#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Comparison of the created MARS requests of two flex_extract versions. There will be comparisons for the given standard control files in the "Controls" - directory. The result of the comparison is stored in the "Log" - directory with an individual timestamp in the format %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S. (E.g. log_2018-11-23_12-42-29) The MARS request files are named such that it contains the name of the corresponding control files ".csv" (e.g. EA5_mr.csv). They are stored in the corresponding version directory and have the same name in both versions. The script should be called like: python test_cmp_mars_requests.py Note ---- The MARS request files from the older version have to be in place already. The request files of the new/current version will be generated automatically with the "run_local.sh" script. It is necessary to have a directory named after the version number of flex_extract. For example: "7.0.3" and "7.1". Licence: -------- (C) Copyright 2014-2019. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Example ------- python test_cmp_mars_requests.py 7.0.4 7.1 """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MODULES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os import sys import pandas as pd import subprocess import shutil from datetime import datetime sys.path.append('../../../Source/Python') import _config from Mods.tools import init128 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FUNCTION # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_mr_column_equality(mr_old, mr_new): '''Check if old and new version of MARS requests have the same amount of columns. If the number is not equal and/or the column names are not equal an error message is stored in global variable "err_msg". Parameters ---------- mr_old : :obj:`pandas DataFrame` Contains the mars requests from the old version of flex_extract. mr_new : :obj:`pandas DataFrame` Contains the mars requests from the new version of flex_extract. Return ------ bool True if successful, False otherwise. ''' global err_msg if (len(mr_old.columns.values) == len(mr_new.columns.values) and sorted(mr_old.columns.values) == sorted(mr_new.columns.values)): return True else: err_msg = 'Unequal number and/or column names!\n' return False def test_mr_number_equality(mr_old, mr_new): '''Check if old and new version have the same number of requests. If the number is not equal an error message is stored in global variable "err_msg". Parameters ---------- mr_old : :obj:`pandas DataFrame` Contains the mars requests from the old version of flex_extract. mr_new : :obj:`pandas DataFrame` Contains the mars requests from the new version of flex_extract. Return ------ bool True if successful, False otherwise. ''' global err_msg if len(mr_new.index) == len(mr_old.index): return True else: err_msg = 'Unequal number of mars requests!\n' return False def test_mr_content_equality(mr_old, mr_new): '''Check if old and new version have the same request contents. If the content in a column is not equal an error message is stored in global variable "err_msg", recording the column. Parameters ---------- mr_old : :obj:`pandas DataFrame` Contains the mars requests from the old version of flex_extract. mr_new : :obj:`pandas DataFrame` Contains the mars requests from the new version of flex_extract. Return ------ bool True if successful, False otherwise. ''' global err_msg lresult = None columns = list(mr_new.columns.values) del columns[columns.index('target')] mr_new = trim_all_columns(mr_new) mr_old = trim_all_columns(mr_old) for col in columns: if mr_new[col].equals(mr_old[col]): lresult = True else: err_msg += 'Inconsistency in column: ' + col + '\n' print("THERE SEEMS TO BE AN ERROR:") print("CONTENT OF NEW VERSION:") print(mr_new[col]) print("CONTENT OF OLD VERSION:") print(mr_old[col]) return False return lresult def trim_all_columns(df): """ Trim whitespace from ends of each value across all series in dataframe """ trim_strings = lambda x: x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x return df.applymap(trim_strings) def convert_param_numbers(mr_old): """ Convert the numbers parameter into integers with 3 digits. """ if str(mr_old).strip() != "OFF" and mr_old != None and '/' in str(mr_old) : numbers = mr_old.split('/') number = str(int(numbers[0])).zfill(3)+'/TO/'+str(int(numbers[2])).zfill(3) return number return mr_old def convert_param_step(mr_old): """ For pure forecast with steps greater than 23 hours, the older versions writes out a list of steps instead with the syntax 'to' and 'by'. e.g. 000/003/006/009/012/015/018/021/024/027/030/033/036 Convert this to 0/to/36/by/3 """ #if 'to' in str(mr_old) and 'by' in str(mr_old): # steps = mr_old.split('/') # step = [] # for i in range(int(steps[0]),int(steps[2]),int(steps[4])): # step.append(str(int(i)).zfill(2)) # return '/'.join(step) if not mr_old.isdigit() and 'to' not in mr_old.lower(): if int(mr_old.split('/')[-1]) > 23: steps = mr_old.split('/') dtime = int(steps[1]) - int(steps[0]) nsteps = str(int(steps[1]))+'/to/'+str(int(steps[-1]))+'/by/'+str(int(dtime)) return nsteps return mr_old def to_param_id(pars, table): '''Transform parameter names to parameter ids with ECMWF grib table 128. Parameters ---------- pars : str Addpar argument from CONTROL file in the format of parameter names instead of ids. The parameter short names are sepearted with "/" and they are passed as one single string. table : dict Contains the ECMWF grib table 128 information. The key is the parameter number and the value is the short name of the parameter. Return ------ ipar : list of int List of addpar parameters from CONTROL file transformed to parameter ids in the format of integer. ''' if not pars: return [] if not isinstance(pars, str): pars=str(pars) cpar = pars.upper().split('/') spar = [] for par in cpar: par = par.strip() for k, v in table.items(): if par.isdigit(): par = str(int(par)).zfill(3) if par == k or par == v: spar.append(k + '.128') break else: print('\n\Warning: par ' + par + ' not found in table 128\n\n”') return '/'.join(str(l) for l in spar) if __name__ == '__main__': # basic values for paths and versions control_path = 'Controls' log_path = 'Log' old_dir = sys.argv[1] # e.g. '7.0.4' new_dir = sys.argv[2] # e.g. '7.1' mr_filename = 'mars_requests.csv' # have to be set to "True" in the beginnning # so it only fails if a test fails lfinal = True # prepare log file for this test run currenttime = datetime.now() time_str = currenttime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') logfile = os.path.join(log_path, 'log_' + time_str) with open(logfile, 'a') as f: f.write('Compare mars requests between version ' + old_dir + ' and version ' + new_dir + ' : \n') # list all controlfiles controls = os.listdir(control_path) # loop over controlfiles for c in controls: # empty error message for every controlfile err_msg = '' # start flex_extract with controlfiles to get mars_request files shutil.copy(os.path.join(control_path,c), _config.PATH_CONTROLFILES) subprocess.check_output(['run_local.sh', new_dir, c]) os.remove(os.path.join(_config.PATH_CONTROLFILES,c)) # cut-of "CONTROL_" string and mv mars_reqeust file # to a name including control specific name mr_name = c.split('CONTROL_')[1] + '.csv' shutil.move(os.path.join(new_dir,mr_filename), os.path.join(new_dir,mr_name)) # read both mr files (old & new) mr_old = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(old_dir, mr_name)) mr_new = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(new_dir, mr_name)) mr_old.columns = mr_old.columns.str.strip() mr_new.columns = mr_new.columns.str.strip() # convert names in old to ids table128 = init128(_config.PATH_GRIBTABLE) #print mr_old['param'] # some format corrections are necessary to compare older versions with 7.1 mr_old['param'] = mr_old['param'].apply(to_param_id, args=[table128]) mr_old['number'] = mr_old['number'].apply(convert_param_numbers) if '142' in mr_old.loc[0,'param']: # if flux request mr_old.loc[0,'step'] = convert_param_step(mr_old.loc[0,'step']) print('Results: ', c) # do tests on mr files lcoleq = test_mr_column_equality(mr_old, mr_new) lnoeq = test_mr_number_equality(mr_old, mr_new) lcoeq = test_mr_content_equality(mr_old, mr_new) # check results for mr file lfinal = lfinal and lcoleq and lnoeq and lcoeq # write out result to logging file with open(logfile, 'a') as f: if lcoleq and lnoeq and lcoeq: f.write('... ' + c + ' ... OK!' + '\n') else: f.write('... ' + c + ' ... FAILED!' + '\n') if err_msg: f.write('... ' + err_msg + '\n') exit # exit with success or error status if lfinal: sys.exit(0) # 'SUCCESS' else: sys.exit(1) # 'FAIL'