#!/bin/bash # Do the regression tests # can be called without arguments, then will test all cases # or with argument "omithigh" then high-resolution cases are omitted # Copyright Petra Seibert, 2019 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 # you may want to change this export OMP_PLACES=cores export OMP_DISPLAY_ENV=verbose testhome=`pwd` path1=../../../Source/Fortran/ path=../${path1} exedebug=calc_etadot_debug.out exefast=calc_etadot_fast.out hash=$(git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline -n 1 --pretty=format:'%h') exitonfail=true numtest=0 numpassed=0 rm -f log.run_regr failed # loop over all reference runs if [ "$1" = omithigh ]; then # for fast testing, not for production inputs=`ls Inputs | grep -v high` else inputs=`ls Inputs |grep etadothigh` fi for ref in $inputs; do echo 'Working on test case =' $ref | tee -a ../log.run_regr # loop over debug and fast runs for exe in 'debug' 'fast'; do numtest=$((numtest + 1)) failed=false rm -f Work/* # make shure that Work is empty cd Work echo ' Run code version "'${exe}'"' | tee -a ../log.run_regr thisexe=calc_etadot_${exe}.out ln ../Inputs/${ref}/fort.* . ( time ${path}${thisexe} ) >& log # check whether runs completeted properly grep -q CONGRATULATIONS log if [ $? = "0" ]; then echo ' CONGRATULATIONS found' | tee -a ../log.run_regr else echo ' missing CONGRATULATIONS. Test failed.' | tee -a ../log.run_regr echo $ref $exe 'FAILED' >> ${testhome}/failed if [ "${exitonfail}" = true ]; then exit; else failed=true; fi fi for outfile in 'fort.15' 'VERTICAL.EC'; do if [ -e $outfile ]; then # compare reference and current version # omega case also produces fort.25 - need to add this outref='../Outputs/Output_ref_'${ref}'_'${exe}'/'$outfile if cmp -s $outfile $outref >/dev/null; then echo ' '$outfile ' test passed' | tee -a ../log.run_regr else echo 'WARNING:' $outfile ' test failed' | tee -a ../log.run_regr echo $ref $exe 'FAILED' >> ${testhome}/failed if [ "${exitonfail}" = true ]; then exit; else failed=true; fi fi else echo ' missing '${outfile}' Test failed.' | tee -a ../log.run_regr echo $ref $exe 'FAILED' >> ${testhome}/failed if [ "${exitonfail}" = true ]; then exit; else failed=true; fi fi done # end loop outfiles if [ "${failed}" = false ]; then numpassed=$((numpassed + 1)); fi # save and show runtimes log='log' times=$(tail -3 ${log}) real=$(echo $times | grep real | awk '{print $2}') user=$(echo $times | grep user | awk '{print $4}') sys=$( echo $times | grep sys | awk '{print $6}') echo $hash, "'"reference"'", "'"${ref}'_'${exe}"'", ${real}, ${user}, ${sys} >> ../runtimes.csv tail -1 ../runtimes.csv >> log.run_regr cd .. rm Work/* # this is for being more safe done # end of exe loop echo # go to next reference run done # end of ref loop echo echo ' Regression test: ' $numpassed 'out of' $numtest 'tests passed'. \ | tee -a ../log.run_regr echo ' More information may be found in log.run_regr' echo ' Runtimes were added to runtimes.csv under '$hash | tee -a ../log.run_regr # the following code is executed only if exitonfail is not set to 'true'. if [ -e failed ]; then echo echo Some tests failed, see file "failed": echo cat failed|sort -u fi