!********************************************************************** ! Copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2005,2007,2008,2009,2010 * ! Andreas Stohl, Petra Seibert, A. Frank, Gerhard Wotawa, * ! Caroline Forster, Sabine Eckhardt, John Burkhart, Harald Sodemann * ! * ! This file is part of FLEXPART. * ! * ! FLEXPART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! FLEXPART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with FLEXPART. If not, see . * !********************************************************************** subroutine readspecies(id_spec,pos_spec) !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine reads names and physical constants of chemical species/ * ! radionuclides given in the parameter pos_spec * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 11 July 1996 * ! ! HSO, 13 August 2013 ! added optional namelist input ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! decaytime(maxtable) half time for radiological decay * ! specname(maxtable) names of chemical species, radionuclides * ! wetscava, wetscavb Parameters for determining scavenging coefficient * ! ohreact OH reaction rate * ! id_spec SPECIES number as referenced in RELEASE file * ! id_pos position where SPECIES data shall be stored * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !***************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod implicit none integer :: i, pos_spec,j integer :: idow,ihour,id_spec character(len=3) :: aspecnumb logical :: spec_found character(len=16) :: pspecies real :: pdecay, pweta, pwetb, preldiff, phenry, pf0, pdensity, pdquer real :: pdsigma, pdryvel, pweightmolar, pohreact, pspec_ass, pkao integer :: readerror ! declare namelist namelist /species_params/ & pspecies, pdecay, pweta, pwetb, preldiff, phenry, pf0, pdensity, pdquer, & pdsigma, pdryvel, pweightmolar, pohreact, pspec_ass, pkao pspecies=" " pdecay=-999.9 pweta=-9.9E-09 pwetb=0.0 preldiff=-9.9 phenry=0.0 pf0=0.0 pdensity=-9.9E09 pdquer=0.0 pdsigma=0.0 pdryvel=-9.99 pohreact=-9.9E-09 pspec_ass=-9 pkao=-99.99 pweightmolar=-789.0 ! read failure indicator value ! Open the SPECIES file and read species names and properties !************************************************************ specnum(pos_spec)=id_spec write(aspecnumb,'(i3.3)') specnum(pos_spec) open(unitspecies,file=path(1)(1:length(1))//'SPECIES/SPECIES_'//aspecnumb,status='old',err=998) write(*,*) 'reading SPECIES',specnum(pos_spec) ASSSPEC=.FALSE. ! try namelist input read(unitspecies,species_params,iostat=readerror) if ((pweightmolar.eq.-789.0).or.(readerror.ne.0)) then ! no namelist found rewind(unitspecies) do i=1,6 read(unitspecies,*) end do read(unitspecies,'(a10)',end=22) species(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(f18.1)',end=22) decay(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(e18.1)',end=22) weta(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(f18.2)',end=22) wetb(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(f18.1)',end=22) reldiff(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(e18.1)',end=22) henry(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(f18.1)',end=22) f0(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(e18.1)',end=22) density(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(e18.1)',end=22) dquer(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(e18.1)',end=22) dsigma(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(f18.2)',end=22) dryvel(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(f18.2)',end=22) weightmolar(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(e18.1)',end=22) ohreact(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(i18)',end=22) spec_ass(pos_spec) read(unitspecies,'(f18.2)',end=22) kao(pos_spec) else species(pos_spec)=pspecies decay(pos_spec)=pdecay weta(pos_spec)=pweta wetb(pos_spec)=pwetb reldiff(pos_spec)=preldiff henry(pos_spec)=phenry f0(pos_spec)=pf0 density(pos_spec)=pdensity dquer(pos_spec)=pdquer dsigma(pos_spec)=pdsigma dryvel(pos_spec)=pdryvel weightmolar(pos_spec)=pweightmolar ohreact(pos_spec)=pohreact spec_ass(pos_spec)=pspec_ass kao(pos_spec)=pkao endif i=pos_spec if ((weta(pos_spec).gt.0).and.(henry(pos_spec).le.0)) then if (dquer(pos_spec).le.0) goto 996 ! no particle, no henry set endif if (spec_ass(pos_spec).gt.0) then spec_found=.FALSE. do j=1,pos_spec-1 if (spec_ass(pos_spec).eq.specnum(j)) then spec_ass(pos_spec)=j spec_found=.TRUE. ASSSPEC=.TRUE. endif end do if (spec_found.eqv..FALSE.) then goto 997 endif endif if (dsigma(i).eq.1.) dsigma(i)=1.0001 ! avoid floating exception if (dsigma(i).eq.0.) dsigma(i)=1.0001 ! avoid floating exception if ((reldiff(i).gt.0.).and.(density(i).gt.0.)) then write(*,*) '#### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! FILE "SPECIES" ####' write(*,*) '#### IS CORRUPT. SPECIES CANNOT BE BOTH ####' write(*,*) '#### PARTICLE AND GAS. ####' write(*,*) '#### SPECIES NUMBER',aspecnumb stop endif 20 continue ! Read in daily and day-of-week variation of emissions, if available !******************************************************************* do j=1,24 ! initialize everything to no variation area_hour(i,j)=1. point_hour(i,j)=1. end do do j=1,7 area_dow(i,j)=1. point_dow(i,j)=1. end do read(unitspecies,*,end=22) do j=1,24 ! 24 hours, starting with 0-1 local time read(unitspecies,*) ihour,area_hour(i,j),point_hour(i,j) end do read(unitspecies,*) do j=1,7 ! 7 days of the week, starting with Monday read(unitspecies,*) idow,area_dow(i,j),point_dow(i,j) end do 22 close(unitspecies) return 996 write(*,*) '#####################################################' write(*,*) '#### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! #### ' write(*,*) '#### WET DEPOSITION SWITCHED ON, BUT NO HENRYS #### ' write(*,*) '#### CONSTANT IS SET ####' write(*,*) '#### PLEASE MODIFY SPECIES DESCR. FILE! #### ' write(*,*) '#####################################################' stop 997 write(*,*) '#####################################################' write(*,*) '#### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! #### ' write(*,*) '#### THE ASSSOCIATED SPECIES HAS TO BE DEFINED #### ' write(*,*) '#### BEFORE THE ONE WHICH POINTS AT IT #### ' write(*,*) '#### PLEASE CHANGE ORDER IN RELEASES OR ADD #### ' write(*,*) '#### THE ASSOCIATED SPECIES IN RELEASES #### ' write(*,*) '#####################################################' stop 998 write(*,*) '#####################################################' write(*,*) '#### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! #### ' write(*,*) '#### THE SPECIES FILE FOR SPECIES ', id_spec write(*,*) '#### CANNOT BE FOUND: CREATE FILE' write(*,*) '#### ',path(1)(1:length(1)),'SPECIES/SPECIES_',aspecnumb write(*,*) '#####################################################' stop end subroutine readspecies