************************* The job script ``job.ksh`` ************************* The job script is a Korn-shell script which will be created at runtime for each ``flex_extract`` execution in the application modes **remote** and **gateway**. It is based on the ``job.temp`` template file stored in the ``Templates`` directory. This template is generated in the installation process from a ``job.template`` template file. ``Flex_extract`` uses the Python package `genshi `_ to generate the Korn-shell script from the template files by substituting the individual parameters. These individual parameters are marked by ``$$`` in ``job.temp``. The job script has a number of settings for the batch system which are fixed, and differentiates between the *ecgate* and the *cca/ccb* server system to load the necessary modules for the environment when submitted to the batch queue. The submission is done by the ``ECaccess`` tool from within ``flex_extract`` with the command ``ecaccess-job-submit``. What does the job script do? --------------------------- #. It sets necessary batch system parameters. #. It prepares the job environment at the ECMWF servers by loading the necessary library modules. #. It sets some environment variables for the single session. #. It creates the directory structure in the user's ``$SCRATCH`` file system. #. It creates a CONTROL file on the ECMWF servers whith the parameters set before creating the ``jobscript.ksh``. ``Flex_extract`` has a set of parameters which are passed to the job script with their default or the user-defined values. It also sets ``CONTROL`` as an environment variable. #. ``Flex_extract`` is started from within the ``work`` directory of the new directory structure by calling the ``submit.py`` script. It sets new paths for input and output directories and the recently generated ``CONTROL`` file. #. At the end, it checks whether the script has returned an error or not, and emails the log file to the user. Example ``jobscript.ksh`` ------------------------- .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/ksh # ON ECGB: # start with ecaccess-job-submit -queueName ecgb NAME_OF_THIS_FILE on gateway server # start with sbatch NAME_OF_THIS_FILE directly on machine #SBATCH --workdir=/scratch/ms/at/km4a #SBATCH --qos=normal #SBATCH --job-name=flex_ecmwf #SBATCH --output=flex_ecmwf.%j.out #SBATCH --error=flex_ecmwf.%j.out #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL #SBATCH --time=12:00:00 ## CRAY specific batch requests ##PBS -N flex_ecmwf ##PBS -q np ##PBS -S /usr/bin/ksh ## -o /scratch/ms/at/km4a/flex_ecmwf.${PBS_JOBID}.out ## job output is in .ecaccess_DO_NOT_REMOVE ##PBS -j oe ##PBS -V ##PBS -l EC_threads_per_task=24 ##PBS -l EC_memory_per_task=32000MB set -x export VERSION=7.1 case ${HOST} in *ecg*) module unload grib_api module unload eccodes module unload python module unload emos module load python3 module load eccodes/2.12.0 module load emos/455-r64 export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/flex_extract_v7.1/Source/Python ;; *cca*) module unload python module switch PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel module load python3 module load eccodes/2.12.0 module load emos export SCRATCH=${TMPDIR} export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/flex_extract_v7.1/Source/Python ;; esac cd ${SCRATCH} mkdir -p python$$ cd python$$ export CONTROL=CONTROL cat >${CONTROL}< prot 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then l=0 for muser in `grep -i MAILOPS ${CONTROL}`; do if [ ${l} -gt 0 ] ; then mail -s flex.${HOST}.$$ ${muser}