0) nx_we(2)=min((int(xpoint2(1))+1),nxmin1) ny_sn(1)=max(int(ypoint1(1)),0) ny_sn(2)=min((int(ypoint2(1))+1),nymin1) ! For global simulations (both global wind data and global domain-filling), ! set a switch, such that no boundary conditions are used !************************************************************************** if (xglobal.and.sglobal.and.nglobal) then if ((nx_we(1).eq.0).and.(nx_we(2).eq.nxmin1).and. & (ny_sn(1).eq.0).and.(ny_sn(2).eq.nymin1)) then gdomainfill=.true. else gdomainfill=.false. endif endif ! Exit here if resuming a run from particle dump !*********************************************** if ( return ! Do not release particles twice (i.e., not at both in the leftmost and rightmost ! grid cell) for a global domain !***************************************************************************** if (xglobal) nx_we(2)=min(nx_we(2),nx-2) ! This section only done by the root process !******************************************* if (lroot) then ! Arrays for particles to be released. Add a small number to npart(1) in case of ! round-off errors arr_size = npart(1) + mp_np allocate(itra1_tmp(arr_size),npoint_tmp(arr_size),nclass_tmp(arr_size),& & idt_tmp(arr_size),itramem_tmp(arr_size),itrasplit_tmp(arr_size),& & xtra1_tmp(arr_size),ytra1_tmp(arr_size),ztra1_tmp(arr_size),& & xmass1_tmp(arr_size, maxspec)) ! Index array for particles. This is to avoid having particles ! near edges of domain all on one process. !**************************************************************************** allocate(idx(npart(1))) stride = npart(1)/mp_partgroup_np jj=0 do j=1, stride do i=0, mp_partgroup_np-1 jj = jj+1 if ( exit idx(jj) = i*stride+j end do end do ! Add extra indices if npart(1) not evenly divisible by number of processes do i=1, mod(npart(1),mp_partgroup_np) jj = jj+1 if ( exit idx(jj) = jj end do ! Initialize all particles as non-existent itra1_tmp(:)=-999999999 ! Calculate area of grid cell with formula M=2*pi*R*h*dx/360, ! see Netz, Formeln der Mathematik, 5. Auflage (1983), p.90 !************************************************************ do jy=ny_sn(1),ny_sn(2) ! loop about latitudes ylat=ylat0+real(jy)*dy ylatp=ylat+0.5*dy ylatm=ylat-0.5*dy if (( then hzone=1./dyconst else cosfactp=cos(ylatp*pih)*r_earth cosfactm=cos(ylatm*pih)*r_earth if ( then hzone=sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactp**2)- & sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactm**2) else hzone=sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactm**2)- & sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactp**2) endif endif gridarea(jy)=2.*pi*r_earth*hzone*dx/360. end do ! Do the same for the south pole if (sglobal) then ylat=ylat0 ylatp=ylat+0.5*dy ylatm=ylat cosfactm=0. cosfactp=cos(ylatp*pih)*r_earth hzone=sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactm**2)- & sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactp**2) gridarea(0)=2.*pi*r_earth*hzone*dx/360. endif ! Do the same for the north pole if (nglobal) then ylat=ylat0+real(nymin1)*dy ylatp=ylat ylatm=ylat-0.5*dy cosfactp=0. cosfactm=cos(ylatm*pih)*r_earth hzone=sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactp**2)- & sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactm**2) gridarea(nymin1)=2.*pi*r_earth*hzone*dx/360. endif ! Calculate total mass of each grid column and of the whole atmosphere !********************************************************************* colmasstotal=0. do jy=ny_sn(1),ny_sn(2) ! loop about latitudes do ix=nx_we(1),nx_we(2) ! loop about longitudes pp(1)=rho(ix,jy,1,1)*r_air*tt(ix,jy,1,1) pp(nz)=rho(ix,jy,nz,1)*r_air*tt(ix,jy,nz,1) colmass(ix,jy)=(pp(1)-pp(nz))/ga*gridarea(jy) colmasstotal=colmasstotal+colmass(ix,jy) end do end do write(*,*) 'Atm. mass: ',colmasstotal if (ipin.eq.0) numpart=0 ! Determine the particle positions !********************************* numparttot=0 numcolumn=0 do jy=ny_sn(1),ny_sn(2) ! loop about latitudes ylat=ylat0+real(jy)*dy do ix=nx_we(1),nx_we(2) ! loop about longitudes ncolumn=nint(0.999*real(npart(1))*colmass(ix,jy)/ & colmasstotal) if (ncolumn.eq.0) goto 30 if ( numcolumn=ncolumn ! Calculate pressure at the altitudes of model surfaces, using the air density ! information, which is stored as a 3-d field !***************************************************************************** do kz=1,nz pp(kz)=rho(ix,jy,kz,1)*r_air*tt(ix,jy,kz,1) end do deltacol=(pp(1)-pp(nz))/real(ncolumn) pnew=pp(1)+deltacol/2. jj=0 do j=1,ncolumn jj=jj+1 ! For columns with many particles (i.e. around the equator), distribute ! the particles equally, for columns with few particles (i.e. around the ! poles), distribute the particles randomly !*********************************************************************** if ( then pnew=pnew-deltacol else pnew=pp(1)-ran1(idummy)*(pp(1)-pp(nz)) endif do kz=1,nz-1 if ((pp(kz).ge.pnew).and.(pp(kz+1).lt.pnew)) then dz1=pp(kz)-pnew dz2=pnew-pp(kz+1) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) ! Assign particle position !************************* ! Do the following steps only if particles are not read in from previous model run !***************************************************************************** if (ipin.eq.0) then xtra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=real(ix)-0.5+ran1(idummy) if (ix.eq.0) xtra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=ran1(idummy) if (ix.eq.nxmin1) xtra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))= & real(nxmin1)-ran1(idummy) ytra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=real(jy)-0.5+ran1(idummy) ztra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=(height(kz)*dz2+height(kz+1)*dz1)*dz if (ztra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj)).gt.height(nz)-0.5) & ztra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=height(nz)-0.5 ! Interpolate PV to the particle position !**************************************** ixm=int(xtra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))) jym=int(ytra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))) ixp=ixm+1 jyp=jym+1 ddx=xtra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))-real(ixm) ddy=ytra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))-real(jym) rddx=1.-ddx rddy=1.-ddy p1=rddx*rddy p2=ddx*rddy p3=rddx*ddy p4=ddx*ddy do i=2,nz if (height(i).gt.ztra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))) then indzm=i-1 indzp=i goto 6 endif end do 6 continue dz1=ztra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))-height(indzm) dz2=height(indzp)-ztra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj)) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) do in=1,2 indzh=indzm+in-1 y1(in)=p1*pv(ixm,jym,indzh,1) & +p2*pv(ixp,jym,indzh,1) & +p3*pv(ixm,jyp,indzh,1) & +p4*pv(ixp,jyp,indzh,1) end do pvpart=(dz2*y1(1)+dz1*y1(2))*dz if ( pvpart=-1.*pvpart ! For domain-filling option 2 (stratospheric O3), do the rest only in the stratosphere !***************************************************************************** if (((ztra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj)).gt.3000.).and. & ( then ! Assign certain properties to the particle !****************************************** nclass_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=min(int(ran1(idummy)* & real(nclassunc))+1,nclassunc) numparticlecount=numparticlecount+1 npoint_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=numparticlecount idt_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=mintime itra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=0 itramem_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=0 itrasplit_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))=itra1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj))+ldirect* & itsplit xmass1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj),1)=colmass(ix,jy)/real(ncolumn) if (mdomainfill.eq.2) xmass1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj),1)= & xmass1_tmp(idx(numpart+jj),1)*pvpart*48./29.*ozonescale/10.**9 else jj=jj-1 endif endif endif end do end do numparttot=numparttot+ncolumn if (ipin.eq.0) numpart=numpart+jj 30 continue end do end do ! Check whether numpart is really smaller than maxpart !***************************************************** ! ESO :TODO: this warning need to be moved further up, else out-of-bounds error earlier if ( then write(*,*) 'numpart too large: change source in init_atm_mass.f' write(*,*) 'numpart: ',numpart,' maxpart: ',maxpart endif xmassperparticle=colmasstotal/real(numparttot) ! Make sure that all particles are within domain !*********************************************** do j=1,numpart if ((xtra1_tmp(j).lt.0.).or.(xtra1_tmp(j).ge.real(nxmin1)).or. & (ytra1_tmp(j).lt.0.).or.(ytra1_tmp(j).ge.real(nymin1))) then itra1_tmp(j)=-999999999 endif end do ! For boundary conditions, we need fewer particle release heights per column, ! because otherwise it takes too long until enough mass has accumulated to ! release a particle at the boundary (would take dx/u seconds), leading to ! relatively large position errors of the order of one grid distance. ! It's better to release fewer particles per column, but to do so more often. ! Thus, use on the order of nz starting heights per column. ! We thus repeat the above to determine fewer starting heights, that are ! used furtheron in subroutine boundcond_domainfill.f. !**************************************************************************** fractus=real(numcolumn)/real(nz) write(*,*) 'Total number of particles at model start: ',numpart write(*,*) 'Maximum number of particles per column: ',numcolumn write(*,*) 'If ',fractus,' <1, better use more particles' fractus=sqrt(max(fractus,1.))/2. do jy=ny_sn(1),ny_sn(2) ! loop about latitudes do ix=nx_we(1),nx_we(2) ! loop about longitudes ncolumn=nint(0.999/fractus*real(npart(1))*colmass(ix,jy) & /colmasstotal) if ( stop 'maxcolumn too small' if (ncolumn.eq.0) goto 80 ! Memorize how many particles per column shall be used for all boundaries ! This is further used in subroutine boundcond_domainfill.f ! Use 2 fields for west/east and south/north boundary !************************************************************************ if (ix.eq.nx_we(1)) numcolumn_we(1,jy)=ncolumn if (ix.eq.nx_we(2)) numcolumn_we(2,jy)=ncolumn if (jy.eq.ny_sn(1)) numcolumn_sn(1,ix)=ncolumn if (jy.eq.ny_sn(2)) numcolumn_sn(2,ix)=ncolumn ! Calculate pressure at the altitudes of model surfaces, using the air density ! information, which is stored as a 3-d field !***************************************************************************** do kz=1,nz pp(kz)=rho(ix,jy,kz,1)*r_air*tt(ix,jy,kz,1) end do ! Determine the reference starting altitudes !******************************************* deltacol=(pp(1)-pp(nz))/real(ncolumn) pnew=pp(1)+deltacol/2. do j=1,ncolumn pnew=pnew-deltacol do kz=1,nz-1 if ((pp(kz).ge.pnew).and.(pp(kz+1).lt.pnew)) then dz1=pp(kz)-pnew dz2=pnew-pp(kz+1) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) zposition=(height(kz)*dz2+height(kz+1)*dz1)*dz if ( zposition=height(nz)-0.5 ! Memorize vertical positions where particles are introduced ! This is further used in subroutine boundcond_domainfill.f !*********************************************************** if (ix.eq.nx_we(1)) zcolumn_we(1,jy,j)=zposition if (ix.eq.nx_we(2)) zcolumn_we(2,jy,j)=zposition if (jy.eq.ny_sn(1)) zcolumn_sn(1,ix,j)=zposition if (jy.eq.ny_sn(2)) zcolumn_sn(2,ix,j)=zposition ! Initialize mass that has accumulated at boundary to zero !********************************************************* acc_mass_we(1,jy,j)=0. acc_mass_we(2,jy,j)=0. acc_mass_sn(1,jy,j)=0. acc_mass_sn(2,jy,j)=0. endif end do end do 80 continue end do end do ! If particles shall be read in to continue an existing run, ! then the accumulated masses at the domain boundaries must be read in, too. ! This overrides any previous calculations. !*************************************************************************** ! eso TODO: only needed for root process if ((ipin.eq.1).and.(.not.gdomainfill)) then open(unitboundcond,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'boundcond.bin', & form='unformatted') read(unitboundcond) numcolumn_we,numcolumn_sn, & zcolumn_we,zcolumn_sn,acc_mass_we,acc_mass_sn close(unitboundcond) endif if (ipin.eq.0) then numpart = numpart/mp_partgroup_np if (mod(numpart,mp_partgroup_np).ne.0) numpart=numpart+1 end if else ! Allocate dummy arrays for receiving processes if (ipin.eq.0) then allocate(itra1_tmp(nullsize),npoint_tmp(nullsize),nclass_tmp(nullsize),& & idt_tmp(nullsize),itramem_tmp(nullsize),itrasplit_tmp(nullsize),& & xtra1_tmp(nullsize),ytra1_tmp(nullsize),ztra1_tmp(nullsize),& & xmass1_tmp(nullsize, nullsize)) end if end if ! end if(lroot) ! Distribute particles to other processes (numpart is 'per-process', not total) ! Only if not restarting from previous run if (ipin.eq.0) then call MPI_Bcast(numpart, 1, MPI_INTEGER, id_root, mp_comm_used, mp_ierr) call mpif_send_part_properties(npart(1)/mp_partgroup_np) ! Deallocate the temporary arrays used for all particles deallocate(itra1_tmp,npoint_tmp,nclass_tmp,idt_tmp,itramem_tmp,& & itrasplit_tmp,xtra1_tmp,ytra1_tmp,ztra1_tmp,xmass1_tmp) end if end subroutine init_domainfill