!********************************************************************** ! Copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2005,2007,2008,2009,2010 * ! Andreas Stohl, Petra Seibert, A. Frank, Gerhard Wotawa, * ! Caroline Forster, Sabine Eckhardt, John Burkhart, Harald Sodemann * ! * ! This file is part of FLEXPART. * ! * ! FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * !********************************************************************** subroutine wetdepo(itime,ltsample,loutnext) ! i i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculation of wet deposition using the concept of scavenging coefficients.* ! For lack of detailed information, washout and rainout are jointly treated. * ! It is assumed that precipitation does not occur uniformly within the whole * ! grid cell, but that only a fraction of the grid cell experiences rainfall. * ! This fraction is parameterized from total cloud cover and rates of large * ! scale and convective precipitation. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 1 December 1996 * ! * ! Correction by Petra Seibert, Sept 2002: * ! use centred precipitation data for integration * ! Code may not be correct for decay of deposition! * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! cc [0-1] total cloud cover * ! convp [mm/h] convective precipitation rate * ! grfraction [0-1] fraction of grid, for which precipitation occurs * ! ix,jy indices of output grid cell for each particle * ! itime [s] actual simulation time [s] * ! jpart particle index * ! ldeltat [s] interval since radioactive decay was computed * ! lfr, cfr area fraction covered by precipitation for large scale * ! and convective precipitation (dependent on prec. rate) * ! loutnext [s] time for which gridded deposition is next output * ! loutstep [s] interval at which gridded deposition is output * ! lsp [mm/h] large scale precipitation rate * ! ltsample [s] interval over which mass is deposited * ! prec [mm/h] precipitation rate in subgrid, where precipitation occurs* ! wetdeposit mass that is wet deposited * ! wetgrid accumulated deposited mass on output grid * ! wetscav scavenging coefficient * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !***************************************************************************** use point_mod use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: jpart,itime,ltsample,loutnext,ldeltat,i,j,ix,jy integer :: ngrid,itage,nage,hz,il,interp_time, n integer(kind=1) :: clouds_v integer :: ks, kp ! integer :: n1,n2, icbot,ictop, indcloud !TEST real :: S_i, act_temp, cl, cle ! in cloud scavenging real :: clouds_h ! cloud height for the specific grid point real :: xtn,ytn,lsp,convp,cc,grfraction(3),prec(3),wetscav,totprec real :: wetdeposit(maxspec),restmass real,parameter :: smallnum = tiny(0.0) ! smallest number that can be handled !save lfr,cfr real, parameter :: lfr(5) = (/ 0.5,0.65,0.8,0.9,0.95/) real, parameter :: cfr(5) = (/ 0.4,0.55,0.7,0.8,0.9 /) !ZHG aerosol below-cloud scavenging removal polynomial constants for rain and snow real, parameter :: bclr(6) = (/274.35758, 332839.59273, 226656.57259, 58005.91340, 6588.38582, 0.244984/) !rain (Laakso et al 2003) real, parameter :: bcls(6) = (/22.7, 0.0, 0.0, 1321.0, 381.0, 0.0/) !now (Kyro et al 2009) real :: frac_act, liq_frac, dquer_m integer :: blc_count, inc_count real :: Si_dummy, wetscav_dummy logical :: readclouds_this_nest ! Compute interval since radioactive decay of deposited mass was computed !************************************************************************ if (itime.le.loutnext) then ldeltat=itime-(loutnext-loutstep) else ! first half of next interval ldeltat=itime-loutnext endif ! Loop over all particles !************************ blc_count=0 inc_count=0 do jpart=1,numpart if (itra1(jpart).eq.-999999999) goto 20 if(ldirect.eq.1)then if (itra1(jpart).gt.itime) goto 20 else if (itra1(jpart).lt.itime) goto 20 endif ! Determine age class of the particle itage=abs(itra1(jpart)-itramem(jpart)) do nage=1,nageclass if (itage.lt.lage(nage)) goto 33 end do 33 continue ! Determine which nesting level to be used !***************************************** ngrid=0 do j=numbnests,1,-1 if ((xtra1(jpart).gt.xln(j)).and.(xtra1(jpart).lt.xrn(j)).and. & (ytra1(jpart).gt.yln(j)).and.(ytra1(jpart).lt.yrn(j))) then ngrid=j goto 23 endif end do 23 continue ! Determine nested grid coordinates !********************************** readclouds_this_nest=.false. if (ngrid.gt.0) then xtn=(xtra1(jpart)-xln(ngrid))*xresoln(ngrid) ytn=(ytra1(jpart)-yln(ngrid))*yresoln(ngrid) ix=int(xtn) jy=int(ytn) if (readclouds_nest(ngrid)) readclouds_this_nest=.true. else ix=int(xtra1(jpart)) jy=int(ytra1(jpart)) endif ! Interpolate large scale precipitation, convective precipitation and ! total cloud cover ! Note that interpolated time refers to itime-0.5*ltsample [PS] !******************************************************************** interp_time=nint(itime-0.5*ltsample) if (ngrid.eq.0) then call interpol_rain(lsprec,convprec,tcc,nxmax,nymax, & 1,nx,ny,memind,real(xtra1(jpart)),real(ytra1(jpart)),1, & memtime(1),memtime(2),interp_time,lsp,convp,cc) else call interpol_rain_nests(lsprecn,convprecn,tccn, & nxmaxn,nymaxn,1,maxnests,ngrid,nxn,nyn,memind,xtn,ytn,1, & memtime(1),memtime(2),interp_time,lsp,convp,cc) endif ! If total precipitation is less than 0.01 mm/h - no scavenging occurs ! sec this is just valid if release is over a point if ((lsp.lt.0.01).and.(convp.lt.0.01)) then if (WETBKDEP) then do ks=1,nspec if (xscav_frac1(jpart,ks).lt.0) then ! first timestep no scavenging xmass1(jpart,ks)=0. xscav_frac1(jpart,ks)=0. ! write (*,*) 'paricle removed - no scavenging: ',jpart,ks endif end do endif goto 20 endif ! get the level were the actual particle is in do il=2,nz if (height(il).gt.ztra1(jpart)) then hz=il-1 ! goto 26 exit endif end do !26 continue n=memind(2) if (abs(memtime(1)-interp_time).lt.abs(memtime(2)-interp_time)) & n=memind(1) if (ngrid.eq.0) then clouds_v=clouds(ix,jy,hz,n) clouds_h=cloudsh(ix,jy,n) else clouds_v=cloudsn(ix,jy,hz,n,ngrid) clouds_h=cloudshn(ix,jy,n,ngrid) endif ! if there is no precipitation or the particle is above the clouds no ! scavenging is done if (clouds_v.le.1) goto 20 ! 1) Parameterization of the the area fraction of the grid cell where the ! precipitation occurs: the absolute limit is the total cloud cover, but ! for low precipitation rates, an even smaller fraction of the grid cell ! is used. Large scale precipitation occurs over larger areas than ! convective precipitation. !************************************************************************** if (lsp.gt.20.) then i=5 else if (lsp.gt.8.) then i=4 else if (lsp.gt.3.) then i=3 else if (lsp.gt.1.) then i=2 else i=1 endif if (convp.gt.20.) then j=5 else if (convp.gt.8.) then j=4 else if (convp.gt.3.) then j=3 else if (convp.gt.1.) then j=2 else j=1 endif !ZHG oct 2014 : Calculated for 1) both 2) lsp 3) convp ! Tentatively differentiate the grfraction for lsp and convp for treating differently the two forms ! for now they are treated the same grfraction(1)=max(0.05,cc*(lsp*lfr(i)+convp*cfr(j))/(lsp+convp)) grfraction(2)=max(0.05,cc*(lfr(i))) grfraction(3)=max(0.05,cc*(cfr(j))) ! 2) Computation of precipitation rate in sub-grid cell !****************************************************** prec(1)=(lsp+convp)/grfraction(1) prec(2)=(lsp)/grfraction(2) prec(3)=(convp)/grfraction(3) ! 3) Computation of scavenging coefficients for all species ! Computation of wet deposition !********************************************************** do ks=1,nspec ! loop over species wetdeposit(ks)=0. wetscav=0. if (ngrid.gt.0) then act_temp=ttn(ix,jy,hz,n,ngrid) else act_temp=tt(ix,jy,hz,n) endif !*********************** ! BELOW CLOUD SCAVENGING !*********************** if (clouds_v.ge.4) then !below cloud ! For gas: if positive below-cloud parameters (A or B), and dquer<=0 !****************************************************************** if ((dquer(ks).le.0.).and.(weta_gas(ks).gt.0..or.wetb_gas(ks).gt.0.)) then ! if (weta(ks).gt.0. .or. wetb(ks).gt.0.) then blc_count=blc_count+1 wetscav=weta_gas(ks)*prec(1)**wetb_gas(ks) ! For aerosols: if positive below-cloud parameters (Crain/Csnow or B), and dquer>0 !********************************************************************************* else if ((dquer(ks).gt.0.).and.(crain_aero(ks).gt.0..or.csnow_aero(ks).gt.0.)) then blc_count=blc_count+1 !NIK 17.02.2015 ! For the calculation here particle size needs to be in meter and not um as dquer is ! changed in readreleases ! For particles larger than 10 um use the largest size defined in the parameterizations (10um) dquer_m=min(10.,dquer(ks))/1000000. !conversion from um to m ! Rain: if (act_temp .ge. 273. .and. crain_aero(ks).gt.0.) then ! ZHG 2014 : Particle RAIN scavenging coefficient based on Laakso et al 2003, ! the below-cloud scavenging (rain efficienty) parameter Crain (=crain_aero) from SPECIES file wetscav=crain_aero(ks)*10**(bclr(1)+(bclr(2)*(log10(dquer_m))**(-4))+ & & (bclr(3)*(log10(dquer_m))**(-3))+ (bclr(4)*(log10(dquer_m))**(-2))+& &(bclr(5)*(log10(dquer_m))**(-1))+bclr(6)* (prec(1))**(0.5)) ! Snow: elseif (act_temp .lt. 273. .and. csnow_aero(ks).gt.0.) then ! ZHG 2014 : Particle SNOW scavenging coefficient based on Kyro et al 2009, ! the below-cloud scavenging (Snow efficiency) parameter Csnow (=csnow_aero) from SPECIES file wetscav=csnow_aero(ks)*10**(bcls(1)+(bcls(2)*(log10(dquer_m))**(-4))+& &(bcls(3)*(log10(dquer_m))**(-3))+ (bcls(4)*(log10(dquer_m))**(-2))+& &(bcls(5)*(log10(dquer_m))**(-1))+ bcls(6)* (prec(1))**(0.5)) endif ! write(*,*) 'bl-cloud, act_temp=',act_temp, ',prec=',prec(1),',wetscav=', wetscav, ', jpart=',jpart endif ! gas or particle ! endif ! positive below-cloud scavenging parameters given in Species file endif !end BELOW !******************** ! IN CLOUD SCAVENGING !******************** if (clouds_v.lt.4) then ! In-cloud ! NIK 13 may 2015: only do incloud if positive in-cloud scavenging parameters are ! given in species file, or if gas and positive Henry's constant if ((ccn_aero(ks).gt.0. .or. in_aero(ks).gt.0.).or.(henry(ks).gt.0.and.dquer(ks).le.0)) then inc_count=inc_count+1 ! if negative coefficients (turned off) set to zero for use in equation if (ccn_aero(ks).lt.0.) ccn_aero(ks)=0. if (in_aero(ks).lt.0.) in_aero(ks)=0. !ZHG 2015 Cloud liquid & ice water (CLWC+CIWC) from ECMWF ! nested fields if (ngrid.gt.0.and.readclouds_this_nest) then cl=ctwcn(ix,jy,n,ngrid)*(grfraction(1)/cc) else if (ngrid.eq.0.and.readclouds) then cl=ctwc(ix,jy,n)*(grfraction(1)/cc) else !parameterize cloudwater m2/m3 !ZHG updated parameterization of cloud water to better reproduce the values coming from ECMWF cl=1.6E-6*prec(1)**0.36 endif !ZHG: Calculate the partition between liquid and water phase water. if (act_temp .le. 253.) then liq_frac=0 else if (act_temp .ge. 273.) then liq_frac=1 else liq_frac =((act_temp-273.)/(273.-253.))**2. end if ! ZHG: Calculate the aerosol partition based on cloud phase and Ai and Bi frac_act = liq_frac*ccn_aero(ks) +(1-liq_frac)*in_aero(ks) !ZHG Use the activated fraction and the liqid water to calculate the washout ! AEROSOL !******** if (dquer(ks).gt.0.) then S_i= frac_act/cl ! GAS !**** else cle=(1-cl)/(henry(ks)*(r_air/3500.)*act_temp)+cl !REPLACE to switch old/ new scheme ! S_i=frac_act/cle S_i=1/cle endif ! gas or particle ! scavenging coefficient based on Hertel et al 1995 - using the S_i for either gas or aerosol !OLD if ((readclouds.and.ngrid.eq.0).or.(readclouds_this_nest.and.ngrid.gt.0)) then wetscav=incloud_ratio*S_i*(prec(1)/3.6E6) else wetscav=incloud_ratio*S_i*(prec(1)/3.6E6)/clouds_h endif endif ! positive in-cloud scavenging parameters given in Species file endif !incloud !END ZHG TEST !************************************************** ! CALCULATE DEPOSITION !************************************************** ! if (wetscav.le.0) write (*,*) 'neg, or 0 wetscav!' ! + ,wetscav,cle,cl,act_temp,prec,clouds_h,clouds_v if (wetscav.gt.0.) then wetdeposit(ks)=xmass1(jpart,ks)* & (1.-exp(-wetscav*abs(ltsample)))*grfraction(1) ! wet deposition !write(*,*) 'MASS DEPOSITED: PREC, WETSCAV, WETSCAVP', prec(1), wetdeposit(ks), xmass1(jpart,ks)* & ! (1.-exp(-wetscav_dummy*abs(ltsample)))*grfraction(1), clouds_v else ! if no scavenging wetdeposit(ks)=0. endif restmass = xmass1(jpart,ks)-wetdeposit(ks) if (ioutputforeachrelease.eq.1) then kp=npoint(jpart) else kp=1 endif if (restmass .gt. smallnum) then xmass1(jpart,ks)=restmass ! depostatistic ! wetdepo_sum(ks,kp)=wetdepo_sum(ks,kp)+wetdeposit(ks) ! depostatistic else xmass1(jpart,ks)=0. endif ! Correct deposited mass to the last time step when radioactive decay of ! gridded deposited mass was calculated if (decay(ks).gt.0.) then wetdeposit(ks)=wetdeposit(ks)*exp(abs(ldeltat)*decay(ks)) endif if (WETBKDEP) then ! the calculation of the scavenged mass shall only be done once after release ! xscav_frac1 was initialised with a negative value if (xscav_frac1(jpart,ks).lt.0) then if (wetdeposit(ks).eq.0) then ! terminate particle xmass1(jpart,ks)=0. xscav_frac1(jpart,ks)=0. else xscav_frac1(jpart,ks)=xscav_frac1(jpart,ks)*(-1.)* & wetdeposit(ks)/xmass1(jpart,ks) ! write (*,*) 'paricle kept: ',jpart,ks,wetdeposit(ks),xscav_frac1(jpart,ks) endif endif endif end do !all species ! Sabine Eckhardt, June 2008 create deposition runs only for forward runs ! Add the wet deposition to accumulated amount on output grid and nested output grid !***************************************************************************** if (ldirect.eq.1) then call wetdepokernel(nclass(jpart),wetdeposit,real(xtra1(jpart)), & real(ytra1(jpart)),nage,kp) if (nested_output.eq.1) call wetdepokernel_nest(nclass(jpart), & wetdeposit,real(xtra1(jpart)),real(ytra1(jpart)),nage,kp) endif 20 continue end do ! all particles ! count the total number of below-cloud and in-cloud occurences: tot_blc_count=tot_blc_count+blc_count tot_inc_count=tot_inc_count+inc_count end subroutine wetdepo