!********************************************************************** ! Copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2005,2007,2008,2009,2010 * ! Andreas Stohl, Petra Seibert, A. Frank, Gerhard Wotawa, * ! Caroline Forster, Sabine Eckhardt, John Burkhart, Harald Sodemann * ! * ! This file is part of FLEXPART. * ! * ! FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * !********************************************************************** subroutine concoutput_nest(itime,outnum) ! i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Output of the concentration grid and the receptor concentrations. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 24 May 1995 * ! * ! 13 April 1999, Major update: if output size is smaller, dump output * ! in sparse matrix format; additional output of * ! uncertainty * ! * ! 05 April 2000, Major update: output of age classes; output for backward* ! runs is time spent in grid cell times total mass of * ! species. * ! * ! 17 February 2002, Appropriate dimensions for backward and forward runs * ! are now specified in file par_mod * ! * ! June 2006, write grid in sparse matrix with a single write command * ! in order to save disk space * ! * ! 2008 new sparse matrix format * ! * ! 2014 eso: MPI version. Only called by root process * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! outnum number of samples * ! ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * ! sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * ! tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * ! * !***************************************************************************** use unc_mod use point_mod use outg_mod use par_mod use com_mod use mpi_mod use mean_mod implicit none real(kind=dp) :: jul integer :: itime,i,ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,iix,jjy,kzz,nage,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss integer :: sp_count_i,sp_count_r real :: sp_fact real :: outnum,densityoutrecept(maxreceptor),xl,yl !real densityoutgrid(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,numzgrid), ! +grid(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,numzgrid,maxspec,maxpointspec_act, ! + maxageclass) !real wetgrid(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,maxspec,maxpointspec_act, ! + maxageclass) !real drygrid(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,maxspec, ! + maxpointspec_act,maxageclass) !real gridsigma(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,numzgrid,maxspec, ! + maxpointspec_act,maxageclass), ! + drygridsigma(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,maxspec, ! + maxpointspec_act,maxageclass), ! + wetgridsigma(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,maxspec, ! + maxpointspec_act,maxageclass) !real factor(0:numxgrid-1,0:numygrid-1,numzgrid) !real sparse_dump_r(numxgrid*numygrid*numzgrid) !integer sparse_dump_i(numxgrid*numygrid*numzgrid) !real sparse_dump_u(numxgrid*numygrid*numzgrid) real(dep_prec) :: auxgrid(nclassunc) real :: halfheight,dz,dz1,dz2,tot_mu(maxspec,maxpointspec_act) real,parameter :: smallnum = tiny(0.0) ! smallest number that can be handled real,parameter :: weightair=28.97 logical :: sp_zer character :: adate*8,atime*6 character(len=3) :: anspec integer :: mind ! mind eso:added to ensure identical results between 2&3-fields versions ! Measure execution time if (mp_measure_time) then call cpu_time(mp_root_time_beg) mp_root_wtime_beg = mpi_wtime() end if if (verbosity.eq.1) then print*,'inside concoutput_surf ' CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock) WRITE(*,*) 'SYSTEM_CLOCK',count_clock - count_clock0 endif ! Determine current calendar date, needed for the file name !********************************************************** jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss ! For forward simulations, output fields have dimension MAXSPEC, ! for backward simulations, output fields have dimension MAXPOINT. ! Thus, make loops either about nspec, or about numpoint !***************************************************************** if (ldirect.eq.1) then do ks=1,nspec do kp=1,maxpointspec_act tot_mu(ks,kp)=1 end do end do else do ks=1,nspec do kp=1,maxpointspec_act tot_mu(ks,kp)=xmass(kp,ks) end do end do endif !******************************************************************* ! Compute air density: sufficiently accurate to take it ! from coarse grid at some time ! Determine center altitude of output layer, and interpolate density ! data to that altitude !******************************************************************* mind=memind(2) do kz=1,numzgrid if (kz.eq.1) then halfheight=outheight(1)/2. else halfheight=(outheight(kz)+outheight(kz-1))/2. endif do kzz=2,nz if ((height(kzz-1).lt.halfheight).and. & (height(kzz).gt.halfheight)) goto 46 end do 46 kzz=max(min(kzz,nz),2) dz1=halfheight-height(kzz-1) dz2=height(kzz)-halfheight dz=dz1+dz2 do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 xl=outlon0n+real(ix)*dxoutn yl=outlat0n+real(jy)*dyoutn xl=(xl-xlon0)/dx yl=(yl-ylat0)/dy iix=max(min(nint(xl),nxmin1),0) jjy=max(min(nint(yl),nymin1),0) ! densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz)=(rho(iix,jjy,kzz,2)*dz1+ & ! rho(iix,jjy,kzz-1,2)*dz2)/dz densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz)=(rho(iix,jjy,kzz,mind)*dz1+ & rho(iix,jjy,kzz-1,mind)*dz2)/dz end do end do end do do i=1,numreceptor xl=xreceptor(i) yl=yreceptor(i) iix=max(min(nint(xl),nxmin1),0) jjy=max(min(nint(yl),nymin1),0) !densityoutrecept(i)=rho(iix,jjy,1,2) densityoutrecept(i)=rho(iix,jjy,1,mind) end do ! Output is different for forward and backward simulations do kz=1,numzgrid do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (ldirect.eq.1) then factor3d(ix,jy,kz)=1.e12/volumen(ix,jy,kz)/outnum else factor3d(ix,jy,kz)=real(abs(loutaver))/outnum endif end do end do end do !********************************************************************* ! Determine the standard deviation of the mean concentration or mixing ! ratio (uncertainty of the output) and the dry and wet deposition !********************************************************************* do ks=1,nspec write(anspec,'(i3.3)') ks if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then if (ldirect.eq.1) then open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_conc_nest_' & //adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') else open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_time_nest_' & //adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') endif write(unitoutgrid) itime endif if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then ! mixing ratio open(unitoutgridppt,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_pptv_nest_' & //adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') write(unitoutgridppt) itime endif do kp=1,maxpointspec_act do nage=1,nageclass do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 ! WET DEPOSITION if ((WETDEP).and.(ldirect.gt.0)) then do l=1,nclassunc auxgrid(l)=wetgriduncn0(ix,jy,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,wetgrid(ix,jy), & wetgridsigma(ix,jy),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration wetgrid(ix,jy)=wetgrid(ix,jy) & *nclassunc ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean wetgridsigma(ix,jy)= & wetgridsigma(ix,jy)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) endif ! DRY DEPOSITION if ((DRYDEP).and.(ldirect.gt.0)) then do l=1,nclassunc auxgrid(l)=drygriduncn0(ix,jy,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,drygrid(ix,jy), & drygridsigma(ix,jy),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration drygrid(ix,jy)=drygrid(ix,jy)* & nclassunc ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean drygridsigma(ix,jy)= & drygridsigma(ix,jy)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) endif ! CONCENTRATION OR MIXING RATIO do kz=1,numzgrid do l=1,nclassunc ! auxgrid(l)=griduncn0(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,nage) auxgrid(l)=griduncn(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,grid(ix,jy,kz), & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration grid(ix,jy,kz)= & grid(ix,jy,kz)*nclassunc ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)= & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) end do end do end do !******************************************************************* ! Generate output: may be in concentration (ng/m3) or in mixing ! ratio (ppt) or both ! Output the position and the values alternated multiplied by ! 1 or -1, first line is number of values, number of positions ! For backward simulations, the unit is seconds, stored in grid_time !******************************************************************* ! Concentration output !********************* if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then ! Wet deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(WETDEP)) then do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 !oncentraion greater zero if (wetgrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)=ix+jy*numxgridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact*1.e12*wetgrid(ix,jy)/arean(ix,jy) ! sparse_dump_u(sp_count_r)= !+ 1.e12*wetgridsigma(ix,jy,ks,kp,nage)/area(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_u ! write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_u(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Dry deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(DRYDEP)) then do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (drygrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)=ix+jy*numxgridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*drygrid(ix,jy)/arean(ix,jy) ! sparse_dump_u(sp_count_r)= !+ 1.e12*drygridsigma(ix,jy,ks,kp,nage)/area(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! write(*,*) sp_count_u ! write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_u(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Concentrations sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,numzgrid do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (grid(ix,jy,kz).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn+kz*numxgridn*numygridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & grid(ix,jy,kz)* & factor3d(ix,jy,kz)/tot_mu(ks,kp) ! if ((factor(ix,jy,kz)/tot_mu(ks,kp)).eq.0) ! + write (*,*) factor(ix,jy,kz),tot_mu(ks,kp),ks,kp ! sparse_dump_u(sp_count_r)= !+ ,gridsigma(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,nage)* !+ factor(ix,jy,kz)/tot_mu(ks,kp) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_u ! write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_u(i),i=1,sp_count_r) endif ! concentration output ! Mixing ratio output !******************** if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then ! mixing ratio ! Wet deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(WETDEP)) then do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (wetgrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*wetgrid(ix,jy)/arean(ix,jy) ! sparse_dump_u(sp_count_r)= ! + ,1.e12*wetgridsigma(ix,jy,ks,kp,nage)/area(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_u ! write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_u(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Dry deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(DRYDEP)) then do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (drygrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*drygrid(ix,jy)/arean(ix,jy) ! sparse_dump_u(sp_count_r)= ! + ,1.e12*drygridsigma(ix,jy,ks,kp,nage)/area(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_u ! write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_u(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Mixing ratios sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,numzgrid do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (grid(ix,jy,kz).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn+kz*numxgridn*numygridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*grid(ix,jy,kz) & /volumen(ix,jy,kz)/outnum* & weightair/weightmolar(ks)/densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz) ! sparse_dump_u(sp_count_r)= !+ ,1.e12*gridsigma(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,nage)/volume(ix,jy,kz)/ !+ outnum*weightair/weightmolar(ks)/ !+ densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_u ! write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_u(i),i=1,sp_count_r) endif ! output for ppt end do end do close(unitoutgridppt) close(unitoutgrid) end do ! Reinitialization of grid !************************* do ks=1,nspec do kp=1,maxpointspec_act do i=1,numreceptor creceptor(i,ks)=0. end do do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 do l=1,nclassunc do nage=1,nageclass do kz=1,numzgrid griduncn(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,nage)=0. end do end do end do end do end do end do end do if (mp_measure_time) then call cpu_time(mp_root_time_end) mp_root_wtime_end = mpi_wtime() mp_root_time_total = mp_root_time_total + (mp_root_time_end - mp_root_time_beg) mp_root_wtime_total = mp_root_wtime_total + (mp_root_wtime_end - mp_root_wtime_beg) end if end subroutine concoutput_nest