#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #******************************************************************************* # @Author: Anne Philipp (University of Vienna) # # @Date: May 2018 # # @Change History: # October 2014 - Anne Fouilloux (University of Oslo) # - created functions silent_remove and product (taken from ECMWF) # # November 2015 - Leopold Haimberger (University of Vienna) # - created functions: interpret_args_and_control, clean_up # my_error, normal_exit, init128, to_param_id # # April 2018 - Anne Philipp (University of Vienna): # - applied PEP8 style guide # - added documentation # - moved all functions from file Flexparttools to this file tools # - added function get_list_as_string # - seperated args and control interpretation # # @License: # (C) Copyright 2014-2018. # # This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 # which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # @Modul Description: # This module contains a couple of helpful functions which are # used in different places in flex_extract. # # @Module Content: # - get_cmdline_arguments # - clean_up # - my_error # - normal_exit # - product # - silent_remove # - init128 # - to_param_id # - get_list_as_string # - make_dir # #******************************************************************************* # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MODULES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os import errno import sys import glob import subprocess import traceback from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FUNCTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def none_or_str(value): '''Converts the input string into pythons None-type if the string contains string "None". Parameters ---------- value : :obj:`string` String to be checked for the "None" word. Return ------ None or value: Return depends on the content of the input value. If it was "None", then the python type None is returned. Otherwise the string itself. ''' if value == 'None': return None return value def none_or_int(value): '''Converts the input string into pythons None-type if the string contains string "None". Otherwise it is converted to an integer value. Parameters ---------- value : :obj:`string` String to be checked for the "None" word. Return ------ None or int(value): Return depends on the content of the input value. If it was "None", then the python type None is returned. Otherwise the string is converted into an integer value. ''' if value == 'None': return None return int(value) def get_cmdline_arguments(): '''Decomposes the command line arguments and assigns them to variables. Apply default values for non mentioned arguments. Parameters ---------- Return ------ args : :obj:`Namespace` Contains the commandline arguments from script/program call. ''' parser = ArgumentParser(description='Retrieve FLEXPART input from \ ECMWF MARS archive', formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) # the most important arguments parser.add_argument("--start_date", dest="start_date", type=none_or_str, default=None, help="start date YYYYMMDD") parser.add_argument("--end_date", dest="end_date", type=none_or_str, default=None, help="end_date YYYYMMDD") parser.add_argument("--date_chunk", dest="date_chunk", type=none_or_int, default=None, help="# of days to be retrieved at once") parser.add_argument("--controlfile", dest="controlfile", type=none_or_str, default='CONTROL.temp', help="file with CONTROL parameters") # parameter for extra output information parser.add_argument("--debug", dest="debug", type=none_or_int, default=None, help="debug mode - leave temporary files intact") parser.add_argument("--request", dest="request", type=none_or_int, default=None, help="list all mars request in file mars_requests.dat \ and skip submission to mars") parser.add_argument("--public", dest="public", type=none_or_int, default=None, help="public mode - retrieves the public datasets") # some arguments that override the default in the CONTROL file parser.add_argument("--basetime", dest="basetime", type=none_or_int, default=None, help="base such as 00 or 12 (for half day retrievals)") parser.add_argument("--step", dest="step", type=none_or_str, default=None, help="steps such as 00/to/48") parser.add_argument("--levelist", dest="levelist", type=none_or_str, default=None, help="Vertical levels to be retrieved, e.g. 30/to/60") parser.add_argument("--area", dest="area", type=none_or_str, default=None, help="area defined as north/west/south/east") # set the working directories parser.add_argument("--inputdir", dest="inputdir", type=none_or_str, default=None, help="root directory for storing intermediate files") parser.add_argument("--outputdir", dest="outputdir", type=none_or_str, default=None, help="root directory for storing output files") parser.add_argument("--flexpart_root_scripts", dest="flexpart_root_scripts", type=none_or_str, default=None, help="FLEXPART root directory (to find grib2flexpart \ and COMMAND file)\n Normally flex_extract resides in \ the scripts directory of the FLEXPART distribution") # this is only used by prepare_flexpart.py to rerun a postprocessing step parser.add_argument("--ppid", dest="ppid", type=none_or_int, default=None, help="specify parent process id for \ rerun of prepare_flexpart") # arguments for job submission to ECMWF, only needed by submit.py parser.add_argument("--job_template", dest='job_template', type=none_or_str, default="job.temp", help="job template file for submission to ECMWF") parser.add_argument("--queue", dest="queue", type=none_or_str, default=None, help="queue for submission to ECMWF \ (e.g. ecgate or cca )") args = parser.parse_args() return args def read_ecenv(filename): '''Reads the file into a dictionary where the key values are the parameter names. Parameters ---------- filename : :obj:`string` Path to file where the ECMWF environment parameters are stored. Return ------ envs : :obj:`dictionary` Contains the environment parameter ecuid, ecgid, gateway and destination for ECMWF server environments. ''' envs= {} with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: data = line.strip().split() envs[str(data[0])] = str(data[1]) return envs def clean_up(c): '''Remove all files from intermediate directory (inputdir). Parameters ---------- c : :obj:`ControlFile` Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. Return ------ ''' print("clean_up") cleanlist = glob.glob(c.inputdir + "/*") for clist in cleanlist: if c.prefix not in clist: silent_remove(clist) if c.ecapi is False and (c.ectrans == '1' or c.ecstorage == '1'): silent_remove(clist) print("Done") return def my_error(users, message='ERROR'): '''Prints a specified error message which can be passed to the function before exiting the program. Parameters ---------- user : :obj:`list` of :obj:`string` Contains all email addresses which should be notified. It might also contain just the ecmwf user name which wil trigger mailing to the associated email address for this user. message : :obj:`string`, optional Error message. Default value is "ERROR". Return ------ ''' print(message) # comment if user does not want email notification directly from python for user in users: if '${USER}' in user: user = os.getenv('USER') try: p = subprocess.Popen(['mail', '-s flex_extract_v7.1 ERROR', os.path.expandvars(user)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) trace = '\n'.join(traceback.format_stack()) pout = p.communicate(input=message + '\n\n' + trace)[0] except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: ', e) sys.exit('Email could not be sent!') else: print('Email sent to ' + os.path.expandvars(user) + ' ' + pout.decode()) sys.exit(1) return def normal_exit(users, message='Done!'): '''Prints a specific exit message which can be passed to the function. Parameters ---------- user : :obj:`list` of :obj:`string` Contains all email addresses which should be notified. It might also contain just the ecmwf user name which wil trigger mailing to the associated email address for this user. message : :obj:`string`, optional Message for exiting program. Default value is "Done!". Return ------ ''' print(message) # comment if user does not want notification directly from python for user in users: if '${USER}' in user: user = os.getenv('USER') try: p = subprocess.Popen(['mail', '-s flex_extract_v7.1 normal exit', os.path.expandvars(user)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) pout = p.communicate(input=message+'\n\n')[0] except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: ', e) print('Email could not be sent!') else: print('Email sent to ' + os.path.expandvars(user) + ' ' + pout.decode()) return def product(*args, **kwds): '''This method combines the single characters of the passed arguments with each other. So that each character of each argument value will be combined with each character of the other arguments as a tuple. Note ---- This method is taken from an example at the ECMWF wiki website. https://software.ecmwf.int/wiki/display/GRIB/index.py; 2018-03-16 Example ------- product('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy product(range(2), repeat = 3) --> 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Parameters ---------- \*args : :obj:`tuple` Positional arguments (arbitrary number). \*\*kwds : :obj:`dictionary` Contains all the keyword arguments from \*args. Return ------ prod : :obj:`tuple` Return will be done with "yield". A tuple of combined arguments. See example in description above. ''' pools = map(tuple, args) * kwds.get('repeat', 1) result = [[]] for pool in pools: result = [x + [y] for x in result for y in pool] for prod in result: yield tuple(prod) return def silent_remove(filename): '''Remove file if it exists. The function does not fail if the file does not exist. Parameters ---------- filename : :obj:`string` The name of the file to be removed without notification. Return ------ ''' try: os.remove(filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: # errno.ENOENT = no such file or directory raise # re-raise exception if a different error occured return def init128(filepath): '''Opens and reads the grib file with table 128 information. Parameters ---------- filepath : :obj:`string` Path to file of ECMWF grib table number 128. Return ------ table128 : :obj:`dictionary` Contains the ECMWF grib table 128 information. The key is the parameter number and the value is the short name of the parameter. ''' table128 = dict() with open(filepath) as f: fdata = f.read().split('\n') for data in fdata: if data[0] != '!': table128[data[0:3]] = data[59:64].strip() return table128 def to_param_id(pars, table): '''Transform parameter names to parameter ids with ECMWF grib table 128. Parameters ---------- pars : :obj:`string` Addpar argument from CONTROL file in the format of parameter names instead of ids. The parameter short names are sepearted with "/" and they are passed as one single string. table : :obj:`dictionary` Contains the ECMWF grib table 128 information. The key is the parameter number and the value is the short name of the parameter. Return ------ ipar : :obj:`list` of :obj:`integer` List of addpar parameters from CONTROL file transformed to parameter ids in the format of integer. ''' cpar = pars.upper().split('/') ipar = [] for par in cpar: for k, v in table.iteritems(): if par == k or par == v: ipar.append(int(k)) break else: print('Warning: par ' + par + ' not found in table 128') return ipar def get_list_as_string(list_obj, concatenate_sign=', '): '''Converts a list of arbitrary content into a single string. Parameters ---------- list_obj : :obj:`list` A list with arbitrary content. concatenate_sign : :obj:`string`, optional A string which is used to concatenate the single list elements. Default value is ", ". Return ------ str_of_list : :obj:`string` The content of the list as a single string. ''' str_of_list = concatenate_sign.join(str(l) for l in list_obj) return str_of_list def make_dir(directory): '''Creates a directory and gives a warning if the directory already exists. The program stops only if there is another problem. Parameters ---------- directory : :obj:`string` The directory name including the path which should be created. Return ------ ''' try: os.makedirs(directory) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: # errno.EEXIST = directory already exists raise # re-raise exception if a different error occured else: print('WARNING: Directory {0} already exists!'.format(directory)) return def put_file_to_ecserver(ecd, filename, target, ecuid, ecgid): '''Uses the ecaccess-file-put command to send a file to the ECMWF servers. Note ---- The return value is just for testing reasons. It does not have to be used from the calling function since the whole error handling is done in here. Parameters ---------- ecd : :obj:`string` The path were the file is stored. filename : :obj:`string` The name of the file to send to the ECMWF server. target : :obj:`string` The target queue where the file should be sent to. ecuid : :obj:`string` The user id on ECMWF server. ecgid : :obj:`string` The group id on ECMWF server. Return ------ rcode : :obj:`string` Resulting code of command execution. If successful the string will be empty. ''' try: rcode = subprocess.check_output(['ecaccess-file-put', ecd + '/' + filename, target + ':/home/ms/' + ecgid + '/' + ecuid + '/' + filename], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print('... ERROR CODE:\n ... ' + str(e.returncode)) print('... ERROR MESSAGE:\n ... ' + str(e)) print('\n... Do you have a valid ecaccess certification key?') sys.exit('... ECACCESS-FILE-PUT FAILED!') return rcode def submit_job_to_ecserver(target, jobname): '''Uses ecaccess-job-submit command to submit a job to the ECMWF server. Note ---- The return value is just for testing reasons. It does not have to be used from the calling function since the whole error handling is done in here. Parameters ---------- target : :obj:`string` The target where the file should be sent to, e.g. the queue. jobname : :obj:`string` The name of the jobfile to be submitted to the ECMWF server. Return ------ rcode : :obj:`string` Resulting code of command execution. If successful the string will contain an integer number, representing the id of the job at the ecmwf server. ''' try: rcode = subprocess.check_output(['ecaccess-job-submit', '-queueName', target, jobname]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print('... ERROR CODE:\n ... ' + str(e.returncode)) print('... ERROR MESSAGE:\n ... ' + str(e)) print('\n... Do you have a valid ecaccess certification key?') sys.exit('... ECACCESS-JOB-SUBMIT FAILED!') return rcode