!*********************************************************************** !* Copyright 2012,2013 * !* Jerome Brioude, Delia Arnold, Andreas Stohl, Wayne Angevine, * !* John Burkhart, Massimo Cassiani, Adam Dingwell, Richard C Easter, Sabine Eckhardt,* !* Stephanie Evan, Jerome D Fast, Don Morton, Ignacio Pisso, * !* Petra Seibert, Gerard Wotawa, Caroline Forster, Harald Sodemann, * !* * !* This file is part of FLEXPART WRF * !* * !* FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * !* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * !* (at your option) any later version. * !* * !* FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * !* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * !* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * !* GNU General Public License for more details. * !* * !* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * !* along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * !*********************************************************************** program flexwrf_mpi ! !******************************************************************************* ! * ! This is the Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model FLEXPART_WRF. * ! * ! FLEXPART uses met. files from the ECMWF model (in grib format), * ! and its internal computational grid is latitude-longitude. * ! * ! FLEXPART_WRF uses met. files from the WRF model (in NetCDF format), * ! and its internal computational grid is the WRF x-y grid. * ! * ! The main program manages the reading of model run specifications, etc. * ! All actual computing is done within subroutine timemanager. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! 18 May 1996 * ! * ! Nov 2005, R. Easter - Added the above comments and changed * ! the program name to "flexpart_wrf" * ! * ! Feb 2012, J Brioude- modify the name of the pilt_wrf model from PNLL * ! to flexwrf. ! start doing versions * ! input information should be put in flexwr.input * ! Mar 2012, J Brioude: Hybrid parallelization of v74. everything converted * ! in fortran 90, based on version 90.1 of the main stream * ! version of FLEXPART. * ! Jun 2012, J Brioude: Add tests on arguments to the flexwrf input file. * !******************************************************************************* ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !******************************************************************************* use point_mod use par_mod use com_mod use conv_mod !-- modules below added by mc for parallel random generaiton using teh RANLUX !and Mersenne-Twister generator use luxury use mt_stream implicit none include 'mpif.h' integer :: i,j,ix,jy,inest,ii ! integer :: MPI_COMM_WORLD integer :: idummy integer :: inext,inextp,ma(55),iff integer, dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: status integer :: myid,ntasks,ierr,islave ! ,len2 ! character(len=200) :: inputname real, external :: ran3 ! added by mc to use RAN3 using the original JB random number system integer, allocatable :: seed(:) ! here and below further variable used by the MT generator integer(4) :: iseed = 73519232 integer :: id type (mt_state) :: mts (0: MAX_STREAM) character :: nummpi_id*2 !for test on pc ! integer, parameter :: master=0, mstgtag1=11, msgtag2=12 ! if (myid.eq.0) then !let's comment the line above to let each node reading and making the same !thing. ! save inext,inextp,ma,iff iff=0 ! print*,'before 1' call MPI_INIT( ierr ) call MPI_COMM_RANK ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid, ierr ) call MPI_COMM_SIZE ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, ntasks, ierr ) ! print*,'after 1' print*,'MPI id',myid ! Generate a large number of random numbers ! write(*,9100) 'degrees longitude,latitude', ! + 'degrees longitude,latitude' ! else ! write(*,9100) 'grid-meters', 'grid-meters' ! endif !9100 format( ' x,y coordinates in input files must be in ', a / ! + ' x,y coordinates in output files will be in ', a / ) if (command_argument_count().eq.0) then print*,'the input file used is flexwrf.input in the ' // & 'local folder of the executable' inputname='flexwrf.input' endif if (command_argument_count().gt.0) then call get_command_argument(1,inputname,len2,ierr) print*,'the input file used is ' // inputname endif ! Generate a large number of random numbers !****************************************** if (newrandomgen.eq.0) then idummy = -320-(myid*4049) ! idummy = -320 do j=1,maxomp do i=1,maxrand-1,2 ii=i+(j-1)*maxrand call gasdev1(idummy,rannumb(ii),rannumb(ii+1),inext,inextp,ma,iff) enddo enddo ii=maxrand*maxomp call gasdev1(idummy,rannumb(ii),rannumb(ii-1),inext,inextp,ma,iff) ! print*,'rand',myid ! print*,rannumb(1:5) ! call ranlux(uniform_rannumb,maxrandomp) ! this generate a uniform distribution else idummy=254+myid*443 !different seed for different mpi processes are produced so indepedent stream for any mpi process suing RANLUX are certain call RLUXGO(3,idummy,0,0) ! this set the luxury level to 3 and initalize the generator for any myid do i=1,maxrand-1,2 call gasdevlux2R(rannumb(i),rannumb(i+1)) !this will generate a guassian distribution end do call gasdevlux2R(rannumb(maxrand),rannumb(maxrand-1)) ! Generate a stream of uniform deviate random numbers to be used for CBL call ranlux(uniform_rannumb,maxrand) ! this generate a uniform distribution !----- comment by MC: now initialize the mersenne twister generator for a number !max_stream of possible streams !----- to be called subsequently by any openmp process activated. note RANLUX !above is suppose to be the best generator !----- but it is slower than mersenne twister and moreover it would require some !adaptation for workiong with openmp processes !do this on any mpi_process taht will have a copy of all the MT generator !initialization ! set parameters call set_mt19937 ! initialize MT state type call new (mts(0)) call init (mts(0),iseed) !iseed unique and defined above. note that the lenght of the period of the master stream is about 2^19000 ! initialize additional streams from the master. this is done jumping ! between different points in the stream any child stream has period ! 2^256 do id=1, MAX_STREAM call create_stream (mts(0),mts(id),id) end do end if ! Read the unified input file - jdf !*************************** call readinput if ( DRYDEP ) then ! Read the landuse inventory !*************************** call readlanduse ! Assign fractional cover of landuse classes to each ECMWF grid point !******************************************************************** call assignland ! Read and compute surface resistances to dry deposition of gases !**************************************************************** call readdepo endif ! Convert the release point coordinates from geografical to grid coordinates !*************************************************************************** call coordtrafo ! Initialize all particles to non-existent !***************************************** ! do j=1,maxpart ! itra1(j)=-999999999 ! enddo ! For continuation of previous run, read in particle positions !************************************************************* if (ipin.eq.1) then call readpartpositions else numpart=0 numparticlecount=0 endif ! Calculate volume, surface area, etc., of all output grid cells !*************************************************************** ! if (myid.eq.0) then if (outgrid_option.eq.0) then call outgrid_init_irreg if (nested_output.eq.1) call outgrid_init_nest_irreg() !need to be fixed elseif (outgrid_option.eq.1) then call outgrid_init_reg if (nested_output.eq.1) call outgrid_init_nest_reg() !need to be fixed endif ! endif ! if (nested_output.eq.1) call outgrid_init_nest() !need to be fixed ! Read the OH field !****************** if (OHREA.eqv..TRUE.) & call readohfield ! Write basic information on the simulation to a file "header" ! and open files that are to be kept open throughout the simulation !****************************************************************** if (myid.eq.0) then if (iouttype.eq.0 .or. iouttype.eq.1) then ! binary or ascii output call writeheader if (nested_output.eq.1) call writeheader_nest() !need to be fixed else ! netcdf output call write_ncheader(0,0) if (nested_output.eq.1) call write_ncheader(0,1) ! if (nested_output.eq.1) then ! write(*,*) 'netcdf nested output not finished yet! aborting' ! stop ! endif endif !iouttype ! open(unitdates,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'dates') open(unitdates,file=path(1)(1:length(1))//'dates') call openreceptors if ((iout.eq.4).or.(iout.eq.5)) call openouttraj endif ! Releases can only start and end at discrete times (multiples of lsynctime) !*************************************************************************** do i=1,numpoint ireleasestart(i)=nint(real(ireleasestart(i))/ & real(lsynctime))*lsynctime ireleaseend(i)=nint(real(ireleaseend(i))/ & real(lsynctime))*lsynctime enddo ! Initialize cloud-base mass fluxes for the convection scheme !************************************************************ do jy=0,nymin1 do ix=0,nxmin1 cbaseflux(ix,jy)=0. end do end do do inest=1,numbnests do jy=0,nyn(inest)-1 do ix=0,nxn(inest)-1 cbasefluxn(ix,jy,inest)=0. end do end do end do ! Calculate particle trajectories !******************************** ! endif !if condition on myid call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) ! print*,'entering timemanager' call timemanager_mpi(mts) write(*,'(/a/)') 'CONGRATULATIONS: YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY ' // & 'COMPLETED A FLEXPART_WRF MODEL RUN!' call MPI_FINALIZE ( ierr ) end program flexwrf_mpi