#!/bin/bash # # @Author: Anne Philipp # # @Date: October, 4 2018 # # @Description: Sets all command line parameter for the "submit.py" script # from flex_extract and calls it. # # @ChangeHistory: November, 23 2018 # In this version the parameters are fixed for the extraction of # MARS request files from the current flex_extract version to run # a couple of comparison checks. # The script has to be called with the name of the control file and # the path to the control files. # # Example: # ./run_local.sh 7.1 Controls # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # AVAILABLE COMMANDLINE ARGUMENTS TO SET # # THE USER HAS TO SPECIFY THESE PARAMETER # QUEUE='' START_DATE=None END_DATE=None DATE_CHUNK=None JOB_CHUNK=None BASETIME=None STEP=None LEVELIST=None AREA=None INPUTDIR='./'${1}'/' OUTPUTDIR=None PP_ID=None JOB_TEMPLATE='' CONTROLFILE=$2 DEBUG=0 REQUEST=1 PUBLIC=0 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # # AFTER THIS LINE THE USER DOES NOT HAVE TO CHANGE ANYTHING !!! # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # PATH TO SUBMISSION SCRIPT pyscript=../../../source/python/submit.py # INITIALIZE EMPTY PARAMETERLIST parameterlist="" # CHECK FOR MORE PARAMETER if [ -n "$START_DATE" ]; then parameterlist+=" --start_date=$START_DATE" fi if [ -n "$END_DATE" ]; then parameterlist+=" --end_date=$END_DATE" fi if [ -n "$DATE_CHUNK" ]; then parameterlist+=" --date_chunk=$DATE_CHUNK" fi if [ -n "$JOB_CHUNK" ]; then parameterlist+=" --job_chunk=$JOB_CHUNK" fi if [ -n "$BASETIME" ]; then parameterlist+=" --basetime=$BASETIME" fi if [ -n "$STEP" ]; then parameterlist+=" --step=$STEP" fi if [ -n "$LEVELIST" ]; then parameterlist+=" --levelist=$LEVELIST" fi if [ -n "$AREA" ]; then parameterlist+=" --area=$AREA" fi if [ -n "$INPUTDIR" ]; then parameterlist+=" --inputdir=$INPUTDIR" fi if [ -n "$OUTPUTDIR" ]; then parameterlist+=" --outputdir=$OUTPUTDIR" fi if [ -n "$PP_ID" ]; then parameterlist+=" --ppid=$PP_ID" fi if [ -n "$JOB_TEMPLATE" ]; then parameterlist+=" --job_template=$JOB_TEMPLATE" fi if [ -n "$QUEUE" ]; then parameterlist+=" --queue=$QUEUE" fi if [ -n "$CONTROLFILE" ]; then parameterlist+=" --controlfile=$CONTROLFILE" fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then parameterlist+=" --debug=$DEBUG" fi if [ -n "$REQUEST" ]; then parameterlist+=" --request=$REQUEST" fi if [ -n "$PUBLIC" ]; then parameterlist+=" --public=$PUBLIC" fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # CALL SCRIPT WITH DETERMINED COMMANDLINE ARGUMENTS $pyscript $parameterlist