!********************************************************************** !* Copyright 2012,2013 * !* Jerome Brioude, Delia Arnold, Andreas Stohl, Wayne Angevine, * !* John Burkhart, Massimo Cassiani, Adam Dingwell, Richard C Easter, Sabine Eckhardt,* !* Stephanie Evan, Jerome D Fast, Don Morton, Ignacio Pisso, * !* Petra Seibert, Gerard Wotawa, Caroline Forster, Harald Sodemann, * ! * ! This file is part of FLEXPART. * ! * ! FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * !********************************************************************** subroutine readlanduse !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Reads the landuse inventory into memory and relates it to Leaf Area * ! Index and roughness length. * ! * ! AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 10 January 1994 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! i loop indices * ! landinvent(1200,600,13) area fractions of 13 landuse categories * ! LENGTH(numpath) length of the path names * ! PATH(numpath) contains the path names * ! unitland unit connected with landuse inventory * ! * ! ----- * ! Sabine Eckhardt, Dec 06 - new landuse inventary * ! after * ! Belward, A.S., Estes, J.E., and Kline, K.D., 1999, * ! The IGBP-DIS 1-Km Land-Cover Data Set DISCover: * ! A Project Overview: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, * ! v. 65, no. 9, p. 1013-1020 * ! * ! LANDUSE CATEGORIES: * ! * ! 1 Urban land * ! 2 Agricultural land * ! 3 Range land * ! 4 Deciduous forest * ! 5 Coniferous forest * ! 6 Mixed forest including wetland * ! 7 water, both salt and fresh * ! 8 barren land mostly desert * ! 9 nonforested wetland * ! 10 mixed agricultural and range land * ! 11 rocky open areas with low growing shrubs * ! 12 ice * ! 13 rainforest * ! * !***************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: ix,jy,i,k,lu_cat,lu_perc integer(kind=1) :: ilr integer(kind=1) :: ilr_buffer(2160000) integer :: il,irecread real :: rlr, r2lr ! Read landuse inventory !*********************** ! The landuse information is saved in a compressed format and written ! out by records of the length of 1 BYTE. Each grid cell consists of 3 ! Bytes, which include 3 landuse categories (val 1-13 and 16 percentage ! categories) So one half byte is used to store the Landusecat the other ! for the percentageclass in 6.25 steps (100/6.25=16) ! e.g. ! 4 3 percentage 4 = 4*6.25 => 25% landuse class 3 ! 2 1 percentage 2 = 2*6.25 => 13% landuse class 1 ! 1 12 percentage 1 = 1*6.26 => 6.25% landuse class 12 ! open(unitland,file=path(1)(1:length(1)) & ! //'IGBP_int1.dat',status='old', & open(unitland,file='IGBP_int1.dat',status='old', & ! +form='UNFORMATTED', err=998) form='UNFORMATTED', err=998, convert='little_endian') ! print*,unitland read (unitland) (ilr_buffer(i),i=1,2160000) close(unitland) irecread=1 do ix=1,1200 do jy=1,600 ! the 3 most abundant landuse categories in the inventory ! first half byte contains the landuse class ! second half byte contains the respective percentage do k=1,3 ! 1 byte is read ilr=ilr_buffer(irecread) ! ilr=0 irecread=irecread+1 ! as only signed integer values exist an unsigned value is constructed if (ilr.lt.0) then il=ilr+256 else il=ilr endif ! dividing by 16 has the effect to get rid of the right half of the byte ! so just the left half remains, this corresponds to a shift right of 4 ! bits rlr=real(il)/16. lu_cat=int(rlr) ! the left half of the byte is substracted from the whole in order to ! get only the right half of the byte r2lr=rlr-int(rlr) ! shift left by 4 lu_perc=r2lr*16. landinvent(ix,jy,k)=lu_cat landinvent(ix,jy,k+3)=lu_perc ! if ((jy.lt.10).and.(ix.lt.10)) write(*,*) 'reading: ' , ix, jy, lu_cat, lu_perc end do end do end do ! Read relation landuse,z0 !***************************** ! open(unitsurfdata,file=path(1)(1:length(1))//'surfdata.t', & open(unitsurfdata,file='surfdata.t', & status='old',err=999) do i=1,4 read(unitsurfdata,*) end do do i=1,numclass ! read(unitsurfdata,'(45x,f15.3)') z0(i) read(unitsurfdata,'(45x,f4.3)') z0(i) end do close(unitsurfdata) return ! Issue error messages !********************* 998 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART ERROR! FILE CONTAINING ####' write(*,*) ' #### LANDUSE INVENTORY DOES NOT EXIST ####' write(*,*) ' #### IT IS NEEDED FOR DRY DEPOSITION ####' write(*,*) ' #### COPY DATA FROM src_flexwrf_v3.0/data ####' write(*,*) ' #### IN YOUR CURRENT DIRECTORY ####' write(*,*) ' #### OR USE A DIFFERENT SPECIES ####' stop 999 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART ERROR! FILE CONTAINING ####' write(*,*) ' #### RELATION LANDUSE,z0 DOES NOT EXIST ####' write(*,*) ' #### IT IS NEEDED FOR DRY DEPOSITION ####' write(*,*) ' #### COPY DATA FROM src_flexwrf_v3.0/data ####' write(*,*) ' #### IN YOUR CURRENT DIRECTORY ####' write(*,*) ' #### OR USE A DIFFERENT SPECIES ####' stop end subroutine readlanduse