subroutine gridcheck_nests !******************************************************************************* ! * ! This routine checks the grid specification for the nested model domains. * ! It is similar to subroutine gridcheck, which checks the mother domain. * ! * ! Note: This is the FLEXPART_WRF version of subroutine gridcheck. * ! The computational grid is the WRF x-y grid rather than lat-lon. * ! There are many differences from the FLEXPART version. * ! * ! Authors: A. Stohl, G. Wotawa * ! 8 February 1999 * ! * ! Nov 2005 - R. Easter - MAJOR revisions for FLEXPART_WRF * ! Dec 2005, R. Easter - changed names of "*lon0*" & "*lat0*" variables * ! * !******************************************************************************* ! use grib_api use par_mod use com_mod integer,parameter :: ndims_max=4 integer :: i, ierr, ifn, itime, ix integer :: idiagaa, idiagaa_1, idiagaa_2, idiagbb integer :: iduma, idumb integer :: jy integer :: k integer :: l, lp integer :: lendim(ndims_max), lendim_exp(ndims_max), & lendim_max(ndims_max) integer :: m integer :: map_proj_id_dum integer :: ndims, ndims_exp, & ext_scalar,pbl_physics,mp_physics_dum integer :: n_west_east, n_south_north, n_bottom_top integer :: nuvzn, nwzn real :: dx_met, dy_met real :: duma, dumb, dumc, dumx, dumy real :: dump1, dump2, dumdz real :: eta_w_wrf_nest(nwzmax), eta_u_wrf_nest(nwzmax) real :: map_stdlon_dum, map_truelat1_dum, map_truelat2_dum real :: pint, p_top_wrf_nest real :: xaux1, xaux2, yaux1, yaux2 character(len=160) :: fnamenc, varname real(kind=4) :: m_un(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,maxnests) real(kind=4) :: m_vn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,maxnests) ! Loop about all nesting levels !****************************** ! idiagaa_1 = 1 idiagaa_1 = 0 idiagaa_2 = 0 ! idiagbb = 10 idiagbb = 0 do l=1,numbnests write(*,'(//a,i3)') 'gridcheck_nests output for grid #', l ! ! get grid info from the wrf netcdf file ! if( then ifn=1 else ifn=numbwf endif m = numpath+2*(l-1)+1 fnamenc = path(m)(1:length(m)) // wfnamen(l,ifn) idiagaa = idiagaa_1 call read_ncwrfout_gridinfo( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & n_west_east, n_south_north, n_bottom_top, & dx_met, dy_met, & m_grid_id(l), m_parent_grid_id(l), m_parent_grid_ratio(l), & i_parent_start(l), j_parent_start(l), & map_proj_id_dum, map_stdlon_dum, & map_truelat1_dum, map_truelat2_dum, & ext_scalar,pbl_physics,mp_physics_dum ) if (ierr .ne. 0) goto 999 mp_physicsn(l)=mp_physics_dum ! subtract 1 because i & j indexing in flexpart always starts at 0 i_parent_start(l) = i_parent_start(l)-1 j_parent_start(l) = j_parent_start(l)-1 ! ! set grid dimension and size variables ! nxn(l) = n_west_east nyn(l) = n_south_north nuvzn = n_bottom_top nwzn = n_bottom_top + 1 ! for FLEXPART_WRF, x & y coords are in meters dxn(l) = dx_met dyn(l) = dy_met ! ! check that grid dimensions are not too big ! ! flexpart_wrf 07-nov-2005 - require (nxn+1 .le. nxmaxn) and (nyn+1 .le. nymaxn) ! because u,v in met. files are on staggered grid if (nxn(l)+1 .gt. nxmaxn) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART gridcheck_nests error: ' // & 'Too many grid points in x direction.' write(*,*) 'Change parameter settings in file par_mod.' write(*,*) 'l, nxn(l)+1, nxmaxn =', l, nxn(l), nxmaxn stop endif if (nyn(l)+1 .gt. nymaxn) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART gridcheck_nests error: ' // & 'Too many grid points in y direction.' write(*,*) 'Change parameter settings in file par_mod.' write(*,*) 'l, nyn(l)+1, nymaxn =', l, nyn(l), nymaxn stop endif nuvzn = nuvzn+add_sfc_level if (nuvzn .ne. nuvz) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART gridcheck_nests error: ' // & 'nuvzn and nuvz differ' write(*,*) 'l, nuvzn, nuvz =', l, nuvzn, nuvz stop endif if (nwzn .ne. nwz) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART gridcheck_nests error: ' // & 'nwzn and nwz differ' write(*,*) 'l, nwzn, nwz =', l, nwzn, nwz stop endif ! check that map projection info matches parent duma = 3.0e-7*max( abs(map_stdlon), 1.0e-30 ) dumb = 3.0e-7*max( abs(map_truelat1), 1.0e-30 ) dumc = 3.0e-7*max( abs(map_truelat2), 1.0e-30 ) iduma = 0 if (map_proj_id .ne. map_proj_id_dum) iduma = 1 if (abs(map_stdlon-map_stdlon_dum) .gt. duma) iduma = 2 if (abs(map_truelat1-map_truelat1_dum) .gt. dumb) iduma = 3 if (abs(map_truelat2-map_truelat2_dum) .gt. dumc) iduma = 4 if (iduma .ne. 0) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART gridcheck_nests error: ' // & 'map projection parameters differ' write(*,*) 'l, map param #=', l, iduma stop end if varname = 'MAPFAC_MX' lendim_exp(1) = nxn(l) lendim_max(1) = nxmaxn lendim_exp(2) = nyn(l) lendim_max(2) = nymaxn ndims_exp = 3 itime=1 call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, m_xn(0,0,1,l), & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) if (ierr .ne. 0) then varname = 'MAPFAC_M' lendim_exp(1) = nxn(l) lendim_max(1) = nxmaxn lendim_exp(2) = nyn(l) lendim_max(2) = nymaxn call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, m_xn(0,0,1,l), & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) endif if (ierr .ne. 0) then print*,'error doing MAP X' varname = 'MAPFAC_UX' lendim_exp(1) = nxn(l)+1 lendim_max(1) = nxmaxn lendim_exp(2) = nyn(l) lendim_max(2) = nymaxn call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, m_un(0,0,1,l), & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) do j = 0, nyn(l)-1 do i = 0, nxn(l)-1 m_xn(i,j,1,l)=(m_un(i,j,1,l)+m_un(i+1,j,1,l))*0.5 enddo enddo if (ierr .ne. 0) then print*,'error doing MAP U' print*,'NO MAP FACTOR IS GOING TO BE USED.' print*,'LARGE UNCERTAINTIES TO BE EXPECTED' do j = 0, nyn(l)-1 do i = 0, nxn(l)-1 m_xn(i,j,1,l)=1. enddo enddo end if end if varname = 'MAPFAC_MY' lendim_exp(1) = nxn(l) lendim_max(1) = nxmaxn lendim_exp(2) = nyn(l) lendim_max(2) = nymaxn call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, m_yn(0,0,1,l), & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) if (ierr .ne. 0) then varname = 'MAPFAC_M' lendim_exp(1) = nxn(l) lendim_max(1) = nxmaxn lendim_exp(2) = nyn(l) lendim_max(2) = nymaxn call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, m_yn(0,0,1,l), & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) endif if (ierr .ne. 0) then print*,'error doing MAP Y' varname = 'MAPFAC_VY' lendim_exp(1) = nxn(l) lendim_max(1) = nxmaxn lendim_exp(2) = nyn(l)+1 lendim_max(2) = nymaxn call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, m_vn(0,0,1,l), & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) do j = 0, nyn(l)-1 do i = 0, nxn(l)-1 m_yn(i,j,1,l)=(m_vn(i,j,1,l)+m_vn(i,j+1,1,l))*0.5 enddo enddo if (ierr .ne. 0) then print*,'ERROR doing MAP V' print*,'NO MAP FACTOR IS GOING TO BE USED.' print*,'LARGE UNCERTAINTIES TO BE EXPECTED' do j = 0, nyn(l)-1 do i = 0, nxn(l)-1 m_yn(i,j,1,l)=1. enddo enddo end if end if lendim_exp(1) = nxn(l) lendim_max(1) = nxmaxn lendim_exp(2) = nyn(l) lendim_max(2) = nymaxn ! ! read latitude and longitude ! read oro, lsm, and excessoro ! idiagaa = idiagaa_2 varname = 'XLAT' do i = 1, ndims_max lendim_exp(i) = 0 lendim_max(i) = 1 end do itime = 1 lendim_exp(1) = nxn(l) lendim_max(1) = nxmaxn lendim_exp(2) = nyn(l) lendim_max(2) = nymaxn ndims_exp = 3 call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, ylat2dn(0,0,l), & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(*,*) write(*,*) '*** checkgrid -- error doing ncread of XLAT' stop end if varname = 'XLONG' call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, xlon2dn(0,0,l), & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(*,*) write(*,*) '*** checkgrid -- error doing ncread of XLONG' stop end if varname = 'HGT' call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, oron(0,0,l), & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(*,*) write(*,*) '*** checkgrid -- error doing ncread of HGT' stop end if ! lsm = landsea mask == land fraction (or non-ocean fraction) ! for now, set lsm=1.0 which means land do jy=0,nyn(l)-1 do ix=0,nxn(l)-1 lsmn(ix,jy,l)=1.0 end do end do ! for now, set excessoro=0.0 do jy=0,nyn(l)-1 do ix=0,nxn(l)-1 excessoron(ix,jy,l)=0.0 end do end do do jy=1,nyn(l)-2 do ix=1,nxn(l)-2 m=oron(ix,jy,l)+oron(ix-1,jy,l)+oron(ix+1,jy,l)+ & oron(ix,jy-1,l)+oron(ix,jy+1,l) m=m/5. excessoron(ix,jy,l)=(oron(ix,jy,l)-m)**2.+(oron(ix-1,jy,l)-m)**2. & +(oron(ix+1,jy,l)-m)**2.+(oron(ix,jy-1,l)-m)**2.+(oron(ix,jy+1,l)-m)**2. excessoron(ix,jy,l)=(excessoron(ix,jy,l)/5.)**0.5 end do end do ! ! identify the parent grid (which is probably "l-1", so this code ! may be more complicated that necessary) ! set xmet0n, ymet0n, which are the x,y coords of lower-left corner ! of a nested grid (in meters on the mother grid) ! ! note on dumc: ! the lower-left corner of the nested cell (0,0) coincides with the ! lower-left corner of the parent cell (i_parent_start,j_parent_start) ! this being the case, the center of nested cell (0,0) is shifted ! by (-dumc*parent_gridsize) relative to the center of the parent cell ! (for m_parent_grid_ratio = 2, 3, 4, 5; dumc = 1/4, 1/3, 3/8, 2/5) ! l_parent_nest_id(l) = -1 if (m_parent_grid_id(l) .gt. 0) then do lp = 0, l-1 if ( (l_parent_nest_id(l) .eq. -1) .and. & (m_parent_grid_id(l) .eq. m_grid_id(lp)) ) then l_parent_nest_id(l) = lp m = m_parent_grid_ratio(l) dumc = real(m-1)/real(m*2) if (lp .eq. 0) then xmet0n(l) = xmet0 + dx*(i_parent_start(l)-dumc) ymet0n(l) = ymet0 + dy*(j_parent_start(l)-dumc) else xmet0n(l) = xmet0n(lp) + dxn(lp)*(i_parent_start(l)-dumc) ymet0n(l) = ymet0n(lp) + dyn(lp)*(j_parent_start(l)-dumc) end if end if end do end if if (idiagbb .gt. 0) write(*,'(/a,3i8)') & 'l, m_grid_id(l), m_parent_grid_id(l)', & l, m_grid_id(l), m_parent_grid_id(l) if (l_parent_nest_id(l) .eq. -1) then write(*,'(/a,i3/)') & 'gridcheck_nests fatal error -- ' // & 'parent grid not found for l =', l stop end if ! ! diagnostics for testing the nesting calculations ! (set idiagbb=0 to turn it off) ! lp = l_parent_nest_id(l) if (idiagbb .gt. 0) then write(*,'(a,2i8)') 'l_parent, m_grid_id(l_parent) ', & lp, m_grid_id(lp) write(*,'(a,2i8)') 'm_parent_grid_ratio(l) ', & m_parent_grid_ratio(l) write(*,'(a,i8,f11.2)') & 'i_parent_start(l), xi_... ', & i_parent_start(l), i_parent_start(l)-dumc write(*,'(a,i8,f11.2)') & 'j_parent_start(l), yj_... ', & j_parent_start(l), j_parent_start(l)-dumc end if !23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 if (idiagbb .gt. 0) then write(*,*) do jy = j_parent_start(l)-1, j_parent_start(l) do ix = i_parent_start(l)-1, i_parent_start(l) if (lp .eq. 0) then write(*,'(a,2i7,2f11.4)') 'parent i,j,lon,lat', & ix, jy, xlon2d(ix,jy), ylat2d(ix,jy) else write(*,'(a,2i7,2f11.4)') 'parent i,j,lon,lat', & ix, jy, xlon2dn(ix,jy,lp), ylat2dn(ix,jy,lp) end if end do end do dumc = real( (m_parent_grid_ratio(l)-1) )/ & real( (m_parent_grid_ratio(l)*2) ) dumx = i_parent_start(l) - dumc dumy = j_parent_start(l) - dumc call xyindex_to_ll_wrf( lp, dumx, dumy, xaux1, yaux1 ) write(*,'(a,2f7.2,2f11.4)') 'par. xi,yj,lon,lat', & dumx, dumy, xaux1, yaux1 write(*,*) write(*,'(a,2i7,2f11.4)') 'nest i,j,lon,lat', & 0, 0, xlon2dn(0,0,l), ylat2dn(0,0,l) write(*,*) dumx = (xmet0n(l) - xmet0)/dx dumy = (ymet0n(l) - ymet0)/dy call xyindex_to_ll_wrf( 0, dumx, dumy, xaux1, yaux1 ) write(*,'(a,2f7.2,2f11.4)') 'mot. xi,yj,lon,lat', & dumx, dumy, xaux1, yaux1 iduma = max( 0, ifix(dumx) ) idumb = max( 0, ifix(dumy) ) do jy = idumb, idumb+1 do ix = iduma, iduma+1 write(*,'(a,2i7,2f11.4)') 'mother i,j,lon,lat', & ix, jy, xlon2d(ix,jy), ylat2d(ix,jy) end do end do end if ! Output of grid info !******************** write(*,'(/a,i2)') & 'gridcheck_nests -- nested domain #: ',l write(*,'(a,f12.1,a1,f12.1,a,f10.1)') & ' X coordinate range: ', & xmet0n(l),' to ',xmet0n(l)+(nxn(l)-1)*dxn(l), & ' Grid distance: ',dxn(l) write(*,'(a,f12.1,a1,f12.1,a,f10.1)') & ' Y coordinate range: ', & ymet0n(l),' to ',ymet0n(l)+(nyn(l)-1)*dyn(l), & ' Grid distance: ',dyn(l) write(*,*) ! Determine, how much the resolutions in the nests are enhanced as ! compared to the mother grid !***************************************************************** xresoln(l)=dx/dxn(l) yresoln(l)=dy/dyn(l) ! Determine the mother grid coordinates of the corner points of the ! nested grids ! Convert first to geographical coordinates, then to grid coordinates !******************************************************************** xaux1=xmet0n(l) xaux2=xmet0n(l)+real(nxn(l)-1)*dxn(l) yaux1=ymet0n(l) yaux2=ymet0n(l)+real(nyn(l)-1)*dyn(l) xln(l)=(xaux1-xmet0)/dx xrn(l)=(xaux2-xmet0)/dx yln(l)=(yaux1-ymet0)/dy yrn(l)=(yaux2-ymet0)/dy if ((xln(l).lt.0.).or.(yln(l).lt.0.).or. & (xrn(l).gt.real(nxmin1)).or.(yrn(l).gt.real(nymin1))) then write(*,*) 'gridcheck_nests error' write(*,*) 'Nested domain does not fit into mother domain' write(*,*) 'Execution is terminated.' stop endif ! check that the map projection routines are working call test_xyindex_to_ll_wrf( l ) ! Check, whether the heights of the model levels of the nested ! wind fields are consistent with those of the mother domain. ! If not, terminate model run. !************************************************************* ! first read eta_w_wrf_nest, eta_u_wrf_nest, and p_top_wrf_nest ! from the netcdf wrfout file itime = 1 varname = 'ZNW' do i = 1, ndims_max lendim_exp(i) = 0 lendim_max(i) = 1 end do lendim_exp(1) = nwz lendim_max(1) = nwzmax ndims_exp = 2 call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, eta_w_wrf_nest, & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(*,*) write(*,*) '*** checkgrid -- error doing ncread of ZNW' stop end if varname = 'ZNU' do i = 1, ndims_max lendim_exp(i) = 0 lendim_max(i) = 1 end do lendim_exp(1) = nwz-1 lendim_max(1) = nwzmax ndims_exp = 2 call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, eta_u_wrf_nest, & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(*,*) write(*,*) '*** checkgrid -- error doing ncread of ZNU' stop end if varname = 'P_TOP' do i = 1, ndims_max lendim_exp(i) = 0 lendim_max(i) = 1 end do lendim_exp(1) = 1 lendim_max(1) = 6 ndims_exp = 2 if (ext_scalar .lt. 0) ndims_exp=1 call read_ncwrfout_1realfield( ierr, idiagaa, fnamenc, & varname, p_top_wrf_nest, & itime, & ndims, ndims_exp, ndims_max, & lendim, lendim_exp, lendim_max ) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(*,*) write(*,*) '*** checkgrid -- error doing ncread of P_TOP' stop end if do k = 1, nwz duma = 3.0e-7*max( abs(eta_w_wrf(k)), 1.0e-30 ) if (abs(eta_w_wrf(k)-eta_w_wrf_nest(k)) .gt. duma) then write(*,*) & 'FLEXPART gridcheck_nests error for nesting level',l write(*,*) & 'eta_w_wrf are not consistent with the mother domain' write(*,*) 'k, eta_w_wrf(k), eta_w_wrf_nest(k) =', & k, eta_w_wrf(k), eta_w_wrf_nest(k) stop endif end do do k = 1, nwz-1 duma = 3.0e-7*max( abs(eta_u_wrf(k)), 1.0e-30 ) if (abs(eta_u_wrf(k)-eta_u_wrf_nest(k)) .gt. duma) then write(*,*) & 'FLEXPART gridcheck_nests error for nesting level',l write(*,*) & 'eta_u_wrf are not consistent with the mother domain' write(*,*) 'k, eta_u_wrf(k), eta_u_wrf_nest(k) =', & k, eta_u_wrf(k), eta_u_wrf_nest(k) stop endif end do duma = 3.0e-7*max( abs(p_top_wrf), 1.0e-30 ) if (abs(p_top_wrf-p_top_wrf_nest) .gt. duma) then write(*,*) & 'FLEXPART gridcheck_nests error for nesting level',l write(*,*) & 'p_top_wrf are not consistent with the mother domain' write(*,*) 'p_top_wrf, p_top_wrf_nest', & p_top_wrf, p_top_wrf_nest stop endif ! done with nest l enddo return 999 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' ###########################################'// & '###### ' write(*,*) ' FLEXPART_WRF subroutine gridcheck_nests: ' // & 'nesting level ', l write(*,*) ' can not open input data file ' write(*,*) ' '//fnamenc write(*,*) ' or, an error occured in subr. read_ncwrfout_gridinfo' write(*,*) ' with ierr =', ierr write(*,*) ' ###########################################'// & '###### ' stop end subroutine gridcheck_nests