Source code for ControlFile

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Leopold Haimberger (University of Vienna)
# @Date: November 2015
# @Change History:
#   February 2018 - Anne Philipp (University of Vienna):
#        - applied PEP8 style guide
#        - added documentation
#        - applied some minor modifications in programming style/structure
#        - changed name of class Control to ControlFile for more
#          self-explanation naming
#        - outsource of class ControlFile
#        - initialisation of class attributes ( to avoid high number of
#          conditional statements and set default values )
#        - divided assignment of attributes and the check of conditions
#        - outsourced the commandline argument assignments to control attributes
# @License:
#    (C) Copyright 2015-2018.
#    This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
#    which can be obtained at
# @Class Description:
#    The CONTROL file is the steering part of the FLEXPART extraction
#    software. All necessary parameters needed to retrieve the data fields
#    from the MARS archive for driving FLEXPART are set in a CONTROL file.
#    Some specific parameters like the start and end dates can be overwritten
#    by the command line parameters, but in generel all parameters needed
#    for a complete set of fields for FLEXPART can be set in the CONTROL file.
# @Class Content:
#    - __init__
#    - __read_controlfile__
#    - __str__
#    - assign_args_to_control
#    - assign_envs_to_control
#    - check_conditions
#    - check_install_conditions
#    - to_list
# @Class Attributes:

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import os
import re
import sys
import inspect

# software specific classes and modules from flex_extract
import _config
from import my_error, silent_remove

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[docs]class ControlFile(object): ''' Contains the information which are stored in the CONTROL files. ''' def __init__(self, filename): '''Initialises the instance of ControlFile class and defines all class attributes with default values. Afterwards calls function __read_controlfile__ to read parameter from Control file. Parameters ---------- filename : :obj:`string` Name of CONTROL file. Return ------ ''' # list of all possible class attributes and their default values self.controlfile = filename self.start_date = None self.end_date = None self.date_chunk = 3 self.dtime = None self.basetime = None self.maxstep = None self.type = None self.time = None self.step = None self.acctype = None self.acctime = None self.accmaxstep = None self.marsclass = None self.dataset = None = None self.number = 'OFF' self.expver = '1' self.gaussian = '' self.grid = None self.area = '' self.left = None self.lower = None self.upper = None self.right = None self.level = None self.levelist = None self.resol = None self.gauss = 0 self.accuracy = 24 = 0 self.omegadiff = 0 self.eta = 0 self.etadiff = 0 self.etapar = 77 self.dpdeta = 1 self.smooth = 0 self.format = 'GRIB1' self.addpar = None self.prefix = 'EN' self.cwc = 0 self.wrf = 0 self.ecfsdir = 'ectmp:/${USER}/econdemand/' self.mailfail = ['${USER}'] self.mailops = ['${USER}'] self.grib2flexpart = 0 self.ecstorage = 0 self.ectrans = 0 self.inputdir = _config.PATH_INPUT_DIR self.outputdir = None self.ecmwfdatadir = _config.PATH_FLEXEXTRACT_DIR self.exedir = _config.PATH_FORTRAN_SRC self.flexpart_root_scripts = None self.makefile = 'Makefile.gfortran' self.destination = None self.gateway = None self.ecuid = None self.ecgid = None self.install_target = None self.debug = 0 self.request = 0 self.public = 0 self.logicals = ['gauss', 'omega', 'omegadiff', 'eta', 'etadiff', 'dpdeta', 'cwc', 'wrf', 'grib2flexpart', 'ecstorage', 'ectrans', 'debug', 'request', 'public'] self.__read_controlfile__() return def __read_controlfile__(self): '''Read CONTROL file and assign all CONTROL file variables. Parameters ---------- Return ------ ''' try: cfile = os.path.join(_config.PATH_CONTROLFILES, self.controlfile) with open(cfile) as f: fdata ='\n') except IOError: print('Could not read CONTROL file "' + cfile + '"') print('Either it does not exist or its syntax is wrong.') print('Try "' + sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1] + \ ' -h" to print usage information') sys.exit(1) # go through every line and store parameter for ldata in fdata: data = ldata.split() if len(data) > 1: if 'm_' in data[0].lower(): data[0] = data[0][2:] if data[0].lower() == 'class': data[0] = 'marsclass' if data[0].lower() == 'day1': data[0] = 'start_date' if data[0].lower() == 'day2': data[0] = 'end_date' if data[0].lower() == 'addpar': if '/' in data[1]: # remove leading '/' sign from addpar content if data[1][0] == '/': data[1] = data[1][1:] dd = data[1].split('/') data = [data[0]] for d in dd: data.append(d) if len(data) == 2: if '$' in data[1]: setattr(self, data[0].lower(), data[1]) while '$' in data[1]: i = data[1].index('$') j = data[1].find('{') k = data[1].find('}') var = os.getenv(data[1][j+1:k]) if var is not None: data[1] = data[1][:i] + var + data[1][k+1:] else: my_error(self.mailfail, 'Could not find variable ' + data[1][j+1:k] + ' while reading ' + self.controlfile) setattr(self, data[0].lower() + '_expanded', data[1]) else: if data[1].lower() != 'none': setattr(self, data[0].lower(), data[1]) else: setattr(self, data[0].lower(), None) elif len(data) > 2: setattr(self, data[0].lower(), (data[1:])) else: pass return def __str__(self): '''Prepares a string which have all the ControlFile class attributes with its associated values. Each attribute is printed in one line and in alphabetical order. Example ------- 'age': 10 'color': 'Spotted' 'kids': 0 'legs': 2 'name': 'Dog' 'smell': 'Alot' Parameters ---------- Return ------ string Single string of concatenated ControlFile class attributes with their values ''' import collections attrs = vars(self).copy() attrs = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(attrs.items())) return '\n'.join("%s: %s" % item for item in attrs.items())
[docs] def assign_args_to_control(self, args): '''Overwrites the existing ControlFile instance attributes with the command line arguments. Parameters ---------- args : :obj:`Namespace` Contains the commandline arguments from script/program call. Return ------ ''' # get dictionary of command line parameters and eliminate all # parameters which are None (were not specified) args_dict = vars(args) arguments = {k : args_dict[k] for k in args_dict if args_dict[k] != None} # assign all passed command line arguments to ControlFile instance for k, v in arguments.iteritems(): setattr(self, str(k), v) return
[docs] def assign_envs_to_control(self, envs): '''Assigns the ECMWF environment parameter. Parameters ---------- envs : :obj:`dictionary` of :obj:`strings` Contains the ECMWF environment parameternames "ECUID", "ECGID", "DESTINATION" and "GATEWAY" with its corresponding values. They were read from the file "ECMWF_ENV". Return ------ ''' for k, v in envs.iteritems(): setattr(self, str(k).lower(), str(v)) return
[docs] def check_conditions(self, queue): '''Checks a couple of necessary attributes and conditions, such as if they exist and contain values. Otherwise set default values. Parameters ---------- queue : :obj:`string` Name of the queue if submitted to the ECMWF servers. Used to check if ecuid, ecgid, gateway and destination are set correctly and are not empty. Return ------ ''' from import my_error import numpy as np # check for having at least a starting date # otherwise program is not allowed to run if not self.start_date: print('start_date specified neither in command line nor \ in CONTROL file ' + self.controlfile) print('Try "' + sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1] + ' -h" to print usage information') sys.exit(1) # retrieve just one day if end_date isn't set if not self.end_date: self.end_date = self.start_date # basetime has only two possible values if self.basetime: if int(self.basetime) != 0 and int(self.basetime) != 12: print('Basetime has an invalid value!') print('Basetime = ' + str(self.basetime)) sys.exit(1) # assure consistency of levelist and level # up-to-date available maximum level numbers at ECMWF, 05.10.2018 max_level_list = [16, 19, 31, 40, 50, 60, 62, 91, 137] if not self.levelist and not self.level: print('Warning: neither levelist nor level \ specified in CONTROL file') sys.exit(1) elif not self.levelist and self.level: self.levelist = '1/to/' + self.level elif (self.levelist and not self.level) or \ (self.levelist[-1] != self.level[-1]): self.level = self.levelist.split('/')[-1] else: pass # check if max level is a valid level if int(self.level) not in max_level_list: print('ERROR: ') print('LEVEL must be the maximum level of a specified ' 'level list from ECMWF, e.g.') print('[16, 19, 31, 40, 50, 60, 62, 91 or 137]') print('Check parameter "LEVEL" or the max level of "LEVELIST"!') sys.exit(1) # if area was provided (only from commandline) # decompose area into its 4 components if self.area: components = self.area.split('/') # convert float to integer coordinates if '.' in self.area: components = [str(int(float(item) * 1000)) for i, item in enumerate(components)] self.upper, self.left, self.lower, self.right = components # prepare step list if "/" signs are found if '/' in self.step: steps = self.step.split('/') if 'to' in self.step.lower() and 'by' in self.step.lower(): ilist = np.arange(int(steps[0]), int(steps[2]) + 1, int(steps[4])) self.step = ['{:0>3}'.format(i) for i in ilist] elif 'to' in self.step.lower() and 'by' not in self.step.lower(): my_error(self.mailfail, self.step + ':\n' + 'if "to" is used in steps parameter, \ please use "by" as well') else: self.step = steps # if maxstep wasn't provided # search for it in the "step" parameter if not self.maxstep: self.maxstep = 0 for s in self.step: if int(s) > self.maxstep: self.maxstep = int(s) else: self.maxstep = int(self.maxstep) # set root scripts since it is needed later on if not self.flexpart_root_scripts: self.flexpart_root_scripts = self.ecmwfdatadir if not self.outputdir: self.outputdir = self.inputdir if not isinstance(self.mailfail, list): if ',' in self.mailfail: self.mailfail = self.mailfail.split(',') elif ' ' in self.mailfail: self.mailfail = self.mailfail.split() else: self.mailfail = [self.mailfail] if not isinstance(self.mailops, list): if ',' in self.mailops: self.mailops = self.mailops.split(',') elif ' ' in self.mailops: self.mailops = self.mailops.split() else: self.mailops = [self.mailops] if queue in _config.QUEUES_LIST and \ not self.gateway or not self.destination or \ not self.ecuid or not self.ecgid: print('\nEnvironment variables GATEWAY, DESTINATION, ECUID and \ ECGID were not set properly!') print('Please check for existence of file "ECMWF_ENV" in the \ python directory!') sys.exit(1) if self.request != 0: marsfile = os.path.join(self.inputdir, _config.FILE_MARS_REQUESTS) if os.path.isfile(marsfile): silent_remove(marsfile) # check all logical variables for data type # if its a string change to integer for var in self.logicals: if not isinstance(getattr(self, var), int): setattr(self, var, int(getattr(self, var))) if self.public and not self.dataset: print('ERROR: ') print('If public mars data wants to be retrieved, ' 'the "dataset"-parameter has to be set in the control file!') sys.exit(1) if not isinstance(self.type, list): self.type = [self.type] for i, val in enumerate(self.type): if self.type[i] == 'AN' and int(self.step[i]) != 0: print('Analysis retrievals must have STEP = 0 (is set to 0)') self.type[i] = 0 if not isinstance(self.time, list): self.time = [self.time] if not isinstance(self.step, list): self.step = [self.step] if not self.acctype: print('... Control paramter ACCTYPE was not defined.') try: if len(self.type) > 1 and self.type[1] != 'AN': print('Use old setting by using TYPE[1] for flux forecast!') self.acctype = self.type[1] except: print('Use default value "FC" for flux forecast!') self.acctype='FC' if not self.acctime: print('... Control paramter ACCTIME was not defined.') print('Use default value "00/12" for flux forecast!') self.acctime='00/12' if not self.accmaxstep: print('... Control paramter ACCMAXSTEP was not defined.') print('Use default value "12" for flux forecast!') self.accmaxstep='12' return
[docs] def check_install_conditions(self): '''Checks a couple of necessary attributes and conditions for the installation such as if they exist and contain values. Otherwise set default values. Parameters ---------- Return ------ ''' if self.install_target and \ self.install_target not in ['local', 'ecgate', 'cca']: print('ERROR: unknown or missing installation target ') print('target: ', self.install_target) print('please specify correct installation target ' + '(local | ecgate | cca)') print('use -h or --help for help') sys.exit(1) if self.install_target and self.install_target != 'local': if not self.ecgid or not self.ecuid or \ not self.gateway or not self.destination: print('Please enter your ECMWF user id and group id as well ' + 'as the \nname of the local gateway and the ectrans ' + 'destination ') print('with command line options --ecuid --ecgid \ --gateway --destination') print('Try "' + sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1] + \ ' -h" to print usage information') print('Please consult ecaccess documentation or ECMWF user \ support for further details') sys.exit(1) if not self.flexpart_root_scripts: self.flexpart_root_scripts = '${HOME}' else: self.flexpart_root_scripts = self.flexpart_root_scripts else: # local if not self.flexpart_root_scripts: self.flexpart_root_scripts = _config.PATH_FLEXEXTRACT_DIR return
[docs] def to_list(self): '''Just generates a list of strings containing the attributes and assigned values except the attributes "_expanded", "exedir", "ecmwfdatadir" and "flexpart_root_scripts". Parameters ---------- Return ------ l : :obj:`list` A sorted list of the all ControlFile class attributes with their values except the attributes "_expanded", "exedir", "ecmwfdatadir" and "flexpart_root_scripts". ''' import collections attrs = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(vars(self).copy().items())) l = list() for item in attrs.items(): if '_expanded' in item[0]: pass elif 'exedir' in item[0]: pass elif 'flexpart_root_scripts' in item[0]: pass elif 'ecmwfdatadir' in item[0]: pass else: if isinstance(item[1], list): stot = '' for s in item[1]: stot += s + ' ' l.append("%s %s" % (item[0], stot)) else: l.append("%s %s" % item) return sorted(l)