subroutine getvdep(n,ix,jy,ust,temp,pa,L,gr,rh,rr,snow,vdepo) ! i i i i i i i i i i i o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine calculates the dry deposition velocities. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 20 December 1996 * ! Sabine Eckhardt, Jan 07 * ! if the latitude is negative: add half a year to the julian day * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! gr [W/m2] global radiation * ! L [m] Obukhov length * ! nyl kinematic viscosity * ! pa [Pa] surface air pressure * ! ra [s/m] aerodynamic resistance * ! raquer [s/m] average aerodynamic resistance * ! rh [0-1] relative humidity * ! rhoa density of the air * ! rr [mm/h] precipitation rate * ! temp [K] 2m temperature * ! tc [C] 2m temperature * ! ust [m/s] friction velocity * ! snow [m of water equivalent] snow depth * ! xlanduse fractions of numclasS landuses for each model grid point * ! * !***************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: yyyymmdd,hhmmss,yyyy,mmdd,n,lseason,i,j,ix,jy real :: vdepo(maxspec),vd,rb(maxspec),rc(maxspec),raquer,ylat real :: raerod,ra,ust,temp,tc,pa,L,gr,rh,rr,myl,nyl,rhoa,diffh2o,snow real :: slanduse(numclass) real,parameter :: eps=1.e-5 real(kind=dp) :: jul ! Calculate month and determine the seasonal category !**************************************************** jul=bdate+real(wftime(n),kind=dp)/86400._dp ylat=jy*dy+ylat0 if ( then jul=jul+365/2 endif call caldate(jul,yyyymmdd,hhmmss) yyyy=yyyymmdd/10000 mmdd=yyyymmdd-10000*yyyy if (( then mmdd=600 ! summer endif if (( then lseason=4 else if (( then lseason=3 else if (( then lseason=5 else if (( then lseason=1 else lseason=2 endif ! Calculate diffusivity of water vapor !************************************ diffh2o=2.11e-5*(temp/273.15)**1.94*(101325/pa) ! Conversion of temperature from K to C !************************************** tc=temp-273.15 ! Calculate dynamic viscosity !**************************** if ( then myl=(1.718+0.0049*tc-1.2e-05*tc**2)*1.e-05 else myl=(1.718+0.0049*tc)*1.e-05 endif ! Calculate kinematic viscosity !****************************** rhoa=pa/(287.*temp) nyl=myl/rhoa ! 0. Set all deposition velocities zero !************************************** do i=1,nspec vdepo(i)=0. end do ! 1. Compute surface layer resistances rb !**************************************** call getrb(nspec,ust,nyl,diffh2o,reldiff,rb) ! change for snow do j=1,numclass if ( then ! 10 mm if (j.eq.12) then slanduse(j)=1. else slanduse(j)=0. endif else slanduse(j)=xlanduse(ix,jy,j) endif end do raquer=0. do j=1,numclass ! loop over all landuse classes if (slanduse(j).gt.eps) then ! 2. Calculate aerodynamic resistance ra !*************************************** ra=raerod(L,ust,z0(j)) raquer=raquer+ra*slanduse(j) ! 3. Calculate surface resistance for gases !****************************************** call getrc(nspec,lseason,j,tc,gr,rh,rr,rc) ! 4. Calculate deposition velocities for gases and ... ! 5. ... sum deposition velocities for all landuse classes !********************************************************* do i=1,nspec if (reldiff(i).gt.0.) then if ((ra+rb(i)+rc(i)).gt.0.) then vd=1./(ra+rb(i)+rc(i)) else vd=9.999 endif vdepo(i)=vdepo(i)+vd*slanduse(j) endif end do endif end do ! 6. Calculate deposition velocities for particles !************************************************* call partdep(nspec,density,fract,schmi,vset,raquer,ust,nyl,vdepo) !if (debug_mode) then ! print*,'getvdep:188: vdepo=', vdepo !stop !endif ! 7. If no detailed parameterization available, take constant deposition ! velocity if that is available !*********************************************************************** do i=1,nspec if ((reldiff(i).lt.0.).and.(density(i).lt.0.).and. & (dryvel(i).gt.0.)) then vdepo(i)=dryvel(i) endif end do end subroutine getvdep