************ Installation ************ .. role:: underline :class: underline .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 .. _Python 3: https://docs.python.org/3/ .. _Python3: https://www.python.org/downloads/ .. _Anaconda Python3: https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/#download-section .. _numpy: http://www.numpy.org/ .. _ecmwf-api-client: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/WEBAPI/ECMWF+Web+API+Home .. _cdsapi: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api-how-to .. _genshi: https://genshi.edgewall.org/ .. _eccodes for python: https://packages.debian.org/sid/python3-eccodes .. _eccodes for conda: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/eccodes .. _gfortran: https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortran .. _fftw3: http://www.fftw.org .. _eccodes: https://software.ecmwf.int/wiki/display/ECC .. _emoslib: https://software.ecmwf.int/wiki/display/EMOS/Emoslib .. _member state: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/about/who-we-are/member-states .. _registration form: https://apps.ecmwf.int/registration/ .. _CDS API registration: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/user/register .. _ECMWF ectrans site: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/ECAC/Unattended+file+transfer+-+ectrans .. _ECaccess Presentation: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/download/attachments/45759146/ECaccess.pdf .. _ECMWF's instructions on gateway server: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/ECAC/ECaccess+Home .. _Computing Representative: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/about/contact-us/computing-representatives .. _MARS access: https://confluence.ecmwf.int//display/WEBAPI/Access+MARS .. _download section: https://www.flexpart.eu/downloads The ``flex_extract`` software package contains python and shell scripts as well as a Fortran program. These components rely on several libraries which need to be available before starting the installation process. Currently, the software is only tested for a GNU/Linux environment. Feel free to try it out on other platforms. At first, go to the `user group `_ section and decide which group you belong to and follow the instructions at :ref:`ref-registration` to obtain an account at ECMWF (if you don't have it already). Depending on the user group and the way to access the ECWMF MARS archive, there are four possible :doc:`Documentation/Overview/app_modes`: - Remote (member-state users only) :ref:`[installation]` - Gateway (member-state users only) :ref:`[installation]` - Local, member-state user :ref:`[installation]` - Local, public user :ref:`[installation]` Please follow the link :doc:`Documentation/Overview/app_modes` to get a description of the modes. .. note:: If you encounter any problems in the installation process, you can ask for :doc:`support`. .. _ref-registration: Registration at ECMWF ===================== The registration depends on the :doc:`Documentation/Overview/app_modes` and in case of the local mode also on the data set you'd like to retrieve. The following table gives an overview where you need to register. +--------------+------------------------------------+--------------+ | | Member-state user | Public user | | +---------+----------+---------------+--------------+ | Data sets |Remote |Gateway |Local | Local | +--------------+---------+----------+---------------+--------------+ | Operational | 1 | 1 | 1,2 | - | +--------------+---------+----------+---------------+--------------+ | ERA-Interim | 1 | 1 | 1,2 | 2 | +--------------+---------+----------+---------------+--------------+ | CERA-20C | 1 | 1 | 1,2 | 2 | +--------------+---------+----------+---------------+--------------+ | ERA5 | 1 | 1 | 3 | - | +--------------+---------+----------+---------------+--------------+ Registration options: 1.) Access through a member-state user account granted by the `Computing Representative`_. The credentials have to be provided during installation. 2.) Access through the ECMWF Web API. Need to sign in at `ECMWF Web API `_ and configure the ECMWF key as described. Member-state users can sign in with their credentials from the `Computing Representative`_ and public users have to fill out the `registration form`_ to get an account. 3.) Access through the `CDS API `_. Extra registration for member-state users is required at `Copernicus Climate Data Store `_ including the configurations of the CDS key as described. This mode is currently not available for public users. See the note at `user group `_ for information. .. _ref-licence: Licence agreement for public datasets ===================================== Each ECMWF public dataset has its own licence which has to be accepted, regardless of the user group. For the *ERA-Interim* and *CERA-20C* datasets this can be done at the ECMWF website `Available ECMWF Public Datasets `_. Log in and follow the licence links on the right side for each dataset and accept it. For the *ERA5* dataset this has to be done at the `Climate Data Store (CDS) website `_. Log in and select, on the left panel, product type "Reanalysis" for finding *ERA5* datasets. Then follow any link with *ERA5* to the full dataset record, click on tab "Download data" and scroll down. There is a section "Terms of use" where you have to click the :underline:`Accept terms` button. .. _ref-download: Download ``flex_extract`` ========================= There are two options to download ``flex_extract``: tar ball You can download a tar ball with the latest release from the `flex_extract page `_ from our ``FLEXPART`` community website and then untar the file. .. code-block:: bash tar -xvf git repo Alternatively, if you have ``git`` installed on your machine, and if you are interested to keep the code in a version control system, you may clone the latest version from our git repository master branch. .. code-block:: bash $ git clone --single-branch --branch master https://www.flexpart.eu/gitmob/flexpart .. _ref-requirements: Environment requirements ======================== The software required for running ``flex_extract`` depends on the :doc:`Documentation/Overview/app_modes` and therefore is described in the respective specific installation sections. Generally speaking, ``flex_extract`` requires `Python 3`_ and Fortran together with certain modules / libraries. We tested ``flex_extract`` with the python3 package from the the GNU/Linux distribution and Anaconda Python. The required python3 modules should prefarably be installed as distribution packages, or alternatively using Python's own package manager ``pip`` (this may mess up some aspects of your python installation, especially if you use ``pip`` as root. Think about using virtual environments.). .. _ref-install-fe: Installation of ``flex_extract`` ================================ The actual installation of ``flex_extract`` is done by executing a shell script called ``setup.sh``. It defines some parameters and calls a Python script passing the parameters as command line arguments. For details, see :doc:`Documentation/Input/setup`. For each application mode installation section we describe the requirements for the explicit environment and how it is installed, test if it works and how the actual ``flex_extract`` installation has to be done. At the users local side not all software has to be present for ``flex_extract``. Select one of the following modes to install: :doc:`Installation/remote` :doc:`Installation/gateway` :doc:`Installation/local` .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 Installation/remote Installation/gateway Installation/local ``Flex_extract`` in combination with ``FLEXPART`` ================================================= Some users might like to incorporate ``flex_extract`` directly into the ``FLEXPART`` distribution. Then the installation path has to be changed by setting the parameter `installdir` in the ``setup.sh`` file to the ``script`` directory in the ``FLEXPART`` root directoy. .. _ref-testinstallfe: Test installation ================= Fortran program test -------------------- To check if the compilation of the Fortran program ``CONVERT2`` was successful a quick program call on a minimal prepared dataset can be done. For this, go from the ``flex_extract`` root directory to the test directory and call the executable of the Fortran program. .. note:: Remember that you might have to log in at the ECMWF server if you used the installation for the **remote** or **gateway** mode. There you find the ``flex_extract`` root directory in your ``$HOME`` directory. .. code-block:: bash cd test/Installation/Convert # call the Fortran progam without arguments ../../../source/fortran/CONVERT2 The installation was successfull if it showed the following output: .. code-block:: bash readspectral: 1 records read readlatlon: 8 records read STATISTICS: 98842.4598 98709.7359 5120.5385 readlatlon: 4 records read readlatlon: 4 records read readlatlon: 4 records read SUCCESSFULLY FINISHED CONVERT_PRE: CONGRATULATIONS Now go back to the root directory: .. code-block:: bash $ cd ../../../ Full test --------- see :doc:`quick_start`