#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import pytest sys.path.append('../Python') from Classes.ControlFile import ControlFile from Mods.tools import get_cmdline_args class TestInput(): ''' Test class to test the reading of commandline arguments and control file. ''' # ToDo # create more tests for input # 1. nur controlfile reading # 2. check of parameter @classmethod def setup_class(self): # Default values for ArgumentParser self.args = {'start_date':None, 'end_date':None, 'date_chunk':None, 'basetime':None, 'step':None, 'levelist':None, 'area':None, 'inputdir':None, 'outputdir':None, 'flexpart_root_scripts':None, 'ppid':None, 'job_template':'job.temp', 'queue':None, 'controlfile':'CONTROL.test', 'debug':0, } #sys.argv = ['dummy.py', '--start_date=20180101', '--debug=1', # '--step=0/to/11/BY/3', '--area=20./20./0./90.'] sys.argv = ['dummy.py', '--start_date=20180101'] self.args = get_cmdline_args() self.c = ControlFile('../../Testing/Regression/Unit/Testfiles/CONTROL.test') self.c.assign_args_to_control(self.args) self.c.check_conditions() def test_args_reading(self): sys.argv = ['dummy.py', '--start_date=20180101', '--debug=1', '--step=0/to/11/BY/3', '--area=20./20./0./90.'] arguments = get_cmdline_args() args_exp = {'start_date':'20180101', 'end_date':None, 'date_chunk':None, 'basetime':None, 'step':'0/to/11/BY/3', 'levelist':None, 'area':'20./20./0./90.', 'inputdir':None, 'outputdir':None, 'flexpart_root_scripts':None, 'ppid':None, 'job_template':'job.temp', 'queue':None, 'controlfile':'CONTROL.test', 'debug':1, } assert vars(arguments) == args_exp def test_args_assignment(self): import collections # expected parametervalue: exp_dict = { 'accuracy': '16', 'addpar': ['186', '187', '188', '235', '139', '39'], 'area': None, 'basetime': None, 'controlfile': 'CONTROL.test', 'cwc': 0, 'date_chunk': 3, 'debug': 0, 'destination': None, 'dpdeta': '1', 'dtime': '3', 'ecfsdir': 'ectmp:/${USER}/econdemand/', 'ecgid': None, 'ecmwfdatadir': '/raid60/nas/tmc/Anne/Interpolation/flexextract/flexextract/python/../', 'ecstorage': '0', 'ectrans': '1', 'ecuid': None, 'end_date': '20180101', 'eta': '0', 'etadiff': '0', 'etapar': 77, 'exedir': '/raid60/nas/tmc/Anne/Interpolation/flexextract/flexextract/python/../src/', 'expver': '1', 'flexpart_root_scripts': '/raid60/nas/tmc/Anne/Interpolation/flexextract/flexextract/python/../', 'format': 'GRIB1', 'gateway': None, 'gauss': '1', 'grib2flexpart': '0', 'grid': '5000', 'inputdir': '../work', 'job_template': 'job.temp', 'left': '-15000', 'level': '60', 'levelist': '55/to/60', 'lower': '30000', 'mailfail': ['${USER}'], 'mailops': ['${USER}'], 'makefile': None, 'marsclass': 'EI', 'maxstep': 11, 'number': 'OFF', 'omega': '0', 'omegadiff': '0', 'outputdir': '../work', 'prefix': 'EI', 'resol': '63', 'right': '45000', 'smooth': '0', 'start_date': '20180101', 'step': ['00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '00', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '00', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11'], 'stream': 'OPER', 'target': None, 'time': ['00', '00', '00', '00', '00', '00', '06', '00', '00', '00', '00', '00', '12', '12', '12', '12', '12', '12', '18', '12', '12', '12', '12', '12'], 'type': ['AN', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'AN', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'AN', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'AN', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC', 'FC'], 'upper': '75000', 'wrf': 0} exp_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(exp_dict.items())) cdict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(vars(self.c).items())) # remove content which isn't comparable for different users # or different operating systems del cdict['ecfsdir_expanded'] del cdict['mailops_expanded'] del cdict['mailfail_expanded'] #print 'cdict\n', cdict #print 'exp_dict\n', exp_dict #assert cdict == exp_dict assert cdict == exp_dict return @classmethod def teardown_class(self): return