#!/bin/bash #input FP exec test_dir=$1 base_dir=$2 FP_exec=$3 options_default=../options #echo FP_exec=$FP_exec #echo $FLEXOUT_TMP #suffix=$(date "+%y-%m-%d_%H%M%S") #test_tmp=${FLEXOUT_TMP}${base_dir}${test_dir} test_tmp=${base_dir}${test_dir} #_${suffix} #current_dir=$(pwd) if [[ -d "$test_tmp" ]] ; then echo $test_tmp already exists else echo create test in $test_tmp mkdir $test_tmp fi #copy default optios echo copy default options from $options_default cp -r $options_default $test_tmp/options #override default options if [[ -d "$test_dir/options" ]] && [[ "$(ls -A ${test_dir}/options)" ]]; then cp -r ${test_dir}/options/* $test_tmp/options/ echo copy specific options for this test from ${test_dir}/options fi # copy paths form repo source exec tmp dir echo copy ${test_dir}/pathnames cp ${test_dir}/pathnames $test_tmp # make output dir locally if [[ -d "$test_tmp/output" ]]; then echo $test_tmp/output already exists else mkdir ${test_tmp}/output echo create ${test_tmp}/output fi if [[ -L "${test_tmp}/flexpartnoresm" ]]; then rm ${test_tmp}/flexpartnoresm echo remove existing link ${test_tmp}/flexpartnoresm fi ln -s $FP_exec ${test_tmp}/flexpartnoresm echo link $FP_exec to ${test_tmp}/flexpartnoresm echo $test_dir is ready to run echo #cd $test_tmp #echo $(pwd) #echo $FP_exec #echo run $FP_exec '; stdout to out.log' #$FP_exec &> out.log # both out and err