#!/usr/bin/env python # # This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 # which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # Functionality provided: Prepare input 3D-wind fields in hybrid coordinates + surface fields for FLEXPART runs # # Creation: October 2014 - Anne Fouilloux - University of Oslo # Extension November 2015 - Leopold Haimberger - University of Vienna for: # - using the WebAPI also for general MARS retrievals # - job submission on ecgate and cca # - job templates suitable for twice daily operational dissemination # - dividing retrievals of longer periods into digestable chunks # - retrieve also longer term forecasts, not only analyses and short term forecast data # - conversion into GRIB2 # - conversion into .fp format for faster execution of FLEXPART # # # Further documentation may be obtained from www.flexpart.eu # # Requirements: # in addition to a standard python 2.6 or 2.7 installation the following packages need to be installed # ECMWF WebMARS, gribAPI with python enabled, emoslib, ecaccess web toolkit, all available from https://software.ecmwf.int/ # dateutils # matplotlib (optional, for debugging) # # Get MARS GRIB fields from ECMWF for FLEXPART # #import socket #hostname=socket.gethostname() #ecapi= 'ecmwf' not in hostname try: ecapi=True import ecmwfapi except ImportError: ecapi=False import calendar import shutil import datetime import time import os,glob,sys,inspect #from string import strip from argparse import ArgumentParser,ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter # add path to submit.py to pythonpath so that python finds its buddies localpythonpath=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) if localpythonpath not in sys.path: sys.path.append(localpythonpath) from FlexpartTools import MARSretrieval, EIFlexpart, silentremove, \ Control,myerror,normalexit, interpret_args_and_control def getMARSdata(args,c): if not os.path.exists(c.inputdir): os.makedirs(c.inputdir) print "start date %s "%(c.start_date) print "end date %s "%(c.end_date) if c.request == '0' or c.request == '2': print("Retrieving EC data!") elif c.request == '1': print("Printing mars requests!") if ecapi: if int(c.public): server = ecmwfapi.ECMWFDataServer() else: server = ecmwfapi.ECMWFService("mars") else: server = False c.ecapi=ecapi print 'ecapi:',c.ecapi # Retrieve ERA interim data for running flexpart syear=int(c.start_date[:4]) smonth=int(c.start_date[4:6]) sday=int(c.start_date[6:]) start = datetime.date( year = syear, month = smonth, day = sday ) startm1=start- datetime.timedelta(days=1) if c.basetime=='00': start=startm1 eyear=int(c.end_date[:4]) emonth=int(c.end_date[4:6]) eday=int(c.end_date[6:]) end = datetime.date( year = eyear, month = emonth, day = eday ) if c.basetime=='00' or c.basetime=='12': endp1=end+ datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: endp1=end+ datetime.timedelta(days=2) datechunk=datetime.timedelta(days=int(c.date_chunk)) if c.request == '0' or c.request == '2': print 'removing content of '+c.inputdir tobecleaned=glob.glob(c.inputdir+'/*_acc_*.'+str(os.getppid())+'.*.grb') for f in tobecleaned: os.remove(f) times=None if c.maxstep<=24: day=startm1 while day